A little advice please...

Anyone do or doing the 21 Day Fix? I'm a little stuck and looking for advice. I did the 21 day fix for one cycle, and the last week was not so hot. It's a bit hard to fit "into real life" if you will. I think it has definitely made me more aware of portions and healthy eating habits, but parties happen, life happens, and to be honest, the planning of my dinners does not always happen.

If you have done the 21 Day Fix do you suggest to someone to just stick with it and officially make it a lifestyle change and count those little containers forever? Or do you think it's better to eat those same kinds of foods but count calories with them? Today would be my Day 1 of the second cycle but I didn't truthfully count my containers.

Just looking for some input here and suggestions. I've looked other places but I feel like My Fitness Pal truly has some of the best message boards out there!

Thanks in advance!


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I only know a few people who have used it, but they swear by it. I looked at it and it seems like WAY too much trouble for me!
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    edited June 2015
    I don't follow any plan, I eat what I want, when I want, weigh all my food and log accurately, hitting my calorie goal. Following these simple steps I lose consistently. This, in my opinion is the best way to lose weight over a long period of time. It's not only effective but also sustainable which is by far the most important thing to me.

    Yes, parties happen. Last time I was on here I complained I wasn't losing consistently, I was putting in so much effort. I then blew it on the weekends.

    I decided I was more bothered about my physique and health than I was getting smashed on weekends (and I live in the capital of Scotland so LOTS of clubs, bars and the like, so much variety.)

    You choose your priorities, it depends what you want in life. Choose what will make you happy.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Why not just eat at a deficit?
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    the 21 day fix seems reasonable enough I guess, but maybe go with counting calories along with it and make sure you're eating at a deficit? The containers seem like they'd be good for getting an idea about portion sizes and so on so there's not any harm in sticking with it, but counting calories alongside does give you a bit more freedom with how/what you eat.
  • countrylove12
    countrylove12 Posts: 53 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »

    You choose your priorities, it depends what you want in life. Choose what will make you happy.

    I didn't mean partying on the weekends, but what you are saying is right ... I meant like, I can't always plan what I'm going to eat all day everyday and 21 day fix requires you to do that. I can still eat within my calorie goal for the day without all that planning...that is what I meant by life and parties happening.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm not a good meal planner either. I did the 21-Day Fix and liked the workouts but found the container system just didn't work with my lifestyle. I found it more reasonable to eat at a calorie deficit. I use the workouts as part of my exercise regimen. I will say that the containers are handy for measuring things and carrying food in your lunch sack!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I really wouldn't bother with it. It sounds gimmicky and overly restrictive from what I know of it.

    Just start eating at a calorie deficit that's reasonable for your height/weight, and go from there. It's way easier, and there's no "21 days" of misery.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »

    You choose your priorities, it depends what you want in life. Choose what will make you happy.

    I didn't mean partying on the weekends, but what you are saying is right ... I meant like, I can't always plan what I'm going to eat all day everyday and 21 day fix requires you to do that. I can still eat within my calorie goal for the day without all that planning...that is what I meant by life and parties happening.

    Then there is literally not one singe reason why the 21 day fix is necessary for you (or anyone, really). You already have the calorie thing down, now just give it time to work. Because it DOES work. You got this.