You're both right... I think maybe I just don't have an addictive personality. I can decide I'm not going to eat something anymore and not touch it for years without a second thought... I quit drinking diet coke cold turkey in 2005 (after 17 years of drinking 3-6 cans a day) and haven't had a single one since... I've never…
My reason? Because the percentage of maintained weight loss is super low after doing a diet, compared to after WLS...
I've been taking 2000 mg inositol a day for a few months (half at breakfast, half at dinner) and no, haven't had that side effect... I'm also taking 500 mg metformin at both meals and no intestinal distress since cutting my carbs way back...
Yes, it can be expensive. I was fortunate in that mine is a family member who doesn't charge me... Fortunately there are so many gluten free low carb foods available now and if you google low carb high fat you'll find loads of yummy recipes to get you started. :)
I was dx'd with PCOS in the 90's and dealt with the same issue of there being no real help. There is now... I'm currently taking metformin and inositol, plus iron, B-complex, cal/mag and Vit D... It DOES help. I have a LOT more energy, and my cycles are relatively regular again... It also helps with the horrible PMS…
Boy can I relate! I don't have a surgery date yet and they told me it will be around a year from when I was referred (last November) so I have a long time ahead of me to try and stay focused... plus I have the added "bonus" of PCOS hormonal roller-coaster, wreaking havoc on my good intentions with cravings and hunger...…
Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my mom to cancer when I was 22 and it's been one of the most difficult things in my life, losing a much loved parent. <3 I'm assuming you have been diagnosed with PCOS since you're posting in this forum... do you want to talk about what you've done in the past, what you…
Wow, I bet his wife just LOVES being blackmailed and manipulated... Not... Good for you challenging that comment... I would have too!!
@Ramla_J Sounds like you're off to a great start! Well done on getting a jump start on your weight loss. And WOW... that psych guys needs to be reported, that's SO out of line...
@rpyle111 I don't have my first dietician appt or results from my bloodwork and EKG (done on April 10th) till mid June... Feels a lot like waiting... Don't get me wrong, I hear what you're saying and I'm doing my best to prepare in the meantime, but it is still a whole lot of hurry up and wait... Semantics schmantics
Anyone else feeling READY and sick of waiting?! I just want this surgery already!!!
@chckmeowt how rude of that psych guy to tell you that! Average, indeed!! I feel your pain on the slow to no results... I started logging, exercising, cut WAY back on carbs and 10 weeks later was the exact same weight... What kind of eating plan does your program have you on? I'm doing low carb high fat now and the scale…
@new_me_jrp Sounds like we're in pretty similar places in the pre-op process. I'm doing a LCHF (low carb high fat) diet while waiting for my appointment on June 12th with the dietician and with the bariatric clinic's in-house doctor who does the pre-op tests and assessment. I've had my EKG, blood work and sleep study done.…
@ldmoor thanks for the heads up on that...
@KnitOrMiss The name brand is Traditional Medicinals and I found it in a local grocery store. The name of the tea is Organic Heartburn Soother. The medicial ingredients in each tea bag are 750 mg marshmallow root and 450 mg marshmallow leaf. It also has spearmint leaf in it for flavour.
My 39th birthday is the end of May, and then I have my NUT and internalist appointments mid June. I'm SO tempted to have a food funeral birthday celebration... All my favourite foods...
I found a traditional medicinals heartburn tea that is magical... I just have a mug before bed cause laying down is the worst...
I drink a lot of lemon water and I've been caffeine free since last Christmas. The added fat seems to make it worse... I'll have to do some research too...
@Alliwan I don't care about the label or coolness factor, hehe, just don't want to be using incorrect terminology so trying to understand the difference... :smile: Thanks for explaining further! So without a proper keto meter I won't know if I'm in FULL ketosis and the ketosis sticks only measure if you have SOME? Is that…
Before doing this week I was eating an average of 150-200 g carbs/day... I'm guessing eating 60 g/day put me in ketosis... If I stall out, I'll adjust my carbs/protein/fat macros till I start losing again... another piece of info I left out is that I'm currently in the process of getting WLS so just trying to lose some…
I plugged my stats into the keto calculator here: and used that to set my macros: Here are your personal macros: 1980 kcal Daily Calorie Intake 100 g Carbohydrates (20%, 400 kcal) 100 g Protein (20%, 400 kcal) 131 g Fat (60%, 1180 kcal) All the info I read online says keto is LCHF... can…
Sweet! Congratulations... I'm still pre-op so will be cheering you on (and slightly jealous! ;) )
So apparently I'm not eating keto after all... I was under the impression that LCHF was keto... Either way, it's working for me so far... LOL
So if I pee on a keto stick it should be where on the scale? The darkest?
After a couple busy weeks with doctor appointments, spring break with a chatty kid at home, easter outings, and big family get togethers I'm having a quiet week at home alone and I'm LOVING it. I still have to do our business taxes, but I can listen to my favourite music, drink decaf all day, and I don't have to talk to…
@Dragonwolf, my understanding is that keto is LCHF? Went and looked at my stats and my daily macros last week averaged out to 1986 calories, 114 g fat, 60 g net carbs, 117 g protein.
Keto is low carb, high fat, moderate protein.
Spoke too soon... Keto flu kicked in later and ugh!! Had a really bad day on Saturday/Sunday... Hopefully past the worst of it now... I've been having horrid heartburn. I don't usually have that problem... Is that normal?!
Thanks and I totally agree... Congrats on getting your surgery date!!
Congrats on getting a surgery date! I'm still preop so don't have any input, but interested in what others share...