
Hi all just a quick introduction I am a serial yo-yo dieter due to my fluctuations in motivation for both exercise and healthy diet. Summer and leading up to summer I am always extremely motivated and the past two summers i have lost a considerable amount of weight; then when winter comes around I have S.A.D and lose all motivation, and my diet and exercise habits go out the window. I know it happens but just finding a way to get back to a 'normal' healthy weight. I have weighed between 7st 13 and 10st 4 in the past 5 months. I know this is not healthy to fluctuate this much but I always let life have an affect on my weight by also having a number of binge eating episodes. Anyway usually I find it easy to drop down to a normal weight after eating well and exercise but this time it's a bit more difficult and I'm worried that I have messed up my body so much that I can never get back to be the size I am most comfortable and confident with! Any tips on how to speed up metabolism and help kickstart weight loss and also tips on how to maintain you're goal weight would be much appreciated; thanks for reading :)


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    To speed up metabolism, exercise more. The CDC recommends 90 minutes a day for weight loss.
  • eqp1
    eqp1 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks will try this
  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    To speed up metabolism, exercise more. The CDC recommends 90 minutes a day for weight loss.

    90 minutes? Egad. CDC doesn't realize a lot of people have lives and obligations. 90 min/7 days a week is not a necessity for weightloss.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    90 minutes a day is great for the body, I'm sure, but it's a big time and energy commitment. Since you know you have a problem with yo-yoing, it might make more sense to start with 30 minutes, and work up gradually rather than plunge into the huge commitment. Get outside when you can--take a walk around the block if nothing else, even if you end up doing the "real" exercise indoors--and it'll kick your SAD in its booty. (Fellow sufferer here. This is how I survive New England winters.) Once you've got the exercise habit established again, you can build up your time if you desire.

    Weigh and measure your food and don't try to lose the weight too fast. With the goal I'm seeing on your profile, a 1/2 a week loss is healthy and you'll be less tempted to binge because it's easier to make room for an occasional treat.