daniellethesheep Member


  • Today was bad for me too. I'm at about 5000 now and have no more food in my room so I don't think I'll eat anything else. Bought some Easter candy to send to my little sister and I opened it (of course). Ate about 2000 calories worth of chocolate and then had a bunch of pretzels. I'm disgusted with myself. I was feeling…
  • 1. Real name: danielle 2. Married: nope, college student 3. Kids: nope 4. Pets: 2 dogs, 3 hermit crabs, 1 chameleon 5. Home place: Boston will hopefully be my home when I graduate 6. Career/job: athletic training/physical therapy, still a student but the dream is to work with runners at the marathon/ultra marathon level 7.…
  • It's hard for be to define binging because at the weight I am now, my maintenance calories are relatively high (~3500) due to my activity level but if I eat over 3000 it's usually due to binging. I've started binging on healthy stuff, which I'm not sure where to draw the line between overeating/binging....Binging puts me…
  • Omg this is exactly how it goes for me. If I "treat myself" regardless of the calories or overeat even slightly, then I'm just like well I already messed up so...let's continue!! Its like one bite too much and a switch flips and I can't stop. I totally binge on stuff to get it out of my room for the next day. It's rough…
  • 155 again for me...same as last Friday. considering I was up to 168 earlier this week I guess I'll take it.
  • Same for me! I haven't made it more than 3 days since January so I'm not surprised.
  • I agree about the powdered PB. It is gross. It tastes nothing like the real thing. I did okay so far today and hope that the rest of the night goes well.
  • I'm doing okay so far. I slept really late then went for a run, went to work, and now I'm at the gym for a bit.
  • Weight gain Bloating Feeling nauseous Feeling absolutely disgusting while running Night sweats/not sleeping Clothes not fitting Self loathing/depression Loss of motivation Waste of money Waste of food Waste of time(while binging and while feeling sad about it afterwards)
  • Yeah I struggle to get 2-3 days lately... I gave up peanut butter for lent so that kind of fixed my issue there haha. Not sure what I'll do when Easter comes around...that was a staple in my diet but also a major binge food
  • I work with a couple other college kids that just eat the whole time and probably don't think twice about it. But I just continue to binge once I've left. So glad it's over now. @ewhip17 I've read it and the recovery guide multiple times. I reference it almost daily. I feel like nothing will help me at this point...I need…
  • Did well yesterday but today was really bad. Worked my last shift at the concession stand for the year, so I'm glad I'm able to remove that temporarily.
  • Bad day for me...probably up there in my top 5 worst days.
  • Anxiety Stress Worrying about exams Boredom Being around other people Under pressure/uncomfortable situations at internship Feeling self conscious Trying on clothes Thinking about food Seeing other people eat Being sad Weighing myself Not weighing myself Exercising
  • I'm just fat and lazy and need to learn some self control. yeah definitely. I burn roughly 1000-1500 from exercise and eat most of it back. My maintenance would be around 3000 so I try to eat around 2500
  • 3 larger meals and 2 snacks. I actually really enjoy protein bars, and I don't get a ton of protein otherwise as I don't eat meat
  • Haha sure thing :) it's just tough because they're so convenient to eat between class or when I don't have time for a meal. But then I get back to my room and blow it. Fought the urges for like an hour before givi in and having "just one" turns into eating everything
  • Thanks guys. I don't feel amazing. I feel fat, worthless, and pathetic. Yesterday was bad for me. Did well all day then came home and ate 2 boxes of protein bars. I tell myself that I won't keep food in my room all the time but this is it. This is now a concrete rule. I'll buy a box and keep them in my gym locker and just…
  • I guess not but 30+ pounds of pure body fat is a lot to carry for 26.2 miles. It does matter how I look, but the negative impact on my performance is shay matters more.
  • I'm doing okay. My weight is still way up from Saturday, and I'm kind of disappointed because I didn't eat enough to gain 5 lbs, yet it's still here...I hope it goes back down tomorrow. I had gained 8 Sunday and it usually goes back down more quickly. I didn't really eat salty *kitten* so idk. Body fat scale says it's all…
  • Yeah I guess that's a good point. I'm just like mental and physically drained (from running and binging). I'll feel bad tomorrow because I only usually do a light stretching/weight workout to recover from long runs, but I should definitely add some cardio in. Like realistically I only ate enough calories to gain 2 pounds…
  • Just one of those days. Started with too much Nutella after I ran, then finished the jar (I was hungry and should have eaten something else, but there was no food in my room). Then got to the concession stand, ate a ton of candy (like thousands of calories of Swedish fish/Reese's), soft pretzels, and churros. I work alone…
  • Today was probably the worst day ever for me...it's been a long time since I've eaten this much while binging, I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was this morning, and I feel like I'm gonna pass out/super dizzy. I just super exhausted with fighting this.
  • Yesterday was bad and today was worse...already wayyyy over my calorie goal. I'm here for another 2 hours then have a break and then go back to work (at library). I'm sure I'll end up eating more while I'm here, even though I just ate like 3000 cal in the last hour. It was so nice to see my weight go down and now I'm sure…
  • Yesterday was bad for me. I worked at the concession stand and ate ~1000 calories worth of candy. Going back today and I've already run 20 miles so sugar cravings are real and I've eaten near my calorie goal already (at 12PM) Today will be tough.
  • Highest weight: 165 Current weight: 154.8 Racing weight: 130 I hope to get down to 135ish by mid april. It's tough to draw the line between under fueling and eating to lose weight. Losing 2+ lbs a week is in no way ideal while training for a marathon...especially for someone who is extremely prone to injures.
  • Great job! That's something I struggle with too. Once I feel like I "blew it" for the day I just keep eating and eating
  • I know of other people that have had the opposite effect, but I've found that diet juice/hot cocoa work well for me, especially at night. I know artificial sweeteners get a bad rap, but I'd rather have that than have a full blown binge.
  • I'm going to weigh in on Friday/Saturday. Last week went really poorly for me so I feel like I didn't get a great judgement of how much I weigh without being extremely bloated.