Looking for motivators!

Hello! My name is Kristin, I'm 27 and I am relatively new to MFP. I have tried it before but didnt' succeed. This time I have been more motived than ever to lose this pesky baby weight but recently I feel like my motivation is on a steady decline again. I need some friends that will push me every day and give me helpful tips and diet advice because I am starting to get beyond frustrated! :explode:

I've been exercising and dieting for a total of 12 weeks now but only started using MFP in the past few days due to advise from a friend who is having great results with it! I have lost a toal of 7 lbs so far and would like to lose 5-10 more but I'm mostly concerned with toning up and losing the jiggle!

I have to be in a bathing suit in May and I'm starting to get worried that I wont hit my goals before then. I am ready to get some self confidence back! Anyone that feels that they can help me please please feel free to add me. :smile:


  • 2013mickey
    I feel your pain! I have more to lose but I'd love to be more bathing suit ready and motivation seems to be a common problem. Help me stay motivated, and I'll help you! :-)
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Add away! Current fat guy~
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    ADD ME!!!!! I'll help you in any way I can!! I love motivating people and Im pretty darn good at it!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im not good to have as a friend unless you want like... painful truths.

    1. Forget motivation and work on your self discipline. Its not about finding the WANT, it's about doing it when you DONT WANT and CANT WANT. It's doing it because if you dont, you must not be serious about those results you want.
  • mxokoye21
    Add me...I'm more consumed toned but in the process looking to drop 20 more. Down from 300 to 255.
  • forrosalie
    Add me :-)
  • johnbottcher89
    Add me and we can challenge each other to achievement our goals!
  • johnbottcher89
    Damn u autocorrect : achieve
  • trixie1823
    Add me! I'm new to MFP like just started today and I need motivators to help lose this baby weight!!