Valkmer2 Member


  • Everyone plateaus at points in their journey. If what you have been doing has been working, stick with it and it will start working again. Otherwise, if you've made any changes/loosened up what you're doing, examine those changes and see if you need to tweak them. Either way, be patient and stay strong!
  • That is awesome! It's nice to hear when people are feeling good about themselves and what they are doing. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
  • I can't run anymore either (no cartilage left in my knees or ankles). If you belong to a gym, the rower and stationary bikes are good options. If you have an actual bicycle, use it in the real world. Swimming is another great option, though I can't fit it into my life right now.
  • You need to figure out how to untie your eating habits from your emotions. I would say start with some therapy, both for your eating habits and for the depression that I suspect makes them so hard to change (I say this as someone with lifelong depression). You are the one who needs to live your life. Figure out why you're…
  • You can do this. Once you start taking in fewer calories than you're using, you will lose weight. It will take time and you've got to be sure to record every single thing that goes into your mouth (aside from water and air). But CICO (calories in/calories out) is a clear way to long-term success. Be patient - nothing is…
    in Weight Comment by Valkmer2 March 2017
  • You've got to untie your emotions from your eating habits (easier said than done, I know). If it takes therapy, get therapy. For me, I've discovered that my way to feeling better emotionally is to exercise more instead of eating more. Even when I'm sad, it will make me immediately happier. Endorphins are way better for…
  • They say abs are made in the kitchen, meaning it's less about working out and more about your diet. If you're tracking the calories accurately and burning more than you're taking in, you will lose fat all over. If you happen to have more stored in your belly than elsewhere, it'll take longer for that loss to show. Be…
    in Advice!! Comment by Valkmer2 March 2017
  • I eat some of mine back if I feel hungry, not if I don't. I tend to look at it more as a cushion I can fall back on if I need/want to eat more than my usual.
    in What if? Comment by Valkmer2 March 2017
  • I used to get hangry, but that stopped for me once I cut out aspartame. I miss my Diet Coke, but my friends and family do not miss my blood-sugar related moodiness. I also have found that I don't get snacky/hungry as much as I used to.
    in Hangry? Comment by Valkmer2 March 2017
  • Don't forget that what you drink goes into your calorie count as well. That's often easy to overlook.
  • I'm going to agree with what ABabilonia said. Dieting is a temporary thing - once you're done with it, you go right back to the habits that made you unhappy in the first place. For me, what's been working is more of a sort of 80/20 paleo lifestyle (basically, avoiding most processed foods). I've been amazed at how protein…
  • Welcome to day 1 - you can do this! I'm not on here consistently enough to friend anyone, but I do support you and believe in you. I'm not going to say "Good Luck" because you are going to make your own luck by making good decisions. Now go make yourself proud!