"You can do it!!"
I got your back..add me if you want!
Grilled salmon with spinach salad or egg and tuna
Good for you!! If you need workout tips and stuff, i can help! Add me if you like.
Me too..but now I'll have sweets maybe once a week maybe!!
Add me...I'm more consumed toned but in the process looking to drop 20 more. Down from 300 to 255.
I could use some tips man! Trying to drop 20 more I've hit that plateau.
Maryland here!!! #dowork #lift #loosenit
Lets do work ladies...I'm down 45lbs..20 more to go!
Prove them wrong. I've been on my journey for 2yrs and counting. I've lost 45lbs and looking to drop my last 20lbs. You can do it!!
progress makes the heart grow fonder
What are your goals?
Tip #1: hardest part is getting up and going to the gym.
If you have garmin device I maybe able to help.