siouxzcue Member


  • Ok, Lady D.! I'll cheer you on from Eastern NC. Friend request coming!
  • Hiya, dragongrad97! I'm just jumping back in after a year and half of backsliding. I've got 70 to 80 pounds to lose too and I'd LOVE to have some company along the way! Feel free to add me! @rcktgirl05, congrats on losing 40# ! You're half way to your goal! How long did it take to lose to this point?
  • Yep, definitely a good New York style pizza with pepperoni and feta cheeze. Mmmmm Hmmm!
  • Ooo, Yes! Pet Semetary! The movie was scary, but the book absolutely gave me nightmares! I always read in bed, but that's one book I could NOT finish. I read all but the last 2 chapters..I can relate to the road scene where the baby gets hit. I SWEAR, I have "the road" right in front of my house! We are in the country, but…
  • I totally know what you mean about having people to talk to when losing weight. I do best when I have a "buddy" to help me stay on track, but I don't have anyone else that wants to jump on board with me right now. I had lost 15 pounds about a year and a half ago with MyFitnessPal, but I took a hiatus and added back that 15…
  • We all stumble, Alicia! You are just being human. Don't be too hard on yourself. I give you kudos for eating the healthy stuff! I'd surely have downed a king sized chocolate bar or something if I was in your place..Chin up! You can do this. I agree with Shannon and Adam. Just dust today off and jump back on the wagon…
  • Welcome, Sara! You'll find great support here. Once you get used to keeping the food diary, it becomes second nature and keeps you accountable. MFP makes it easy to diary. I haven't found a single thing that's not in the food search archives yet! I'll add an invite to you.
  • I've got "the lumps" too! Wretched stuff, back fat...There must be a way...But, WOW! 44 pounds lost.. That's fantastic! Keep it up!
  • Sure enough! Feel free to add me. Looks like you love animals. We already have that in common! Three cats and a dog at my abode. The dog makes me walk even when I want to fink out. Lol!
  • Wow! I am sooooo inspired! Kudos to you, @k4tie82‌, for staying the course! What an accomplishment! I've had several false starts on the 60# I need to lose. I think I only had 40 to lose when I started with my false starts, then 20 more came calling. I get rid of 10# and 3 come to the funeral! I'm truly ready now and…
  • Fantastic results! I'm working on getting rid of 60# myself. I'm early on in the game, but determined nonetheless. My scale has stalled at the 5# point, but I had already lost 2 before I started using MFP, so I'm actually down 7#. It's only been 3 1/2 weeks, so I'm disgusted to have already stalled. I've been tinkering…
  • Chocolate is my vice too! I try to keep some Dove Promises pieces around and limit myself to 3 or 4 a day. That way I don't feel horribly deprived. I don't mind a good quality dark chocolate, but I crave the creaminess of a good milk chocolate. My favorite junk candy bar is a Snickers bar. They taunt me from the…
  • The armpit of Georgia (east metro Atlanta), but originally from North Carolina...Gawd I miss that place!
  • Awww, dang, Cookie! Sorry to hear it! Make sure you check the pressure daily about the same time and at a time that is calm. Keep that log to share with your doc at your follow up. If they didn't put you on meds yet, consider adding a potassium supplement to your daily agenda. It can help to naturally lower blood pressure.…
  • @pixie06, is there a way to PM you through this app? I am NOT Facebook active, so I'm not sure if I'm able to PM I need to add you as a friend in order to message you? If so, then I have already sent you a friend invite.Thanks!
  • Hi, Karen! I'm Sue. Bwahaha! I LOVE the "on again, off again" comment! I felt the same way about the Spark Friends program. It was just too much of a pain to navigate. I appreciate the simplicity of Fitness Pal. I can do it during lunch break at work, and nobody has a clue what I'm doing. I refuse to share the fact that…
  • Hi, @cherylo86! Accountability partners do help! It's great to shout out to someone when my old enemy the Snickers Bar is calling. If my hands are busy typing, then I'm not eating! Let's lose that 60! I'll add you!
  • Thanks, @pixie0610‌! Great tips! I'm intrigued by thermogenics, but I'm very sensitive to caffeine. I need my morning cup of joe, so I have to avoid any other forms of caffeine for the rest of the day...Even have to take my Diet Coke "unleaded", as my husband calls it! Lol! I keep looking for a product that will work for…
  • I agree with @1taunya2‌. You've made that difficult first step, Alesia. Just take one day at a time and if you fall off, jump right back on again and keep going! Keep the stress off by trying not to look too far forward. Set goals in small increments of 5 or 10 pounds and allow yourself to be proud each time you reach one!…
  • Fantastic, @pixie0610‌! You go, girl! I've got 60# to lose myself. Didn't start adding those 60 until I was almost 38, but now at 44, I sure wish I would have squashed it before I hit 40! It gets harder with every year older you get! I used to be able to dump 10 pounds in 2 weeks by just watching what I ate and doing a…
  • What a fantastic and encouraging bunch of folks here! I've still got 60# to lose. I'm down 7# in the almost 3 weeks I've been here, but I need all the support I can get! As an RN, I know what I need to do, it's just sticking with it that I have trouble with! My name's Sue. Feel free to add me. The more MFP friends, the…
  • I've got 60 lbs to lose. I just joined almost 3 weeks ago and have lost about 7 lbs, but it seems like my goal is sooooooo far away! I really do want to do this. I'm tired of having a closet full of clothes that I can't wear and avoiding cameras because I can't stand to see what's become of me! Yep, I'd be glad for some…