caiti12 Member


  • I like the "its not a race, once I'm there, I'm there."
  • I have a 4 year old and 15 month old but I weigh myself on Wednesdays so I'm adding myself to this group. Hope you do not mind. Starting weight: 245 Goal: 145 Current Weight: 235.8 This week I'm down 6 pounds. I have IBS so its likely at least some water weight but I'm still doing a little happy dance. Highs: Getting on…
  • With so few members, can we all weigh in on one or two days instead? Like 0 - 1 year and 1 year plus?
  • I agree, take your picture in general!
  • Hi! I'm 245 pounds. I'm not a runner but use to be a million years ago. I wanted to run a marathon, had started running again & then life happened . . . instead I gained 100 pounds over the past 10 years. Now, I'm 37 and I'd like to run a 1/2 marathon (secretly a full marathon but a 1/2 sounds attainable) when I'm 40. So,…
  • I want to try this. Is there a particular app that is good?
  • Good morning! Does anyone have a favorite bra? I'm still wearing my nursing bra (the one without the underwire) even though I've stopped nursing for a while. I just cannot find something comfortable. By the end of the day something is hurting.
  • I was there with you on no family. I think all moms fantasize about checking themselves into a hotel for at least 8 hours at some point if not weekly :-). Your right it will get better. Also remember everything is harder without sleep so don't push yourself too hard. Sometimes a nap is way more important than exercise. :-)
  • I have 100 to lose myself and could use all the support and inspiration I can get. Please add me as a friend.
  • Good job getting out of the coffe shop with only coffee.
  • I'm starting out low carb.
  • My 4 year old was born in July 2011. I weigh 244 and want to weigh 145. I lost 20 pounds after my daughter was born but gained it all back after we moved and I started a new job (stress eating). I tried weight watchers but didn't like it. The group was filled with 60 year olds at a different place in their lives so perhaps…
  • We have a birthday to attend today. My daughter's friend. It seems my children are the ones with a social calendar. I'll avoid the cake but as this is day 4 of this diet for me, it will be my first time saying no. Wish me luck. Does anyone have a good premade protein drink that I can take to work and not have to make?…
  • The six weeks with your children Dawnie sounds lovely. Going back to work is always a transition.
  • My favorite splurge food is peanut butter and chocolate in any form. One is never enough so it's dangerous right now to have it in my house or anywhere near me. I can eat non chocolate treats in moderation. I am considering trying supplements. I just do not trust anything that's a quick fix. I'm in Arizona. I have a sister…
  • I'm in. Add me as a friend.
  • I've tried several different workout times and the only thing that works for me is 5am. Kids are still asleep or if baby wakes up husband can handle it. But actually getting up is equally tough. When I'm done for the day I feel great. If I miss the morning workout, I try to take the little ones on a walk After dinner.
  • Wifeyolivarez. That is so rough. Do what you've got to do to take care of yourself and your littles.
  • I've been actively trying to lose weight for 3 days. I've tried to lose weight in the past but failed because I always put exercise and eating healthy last. I also haven't quite figured out how to stay positive and diet so I tend to be very critical of myself and I honestly get tired of that voice because otherwise I'm a…
  • Hi! I'm a working mom to a 4 year old and 1 year old. I actually gained weight when I returned to work in addition to weight gain during both pregnancies. I'm lucky to be working part time right now so despite the hit to our budget, I have time to focus a bit on me. I need to lose 100 pounds. I can blame my daughter (4…