Alcohol Help

Help! I do very well logging and working out (4-5 times during the week) but then comes Friday night. I continue to log but then comes almost 1,500 calories in booze. Yes, I may have an issue with the alcohol content, but if I log and manage to stay under or around my goal, is this really derailing my entire week? I know different drinks carry different carbs and sugars but does this really effect the bottom line if it's the same calrie content? Also, I've been going strong almost a month, and I FEEL different but the scale barely budges. Any thoughts?


  • belgarath64
    belgarath64 Posts: 125 Member
    Log every drink, if you are under your calorie limit than you are good, but try and cut back to get more nutrition in, or get a lot of exercise in to make more calorie room to have a few drinks.
  • sarahbrown1028
    sarahbrown1028 Posts: 1 Member
    I did a couple of things to help with this, both were easy and kept the weight loss from stalling. I tried to find the the most "diet" type of liqour in my budget. I found several vodkas, some with flavor were very diet friendly. I would mix them with tonic and lime. Occasionally I would do whiskey and diet coke or a few beers, but that was a treat. I found that all the sweet mixed drinks and beer had to be cut or else it would was going to take longer to lose.I also packed on the protein the day of drinking, but through food sources not supplements. If I was going to have more than a 3 drinks I would stick to fish and veggies, boiled eggs, etc for my meals. This left a little wiggle room for the extra calories I was going to drink. The fact of the letter is that alcohol has carbs & calories, and most drinks are not diet friendly. But you can drink and diet, it just might take some modifications to find what works with your diet.
  • Monarose
    Monarose Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks. Definitely, first thing I did was let go of the sweet malt beers, like hard ice tea and flavored stuff. Found they were around 400 calories per can. Still having trouble not losing my inhibitions and having those extra 2 am cookies, but trying to keep as diligent as possible. :)