David7881 Member


  • It is. Ive gone home a few times because of the pain. Just scale it back a little and ease into it. I have, dont recommend it often, taken ibuprofen before going to the gym until my body adapt to exertion from lifting. Usually doesn't last more than a week from starting to workout again.
  • If you're just starting to workout for the first time or first time in a long time it could be "exertion headaches". I get them when I would stop working out after an extended amount of time and try and jump back in. Usually it starts with a headache and the pain can move to the back of your head and neck. Normally I just…
  • Thank you every one for your responses I am sorry i havent responded to them individually but I am reading and looking into all the information and programs to see which best fits what I am looking for.
  • Haha yea it is pretty high. Havent seen any negative side effects to high protein besides getting tired of eating.
  • Yea I've learned to not give the scale much mind and compare my process in pictures. My protein is up to 45% which is a lil over 1g per lb. Thanks again, appreciate it.
  • Thank you. I'm trying to push through it and see how 1900 calories makes a change in my body. Just think its odd my appetite went up. So far im on 2 weeks and after your comment I may extend it so I can give my body time to adjust or like you said transform. I try and keep it 30 second rest for isolated muscle exercise and…
  • Thanks. So to be honest I'm stuck in the fat loss mentality. I am trying to tapper it off by going from a 2lbs per week to 1lb per week or less to lose the last little bit. Hunger is kind of my issue. The 2 months I was on a 1500 cal diet my appetite went down after the 1st month. Now That I've increased my calories to…
  • So i went back to look at my log. When I was 1500 cal my macros were 20 carbs 30 fat and 50 protein vs 1900 cal 35 carbs 20 fat and 45 protein. The macros is by percent not grams. When I made that change the only thing that decreased was fat and that was only by an average of 10g. My protein and Carbs increased by about…
  • That makes sense. When I changed my calorie I also changed my macro ratio to increase carbs percentage. I was hoping it meant an increased metabolism 😆
  • Thats me and all my ex girlfriends and my fiance thinks I don't care about them because I'm not attached at the hip like their friends BF 😑
  • Are you doing a diet that is low carb?
  • Isn't that just about all mens kryptonite? Lol
  • How cold it gets. I have to sit in my car during lunch to thaw out before I head back to work. How you lose people along the way because they're not willing to adapt to your lifestyle. Not asking them to diet or exercise with me but respect that there are things I am trying to avoid in this journey and offering every…
  • The worst is when people come up to you, "you need to tell me your meal plan" sit there waste 10 mins pf my time explaining it to them just so they can say, "that sounds hard" and never do it or ask again a few weeks later 😒
  • It really depends on you. Some people like to feel and look big and dont mind bulk all year round.
  • Yes, you should read "The Dark Tower Series" if you haven't already
  • @levibuttigieg I'm on the same road as you. Gotten BF down but trying to pack on some mass without bring the BF up. So far I'm trying clean eating, increase in lifting (weight) and a 350 caloric increase a day and seeing how my body reacts to it. Add me. Looking for more people with the same struggle and goal.
  • Thank you. I think I prefer my cake haha
  • Within a month and a half I went from 212 to 192 lbs
  • "The power of habit" and "the story of the human body"
  • One month and a half difference. 17lbs weight loss
  • I will take that in to account. Like @lillymoo01 it is a bit expensive. I'm going to switch it up
    in Macros Comment by David7881 April 2019
  • I've been looking into changing my macros since I've gotten closer to my goal weight. Honestly 2 hrs is a slow day of lifting when theres alot of traffic in the gym. Ok Sounds good. I will add weight to my abs routine. I've been focusing on reps vs weight on abs day.
  • Thats about right. I've been reading on how to adjust my macros and what comes up the most for weight loss is that set up. Should I change it up? I'm trying to loss weight and avoid muscle mass loss. I do lift a mix of heavy and high rep weights.
    in Macros Comment by David7881 April 2019
  • Not sure how to make it short but my diet is 1800 cal 20% carb 50% protein and 30% fat. Normally I hit closer to 1700, still trying to drop BF. My work outs consist of 3 cardio/abs days and then 4 days of lifting. Back/biceps, chest/triceps, shoulders/traps and leg day. Spend an hr to 2 hr max doing a mix of high rep low…
  • Thanks I appreciate the advice. It continues to be a work in progress.