crimsonpaw Member


  • You have to go into settings and then steps. In there should be a misfit option. Click that and you're set.
  • I'm on my first recovery week and it has definitely kicked my @ss! I haven't seen any weight loss, but I have seen a reduction in my waist and the wife says I look skinnier. Stick with it, as McCloud said, it's a grind. In my third week I couldn't take any more of Tony's bad jokes so I just muted it and had Pandora going…
    in P90X Comment by crimsonpaw February 2015
  • At least 50% of the failure in these programs is mental. Once you get over the "I can't do it" hump, half the battle will be over. I'm about 25lbs overweigh and am on my 3rd week of P90X - let me tell you, just getting through a workout without stopping was a goal I set. My first few days, the 60 minute workout probably…
  • Motivation turns into willpower, willpower into results. While it's not always that easy, the motivation will drive research and knowledge - combine that knowledge with your goal and you have a blueprint for you're own success. Stick with your plan, whatever that may be, and you'll see the results you want.
  • Thanks for the warm welcomes! You're right Hearts, I am motivated; let's see how that stands up at this time next month (after chocolate season ends on the 14th).
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I find it easier to allow one day. Also, when I say "all bets are off", that's not to say I enter into a 13000 calories eat-a-thon, it just means that I allow myself to avoid focusing so hard on my food choices for a meal or two.
  • I try to be good during the week, but on my "cheat" day all bets are off. I love fried and greasy food, but I realize I can't hit my goal while eating it every day. If I gave up my guilty pleasures completely, there's no way I'd suck to my plan. I'm disciplined, but if I don't have a tasty reward for that discipline then…
  • From what I've seen, 1200 is the minimum caloric intake you want or else your body starts going into preservation mode and you won't burn the fat. Keep in mind, this is 1200 without exercise, you need to bump that number up by the calories burned if/when you start working out. Try increasing your number to 1300 with an…
  • Hi all, new to the community here. I'm on my second week of the original p90x (just did plyo today) and hurt like a mofo. So far I'm not seeing a change but I know that will come. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the 30/60/90 day results look like. My goal is to drop 15+ pounds then graduate to a 5 day weight…