daaaaaanielle Member


  • My question centers mainly on timing. I've just started a proper lifting routine (somewhat along the lines of 5x5 but adapted by my trainer) and I'm starting on relatively low weights (for most lifters at least, but they are challenging enough for me - my highest weight starting out is for deadlifting and its 20kg). I've…
  • Is it really a plateau though? It's not uncommon to not lose weight for a couple of weeks then start losing again. Are you tracking any measurements? You might be losing size but not weight.
  • I worked out roughly when the gym I use is quietest and would go then until I felt a bit more confident in myself. It takes a bit of time, but yeah, if you just stick your headphones in and ignore everyone else, eventually you'll feel okay about it!
  • It depends really where you buy a can of "mixed beans". So to recreate it, you could pretty much just throw in whatever beans you feel would fit with the recipe.
  • I really do not get threads like this.
  • I eat a whooooole bunch of pasta and I've been losing, on average, about 1.2lbs a week (I only aim for 0.5-1lb). Certainly pasta is more calorie dense so it's easy to go over if you're not careful when you log it and so on, but it's not the fault of the pasta if someone isn't losing weight. Anyway, back on topic. Buy in…
  • The closest thing I have to a "cheat" day is when I deliberately skip breakfast and eat a light lunch (usually 300 calories or so) in order to have a really big dinner or a big portion of ice cream or lots of Doritos. Or reduce my calories on previous days to account for going over one day. It still comes in under my daily…
  • When I first heard about it, the only situation I could realistically see myself using something like that would be at a festival of some kind. I worked on the bar at a festival a few years back and it was 15 hour shifts. I didn't want to live on festival food for the whole weekend so I had SlimFast shakes with me to make…
  • Depends on what kind of shake. Sometimes I prefer to have a protein shake/smoothie, particularly instead of breakfast. Milk, vanilla protein power and a bunch of fruit whizzed up in a blender can be pretty satisfying and tasty.
  • There was a diet meal replacement thing that got a bit of traction in my work when someone became a seller (can't remember the name of it, but it was along the lines of Herbalife and Shakeology) and I remember looking at the ingredients and some of them were natural diuretics (dandelion, hawthorn, etc) so really a good…
  • the 21 day fix seems reasonable enough I guess, but maybe go with counting calories along with it and make sure you're eating at a deficit? The containers seem like they'd be good for getting an idea about portion sizes and so on so there's not any harm in sticking with it, but counting calories alongside does give you a…
  • You're following a strange train of thought here and I don't think you're really paying attention to what anyone was discussing here. I am not an outlier at the gym in any capacity - I'm on the treadmill running at a relatively slow pace or lifting weights of 15kg which is hardly a weight that's going to impress anyone so…
  • You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would. Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...
  • Unless you're specifically creating some/all of your deficit from exercising (and therefore eating near/at your maintenance), you shouldn't want your exercise calories not to show.
  • Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post. Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully…
  • Anecdotal "it went like this for me" stories are not evidence. The way you presented your original statement implied you were stating it as a fact, not as an anecdote. Stating anecdotes as fact is how a lot of dumb myths get started. Back in the world of actual evidence, those sweeteners are generally regarded as safe…
  • Well if both parties are staring at each other and neither is bothered by it then fine? Like I don't care what people do as long as everyone involved consents. I'd rather the people who like to stare at others stick to staring at each other. But considering that it is near impossible to gauge whether someone is okay with…
  • I have no idea what that is meant to mean. Staring is bad. Glancing and moving on is fine. If two people wanna stare at each other then they can do that. The point is that not everyone is okay with being stared at and so the best option is to not stare at people.
  • Dude, I specifically said there is a difference between looking at someone and staring at someone and that it is specifically staring that makes women uncomfortable, not a glance in our general direction. I also don't recall saying that LITERALLY ALL MEN ARE CHECKING ME OUT. 0/10 for reading comprehension there.…
  • First of all, you said it's your boyfriend's friends. Has/does your boyfriend tell them that it's out of order when they say this stuff? Because if he doesn't, he should be saying so, and if he refuses to because they're his friends, you should strongly reconsider whether or not he's worthy of being your boyfriend. I'm not…
  • Yeah it was just a joke when those guys cornered me when I was leaving as well. I got told that I should "lighten up" because it was just a compliment! Naaaaaaah. Men DO stare at women in the gym and blame it on what we're wearing and it DOES make us immensely uncomfortable, that's why I don't find it funny and you…
  • Are you a fully grown adult human? If so, you have the willpower required to look, acknowledge that somebody looks good, then turn your attention immediately to whatever you're meant to be paying attention to at that moment in time. Regardless of what someone is wearing, you shouldn't be leering at them like a creep.…
  • Yeeeeah, gonna be honest here, for me that's practically #1. I don't care if you're stuck without headphones, I don't wear what I wear to the gym so that you can distract yourself by staring at me like I'm decoration. It makes me feel immensely self concious (at best) and it is not remotely nice. And no I do not care if…
  • When you're just starting, don't worry about speed. Go with whatever speed feels okay for you. As I'm getting into longer runs, I've had to reduce the speed I'm running at in order to get through them - I'm just starting Week 4. And that's fine! So right now, I walk at 3.9mph and "run" (well, jog really) at about 5mph. not…
  • When I first started eating better, I switched to the diet versions of everything that I drank. Now I've pretty much dropped them completely aside from the occasional one when I go out to eat or when I'm staying with family. I don't buy into a lot of the scaremongering DIET SODA DOES ALL THE BAD THINGS crap - any studies…
  • pre-plan eeeeeeeverything but leave a few calories (100-200 for me) to play with during the day. I'm still in the process of working out what foods fill me up and what doesn't so I do find myself getting struck down with hunger during the day if I didn't plan particularly well. That extra buffer leaves me with some…
  • Sorry that's total crap. You don't gain more or lose less by eating within 3 hours of bed time or eating certain foods at certain times.
  • I've seen a lot of people talking about when they move from losing to maintenance and a lot of people seem to gradually move to maintenance, ie increase their goal towards maintenance by 100 calories a week until they get there to ease their body into the change, and this means you should continue to lose weight during…
  • Losing weight isn't a weekly thing - it's long term. One bad week doesn't offset all the other good weeks! I've moved to only weighing myself once a fortnight to avoid seeing little flucutations and so far I've saw it move downwards every time. Some fortnights more than others for sure but downwards is what I want. :)
  • Pre-log your day to include a snack later on at night and try and eat your dinner later on. I've found those to be the biggest help for me to avoid going over my calories for the day. Depending on when I end up having dinner and going to sleep, I sometimes end up not eating my snack.