10 down, 90 to go!!

This year I'll be turning the 30 and I am not about to spend my 30s being miserable and unhealthy anymore!! I've finally found the right combo of diet, exercise and products to help me get there!!


  • siouxzcue
    siouxzcue Posts: 22 Member
    Fantastic, @pixie0610‌! You go, girl! I've got 60# to lose myself. Didn't start adding those 60 until I was almost 38, but now at 44, I sure wish I would have squashed it before I hit 40! It gets harder with every year older you get! I used to be able to dump 10 pounds in 2 weeks by just watching what I ate and doing a little exercise, but not anymore! My metabolism is caput! What is your triple threat weight loss combo? I need all the help I can get!
  • pixie0610
    pixie0610 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey thanks @siouxzcue‌!! It was really hard for me to find things that were good for me that I actually liked to eat, so I started by swapping things out (Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, spinach instead of iceberg lettuce etc) and finding snacks that I enjoyed. I got a Fitbit and using this app with that gave me a better perspective to what I was taking in and burning every day. I've just been doing cardio 5 times a week for 45 min a day! As far as products go I take a thermogenic twice a day to help curb my appetite and burn more calories. So far so good!!
  • CaoimheMariexo
    CaoimheMariexo Posts: 122 Member
    Goodluck girl! Hope you reach your goal :-)
  • siouxzcue
    siouxzcue Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks, @pixie0610‌! Great tips! I'm intrigued by thermogenics, but I'm very sensitive to caffeine. I need my morning cup of joe, so I have to avoid any other forms of caffeine for the rest of the day...Even have to take my Diet Coke "unleaded", as my husband calls it! Lol! I keep looking for a product that will work for me, but no dice yet! I'll have to see what's new at my local herb shop this weekend.
  • pixie0610
    pixie0610 Posts: 4 Member
    @siouxzcue‌ message me and I can recommend some stuff for ya!
  • siouxzcue
    siouxzcue Posts: 22 Member
    @pixie06, is there a way to PM you through this app? I am NOT Facebook active, so I'm not sure if I'm able to PM you...do I need to add you as a friend in order to message you? If so, then I have already sent you a friend invite.Thanks!
  • melissadav_
    melissadav_ Posts: 11 Member
    I turn 30 this year too and I have till Oct to lose, my goal is 100lbs. I thinks I can do it.
    pixie0610 wrote: »
    This year I'll be turning the 30 and I am not about to spend my 30s being miserable and unhealthy anymore!! I've finally found the right combo of diet, exercise and products to help me get there!!