Krieter1 Member


  • Enjoy reading everyone's post. Have been keeping up with my daily food diary & only exceeded my set calorie limit on 1 day, which is an accomplishment for me - I am the best at setting a plan & really bad with the follow thru. So why is that 1 day I went over the one I'm remembering? I will probably be battling the "diet"…
  • Vickil157 – Thanks for the encouragement. Yesterday was really hard for some reason. Then last night I realized I was thinking of my new journey as a “DIET”, which is what sabotaged me in the past. I cut myself some slack & took the time to acknowledge how many good choices I’d made during the day. Today I’m in a much…
  • Damit.janit - Loved your word of the day, "savor" (dictionary definition: taste and enjoy it completely) That's something that is really helping me overcome some of my less healthy "bad" food favorites. Last night I was eating my baked sweet potato & the rest of the family had pancakes & sausage. Passing that darn sausage…
  • Thanks to everyone for the welcoming & encouraging posts, some made me tear up a little. I'm just so tired of feeling bad & my body's aches & pains are a constant reminder of the predicament I have created for myself. Read something recently on Pinterest - "losing weight is hard, but being fat is harder". So I'm trying to…
  • Hello! Just turned 60 and new to the discussion boards. I've come to believe that dieting has not served me well - starting with the Grapefruit diet when I was 17 yrs old and only wanted to lose 20 lbs. Many, many, many diets later, I now have over 200 lbs (yes, I said over 200 lbs) to lose. I have the typical health…