My_Butt Member


  • I work a 13 hour a day job where I run around a warehouse the entire time and my calorie burns per day are between 4.2k - 4.5k depending on my morning workouts. You're either overestimating calories burned during your workouts, or underestimating just how much you're gonna have to be moving in a day.
  • When I order Chinese, I get steamed broccoli and rice with tofu.
  • With my super active job, I'm able to have breakfast in the morning, but then snack on fruit all day once at work. Then I have some protein after work, right before bed since I don't want a heavy meal sitting in my stomach while I sleep.
  • Tattoos. Although, I don't really have milestones anymore. I make fitness goals and I just feel fabulous when I can finally say 'I did it.'
  • I just found it much easier to get EAS protein powder. I simply add it to my oatmeal in the mornings and that's a quick 30g at breakfast.
  • Speaking of the Iditarod, k and I had planned to go up to the Cleveland museum of natural history tomorrow, and I was so excited to see Balto (famous sled dog). A prized fighter from Cleveland saw the mistreatment of the sled dogs, so he brought the team here to Cleveland where they stayed at the zoo. After Balto died, he…
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • CHALLENGE #3 This week I had green apples, green beans, peas, green cabbage, lettuce, spinach, green peppers....does a lime count too? Oh well, that's more than 4 anyway.
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • CHALLENGE #2: “SABAI (RELAX!) YOUR FEET!” Repeat I again chose Thailand (mainly because one of my favorite Kpop idols is from Thailand) to repeat the second challenge. I like learning about nonmedicinal methods of healing the body, and reflexology has always been an interest. This has furthered my research in finding what…
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • CHALLENGE #1: “MUAY THAI ANYONE?” Repeat I chose to repeat the Thailand #1 challenge since I love Muay Thai fighting and used to do it about 5 years ago.
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • Ugh! I hated logging my weight on the spreadsheet today! It's girly times and I ALWAYS gain about 5lbs of bloat. Oh well, it'll come back off for the next weighin.
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • I chose not to go the medicine route. My doctor wasn't too pleased with me to say the least. He said untreated hyperthyroidism will most likely end in heart failure since it's a constant adrenaline rush and your heart just can't handle it anymore. He kept pointing out that I already have mitral valve prolapse and…
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • I have hyperthyroidism where it's overactive. I'm super energetic, I can't tolerate temperatures, I'm so hungry all the time, my hands shake at times when it gets bad, and I have lumps on my neck (which doctors have said it could be a cause from the thyroid problem)
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • CHALLENGE 3 SPICE: ginger I chose ginger because I read somewhere it's supposed to help with a sick stomach. I always add cinnamon to my oatmeal since it's supposed to lower anxiety. And with anxiety, I often feel sick. So the cinnamon eases my stress while the ginger helped my stomach.
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • The weekly standings are really funny. There's only been two teams battling for first and second, two teams that have always been third and fourth, and two teams struggling at the bottom two spots.
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • I've actually given up alcohol since I'm a practicing Buddhist. It's very easy to turn down drinks when offered, and people don't pressure me to drink when I say it's due to my religion. I do miss sampling hard ciders on the porch in the summer, but I just sip Japanese sodas instead, while my roommate has his lagers.
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • I get up super early and begin exercising, then I walk with a coworker during our lunch, and when I go home I do my hula hoop while I read or watch tv for a few hours and then yoga right before bed. I only sleep about 3-4 hours a night even when I try to force myself to sleep in (like tonight. It's my rest day, but I was…
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • CHALLENGE 1 -I did the 10.49 mile indoor walk since the weather dropped and I've been working from sunup to sundown and didn't want to walk in the dark. I actually did all 10 miles on Monday. If it was last week, I got tons of miles in outside from walking with my coworker. CHALLENGE 3 -I gave up energy drinks for the…
    in TEAM FIVE Comment by My_Butt March 2017
  • After buckling down, eating perfectly, sticking to my exercise schedule, being more active, and staying focused, I've gained the appearance of my abs again! I should be rock solid by mid spring if I continue this endeavor.
  • Yay! Finally able to access the spreadsheet again. Deleted the app and downloaded and it works just fine. I've been stuck in 4th position on the power rank board for awhile now. So close to bumping #3 spot.
  • I can't get team 5 page to load up on the spreadsheet. Team 1 loads, when I switch to 5 it just says loading. Can someone put 302 minutes for me for Thursday?
  • I love Kimchi. That picture has me starving! I'm actually at the Chinese place waiting for my steamed broccoli and tofu right now.
  • No wonder I'm hungry all day. I burn close to 4K calories a day (except for my rest days during the weekends.)
  • CHALLENGE 3: I have tried mango before and did not like it. It's a fruit I would like to like, but I just dislike it all of the times I try it. However, I had a Thai Mango Chicken Salad today, and I didn't even notice a distaste for the mango pieces. The whole salad was delicious. So it looks like if I want to eat mangos,…
  • I just got my Fitbit today, but I'm slowly learning the features and friend requests are not getting figured out well. So here's the link that I think is what I need:
  • "A wise man can acquaint himself with them before the morning is over; a stupid man can learn them in the space of ten days."- a quote in regards to learning Hangul (Korean writing) instead of the intricate Chinese. I was doing my studies on Korean and was researching more into Hangul (Korean alphabet). It's very…
  • Got my 16th & 17th tattoo today. My tribute to my polydactyl King Louis that passed in January, and a Halloween Pikachu & Togepi.
  • I got this. I'll hit that 700 no matter what.
  • I believe I've hit my 700 on Thursday or so, but I began feeling sick. We've had a super bug coming through the warehouse and I became very dizzy and faint for a few hours while at work (they actually told me to go home, but I didn't want to push more work into the other two pickers.) After a few hours I felt perfectly…
  • The spreadsheet won't load up for me. Can someone add 313 minutes for Monday for me?
  • I struggled too much getting to the top last time since I didn't notice that list until about 3 weeks into the race. It's so simple for me. I have an addiction to listening to Kpop and reading mangas, so I just turned that into a vertical activity. Whenever I want to read and listen to music, I use my weighted hula hoop.…