Carbs only turn into permanent stored fat when you eat over your maintenance calories
I would suggest doing your research on lean bulking rather than dirty bulking and just end up getting fat
You seem like you got it down pat pretty so theres only about three i might be able to suggest here. 1) you can try intermittent fasting, its helped many people break through plateuas. 2) maybe try a diet break of eating 1-200 calories above maintenance for a while maybe a week if youve been very strict for quite a while,…
Used to be to not be the fat guy but the motivation started coming from purely seeing progress, if im not moving forward somehow its like having an itch lol
Well theres the undeniable fact that instead of looking good, you feel way better, be healthier, have more energy, be uplifted, life is generally just way better, even if its already good.
I just hit that spot, currently in the middle of a "mini bulk" eating a couple hundred calories above maintenance untill my body doesnt feel like its been on a deficit for a long time, then back into the grind
Its all a mental game untill you can get yourself into a groove and start enjoying the lifestyle change, maybe when it comes up have a glass of water or cup of coffee/tea to suppress the apetite
If its helping you out keep on it, being a pill still has an appetite suppressing effect, same as drinking a cup of coffee or glass or of water
Yup the bigger a person is the bigger the fluctuation can be, absolutely nothing to be concerned about as long as your hitting your caloric deficit numbers. It can be between say 300-310 one week but since your losing weight it could look like 295-305. Just keep on it, the results WILL come, cheers
A good mix of scales, measurements and mirrors for me
Protein is king! Especially if your lifting
Im currently on my last 20 pounds before i start bulking ill add you up!
Well you got your shoulder presses and your good ol bicep curls and variety of tricep extensions
Good ol alberta
Im in the fitness game for life add me up!
Ill add you up!
First off its impossible to spot target certain areas of the body when it comes to fatloss, it will be burned equally around the whole body unless you have a unique genetic disposition to lose it in a certain spot first. Second it is also possible to not eat enough which can do bad to your metabolism. Third, it takes time,…
Yup log absolutely everything it helps keep you accountable and on track, also keep everything moderate and remember that its gonna take time, but the sooner you start, the sooner you see results, for me it was seeing the results that kept me going rather than thinking about the end game. Progress is key
What have always done is with single arm or leg exercises is start with my weak side first and then do the same amount of reps with my strong side even if i can rep out one or two more and its kept me balanced out pretty well
For weight loss i would say heavy with less reps because then your body needs extra energy for the next 24-48 hours to help rebuild the muscle, where as light weight with higher reps would be leaning more towards cardio and endurance where the muscle isnt really schocked as much.
If youve never exersized before it could be losing fat and gaining muscle, leaving you at a steady weight(the mirror will tell you that one). Also the daily goal is just a guideline, being everyones different you could still be eating over what your body needs, if thats the case i would suggest dropping calories by 3-500…