RaeBeeBaby Member


  • I like wine spritzers for drinking at home. Half a glass of rose or white wine with the other half sparkling water and add ice cubes. It's refreshing and less than half the calories of just the wine. However, when I go out I usually indulge and have at least one mixed drink or a craft beer. Log it and move a little more to…
  • Potatoes are one of the few foods I could never give up. I just love them so! I like to slice them just like fries (peel on), spritz with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and cook on high heat in the oven. Turn over half-way through cooking. That does the fry trick for me. When it comes to a substitute, all of the…
  • Most excellent transformation Felix! You are so inspirational to others! Congratulations on changing your life and your future!
  • Obviously this is a subjective opinion. My experience has been the opposite. After a year dealing with pain in my deltoid, numerous doctor (MD) appointments, 8 weeks of PT and 2 cortisone shots with no relief I sought chiropractic care. Two adjustments later I was pain free for the first time in a year and have not had a…
  • When I was at my most fit (5'5" and 137ish) with a BF% of around 22% I got lots of negative comments from relatives. My sister-in-law actually called me skinny "b*tch to my face in front of a room full of people. I knew I looked good and was a healthy weight so I just let it go and walked away. Although not to the same…
  • ^^^This exactly. Just keep your own counsel. When you share that you're still losing weight (or wanting to) it gives your family and others permission to comment. Most of society is overweight so there are a lot of factors at play - true concern likely mixed with a bit of envy, misery loves company and all that.
  • Another idea for a quick hot breakfast is oatmeal. I buy the quick oats and make up a huge batch of my own oatmeal mix which includes oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and coconut (or whatever I have on hand). I put about 1/2 cup of this in a bowl and pour boiling water over it just to cover, then put a plate over the top to…
  • Thanks for my MFP chuckle of the day! I'd be afraid my lunch would fall off and then I'd be out of luck, but then I don't know much about how big trucks are made. Maybe that's not even a possibility. IDK but it made me laugh. :lol:
  • So I finally made the miracle happen and here's the verdict. I tried the garlic and herb ones. I didn't find the smell offensive at all, but still rinsed them really well then pan fried them until they were dry(er). I mixed them with zoodles (spiralized zucchini noodles) and served with a shrimp veggie stir-fry with…
  • Yep, that's the truth! LOL
  • Swimming, water aerobics, yoga, walking. No running (too much impact). There are great YouTube videos for low-back pain. Swimming and water aerobics are very good low/no impact workouts. Make sure you have good shoes, custom insoles have been a life saver! I can't say that enough. Once I got custom insoles for my walking…
  • I have chronic neck and back issues, especially lower back. Bending over weeding the garden and lifting my granddaughter without paying attention to form are the most recent aggravators. My latest episode lasted several weeks with pain, sciatica and muscle spasms. The best treatment I found was a TENS unit (transcutaneous…
  • I'm in a similar boat with that final 10 hanging on now for quite awhile. I like to attribute it to my age and a medication that I take that causes weight gain. I've still managed to lose on it, but it's been slow as molasses. That being said, I KNOW I could tighten up on my logging and pay more attention to things like…
  • Check if there is a discount grocery in your area. I can spend under $30 for tons of fresh veggies, beans, bread, yogurt, etc. I also shop the meat sales at the bigger grocery stores. I feed myself and my husband for under $50 a week so you should be able to stay within your budget if you do a little planning. It's going…
  • Glad to know! I wondered why you had to boil them if you're also cooking in a pan.
  • Thanks everyone for the feedback. I still haven't tried them, but plan on it sometime this week. Probably a stir fry with lots of veggies. I got the angel hair and a green one that is "garlic and herb", so we'll see what the difference in taste is. I love Asian foods and particularly rice noodles, so I'm hopeful. I eat a…
  • Oh my goodness! To have the energy and stamina that I did when I was just 37 (20+ years ago)! Not sure you're weight goal is realistic but you are not old. Even with sedentary work you can still be very active in your off time. You can turn things around with a little effort. Good luck with your surgery!
  • Another reason for my interest, beyond the low cals and high fiber is that I'm both soy and gluten-free due to health reasons. Any opportunity for a good tasting pasta is an opportunity I'll give a try!
  • Check out the recipes thread here on this site for some great ideas. I do a lot of food prep (mostly on the weekend) so I have options. I make a large pot of grain (rice, quinoa, millet or a combo) and usually some type of meat like chicken breast or lean ground beef. I always have canned beans on hand if I don't have time…
  • You can do this for sure! Recognizing that you need a change is the first and biggest step, so you're already on your way! There are lots of quick meals you can make that are healthy. I eat mostly a plant-based diet with small amounts of animal protein and I never feel like I'm missing out on anything. Lots of tasty…
  • Trying to stick with 5 things, since that was the charge. :wink: * MFP - all the stuff, but mostly the group fitness challenges * Swimming pool for aquasize and laps * Custom insoles for my tennies (made a WORLD of difference in my workout and daily life) * YouTube videos for everything from recipes to yoga workouts *…
  • I make a smoothie with spinach, fruit, protein powder, chia seeds and whatever else I have on hand (sometimes yogurt, aloe vera juice, kefir, almond milk). Add enough water to blend. I will drink this either before or after a workout and it works for me without making me sick or jittery at all.
  • Following this thread! I just ordered a 6 qt one on Amazon (prime day) for a really great price. Excited to learn how to use it!
  • On the low side for fast-food restaurant meals, I recently discovered Panda Express. I always avoided it because I thought it was loaded with MSG (to which I react negatively) and I wondered how good fast food Chinese could be. Surprisingly they do not use any MSG and it's really pretty good. Of course if you load up on…
  • If you can stop with just one! :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • Crazy high per serving - whole milk yogurt, nuts, tortilla chips, any kind of sausage, wine :scream: Surprisingly low per serving - neufchatel, sour cream, berries, popcorn, dark chocolate For you salad dressing aficionados, try OPA by Litehouse. Blue cheese, feta dill, ranch, caeser - Creamy and delicious. Pretty low cal…
  • Love butter! (in moderation, of course) I grew up on margarine and the first time I tasted real butter I was in heaven! For cooking I also like coconut oil and olive oil. During one really lean period in our young lives my husband worked at a margarine factory for a couple months. Just horrible. He said the process is…
  • White trash wine coolers - rose w/ flavored (zero-cal) sparkling water on ice. Pretty low-cal and very refreshing!
  • Very cool! That one is super fun. I've been in that challenge a lot, but have sat out the last couple terms due to other time commitments. I miss it though, so will probably come back in the fall.
  • I often feel the same way, but from an older perspective. I'm over twice your age but am about the only one I know who really cares about eating right and taking care of my health. It's taken me awhile to get here, but it's been a bit of a solitary journey. MFP community HAS helped me stick with it, so don't give up if you…