eqp1 Member


  • thanks everyone :)
  • Did the class help with weight/fat loss in you're experience?
  • Thanks will try this
    in Help! Comment by eqp1 February 2015
  • Don't make to many huge lifestyle changes at once because it may be hard to stick to. Instead of reducing the foods you're able to eat, add more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to you're diet. These foods will fill you up for less calories and hopefully leave you wanting less unhealthy processed foods. Good Luck
  • maybe try making omelettes to mix it up, adding spinach peppers and tomatoes for example :) or else avocado on toast.
  • I get this sometimes too after binge eating but once you clean up you're diet a little bit you will notice you're body feeling more normal and working better. After binging I find the next day the best thing to do is start the day with hot lemon water and drink lots of herbal teas to help with the bloating; as well as…
  • make a list of you're goals and set a realistic time frame to reach these goals. Also in terms of exercise join a gym and try out classes until you find one you like and make it a part of you're weekly routine to attend the class. You will also probably enjoy the social aspect of attending gym classes because it allows you…