Got old and fat now its time to be bold and flat

budambe Posts: 1 Member
Hi there , 37 years old now and deciding to regain my confidence and get my body on a better track. I work behind a desk and as a glassblower and my life has become quite sedentary. I have given myself a deadline or goal date of 9/28 as I have surgery on this date and figured it would be a nice fire under my butt to lose some weight. My first weigh in is 214 at 6' tall hoping to be around 170 for my operation on 9/28. well here goes something.......


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    37 is old now? :huh:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good luck.

    But if 37 is old, what about the rest of your life?
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    You can light a fire and challenge yourself but that deadline is setting the bar mighty high. Dropping 40 lbs before 9/28, you will be literally starving yourself.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Oh my goodness! To have the energy and stamina that I did when I was just 37 (20+ years ago)! Not sure you're weight goal is realistic but you are not old. Even with sedentary work you can still be very active in your off time. You can turn things around with a little effort. Good luck with your surgery!