
I have over 100 lbs to lose . I have back problems and was told taking of weight would help . I thought I would try again to lose some. My goal is to go from 315 to at least 250 if not lower . I will never get rid of my back problem so I need to try and do what I can to help it some. It is hard not being able to work now as well because that kept me moveing more until that was bothering me as well. I have tried to lose weight so many times and I always gain what I lost and more since I quite smoking . Sometimes I think I was Healthier when I was smoking. Well that is a little bit about me . So I can us any and all help to make it through this.


  • Valkmer2
    Valkmer2 Posts: 12 Member
    You can do this. Once you start taking in fewer calories than you're using, you will lose weight. It will take time and you've got to be sure to record every single thing that goes into your mouth (aside from water and air). But CICO (calories in/calories out) is a clear way to long-term success. Be patient - nothing is going to change overnight, but be confident. If you stick to using more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.