

  • As a fellow alcohol lover (wine is my weakness), I am guessing your stomach not being flat is probably due to the alcohol consumption. I can't even lose weight unless I stop drinking wine, let alone get a flat stomach. Alcohol does have a tendency to cause a flabby stomach - don't know why, but the idea of a "beer belly"…
  • I have found L.L.Bean jeans that fit my body - they are stretchy but real denim - the waist stretches as well, which I really need because I have similar issues (big waist). I buy the petite size 18 and they work for me. I'm 5 feet and currently weigh about 166 and they are starting to get a tiny bit looser, which is…
  • Another Jersey girl here. I joined on January 3rd I think it was and have lost 6 lbs. so far. Another 30-ish left to go. I'm in Essex County! Welcome!
  • I think at our short heights we can do well on 1200 calories a day. I am not hungry at all and easily stay at 1200 if I cut back on the carbs and don't drink alcohol. The key is to snack between meals so that your body doesn't go into that starvation mode. I love those little mandarin oranges or clementines for a snack, or…
  • Don't worry about what other people think about you.
  • Keep an eye on how much sodium you're getting as well. That can cause water retention. Ethnic foods like Japanese may have a lot of sodium, especially if you use soy sauce with it. If you are making it yourself, count each ingredient separately as someone else suggested it; if you are eating out try to cut back on it…
  • I agree with the rest - if you are staying under your sodium goal for the day then it's OK to eat these for lunch. Pick the healthier ones like Healthy Choice or Amy's (Amy's are all organic and have some interesting ethnic varieties to choose from).
  • I agree with everyone else - natural sugar from fruit isn't a problem if you keep within your calorie goals. I love those little clementine or mandarin oranges you can get this time of year. I've been popping those as a snack or dessert whenever I feel a need for something sweet. They're small so don't add many calories -…
  • I'm 5 feet tall and started at 172 lbs. Have lost 4 lbs. so far since January 3. Good to meet other shorties like myself. I am 61 and the pounds don't come off as easily as they did when I was much younger!
  • I'm new to MFP but am an old Weight Watchers dropout. I have lost weight every time I put my mind to it but unfortunately the last 4 or 5 years I just haven't even tried. I am hoping to finally do something about it and get back some energy!
  • Thanks Cathy! Was bad over the weekend (wine!) so today am having a green smoothie for lunch. Hope all that kale will add some fiber! Tonight, NO wine.
  • Stick to non-processed foods. Processed foods have a lot of sodium and even if the calories aren't that bad, the sodium makes you retain water and makes it harder to lose.
  • I fell off the wagon over the weekend. Friday night I "allowed" myself to have wine with dinner because we went out. Saturday night I didn't drink. Sunday night I caved and had a glass and a half of red wine (based on the 5 oz. serving size). I didn't feel that bad about that because I kept under my calories for the day.…
  • Hi, 61 here and have 35 lbs. to lose to get down to a decent healthy weight (not my ideal weight because at 61 I don't think I would look good at the weight I was in college when I was 40 years younger!). I have lost 4 lbs. so far and already feel better. I am in this for health/energy reasons, although of course looking…
  • If you are eating any processed foods try to cut them out and eat whole foods instead. For instance Eggbeaters have almost 500 mg. of sodium but real eggs not much at all. Sodium can contribute to water weight gain.
  • I was doing quite well resisting alcohol all week until Friday when we went out to eat. Had two glasses of red wine but didn't go over my calories for the day. Was alcohol-free on Saturday, and had just 1-1/2 glasses of wine Sunday. But last night I blew it so I am up for joining a 2-week no-alcohol pledge. I have lost 4…
  • I treat myself to wine with dinner if we go out but I try to keep within my calories for the day or only just over.
  • I "only" have to lose about 40 lbs. to get down to the weight I want to be (I could go lower but first I want to see if I can maintain the loss of 40 lbs.) I am short so for me 40 lbs. is quite difficult! I have tried to lose this weight many times. So I hope you don't mind me friending you even though I don't need to lose…
  • Wrong too high or wrong too low? I am eating 1200 a day (I am 5 feet tall and weighed 172 when I started) and I have lost 4 lbs. in about 2 weeks. I am not active.
  • I have had high blood pressure for a number of years now (am on medication) but found thanks to MFP that I actually do not tend to go over the sodium limit - in fact, since I've been keeping track it was usually under. So I switched to tracking fiber - and boy do I need more of that! I am always way under on fiber. I know…
  • Also, on weekends I like a good breakfast with eggs, etc., so I usually skip lunch except maybe for an orange or some other piece of fruit. During the week I either have fruit or a veggie/fruit smoothie for breakfast and then eat a more substantial lunch. So far it's been working for me, I'm down 4 lbs. since the first…
  • I was actually a pretty,shall we say, enthusiastic drinker of alcohol before going on MyFitnessPal. I liked my wine and usually drank it every day. I find it is actually relatively easy to stick to my daily calorie goal of 1200 calories as long as I don't drink wine. If I only had one glass it would be OK, but once I start…
  • I have a couple of cookbooks I bought for it. I kind of try to follow pieces of it... use olive oil whenever I cook anything rather than other types of oil or butter, try to eat fish frequently, lots of vegetables, and some red wine (have had to cut back on the wine though to lose weight!).
  • Fabulous! Very inspirational! You look GREAT!
  • Had lentil soup for lunch. 8 g of fiber! Yay!
  • I was going to change my carb goal but decided to leave it alone because then I had to change all the percentages and I was afraid that would mess things up. I figure I will just keep an eye on the carbs and not go over 70. I have been pretty good about keeping to about that level anyway so far. I also found I could change…
  • I have joined a "gentle yoga" class targeted to people my age (older) and not very in-shape; the instructor uses a chair to do some of the poses so it is less hard on people's backs and necks, etc. I have a tape somewhere for seniors that I thought I might use at home. (I am 61 and figured it would be gentle like the class…
  • Oh good, that is helpful to know. I didn't realize I could change them. I will do that too!
  • This was hilarious.