

  • rosy716
    Hi I have been using the fitness pal since beginning of January and upto today I have lost 1 stone 5 lbs do have a lot to lose but I am going to keep trying, each day is a new start so I am not dwelling in the past. My name is Jan and I am from the UK. Been interesting reading all your posts.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Time to get up and start my exercise routine. I'm taking some of your advice and will exercise more so I can eat more. Hahaha!

    Heather - cute picture of your granddaughter. My husband has C pap machine and for the last 5 years I have hardly slept. Somebody told me to use silly puddy in my ear as an ear plugs. I did that and it worked really well until I had a major hot flash and it melted into my ear canal! I guess they make wax plugs that works really well that is what I use now. They would really help with your husband snoring.

    Jeannine - I would be curious to find out how your new DVD Jillian Michaels works for you. I just got the Zumba because it looked like fun and the Shred was right next to it but looks somewhat more strenuous. Keep us updated.

    Jane - looking forward to pictures of your new grandbaby!

    Everyone have a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Trying to read posts here twice a day so that I can actually take in the comments instead of just skimming.

    Heather - Grandkids are so much fun at that age. My two are 18 months old and so busy busy. And I have another one coming in August - soooooo excited.

    Grandmallie - ( ? Sylvia, right ?) Some people may think I am nuts but .... please share the snow. Just a little bit okay.

    Thank goodness my DH is getting his dental work done before I retire!! He has a $10,000 smile so far and working on the next $10,000..... Just joking about the dollars - but it sure seems like a lot of money.

    I don't have access to a gym. I went to Curves near my work but it closed. I really enjoyed going there. So now I have several Leslie Sansone walking DVD's and a mini trampoline (rebounder).

    Must get back to the de-cluttering tasks. It feels so good to get "rid" of the extras, makes you feel like you have so much extra space. So I took a couple days off work (burning up vacation days!!)...

    Lillian in Saskatchewan
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Lillian~ Alison (Grandmallie) you are more than welcome to the snow...I liked it well enough as a child.. but this is the pits....
  • noexcuses118
    Good morning, all! My goodness, listening to all the stories on the news and on this thread about the terrible weather up north makes me so grateful I live in South Florida.

    I am just tickled pink at myself that I have been on plan and logging my food for 12 days in a row! That's actually a huge achievement for me. I usually get through the first week just fine, then I end up succumbing to the little voice in my head that says, "Oh, come on - a little bit of THAT won't hurt you!" And with eating all the fruits, vegetables and legumes that I am, I'm starting to feel different. The little voice in my head is now starting to say, "Maybe you should start doing some exercise." Wow, what a change. There is hope yet!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful (and warm) day.

  • Krieter1
    Krieter1 Posts: 5 Member
    Vickil157 – Thanks for the encouragement. Yesterday was really hard for some reason. Then last night I realized I was thinking of my new journey as a “DIET”, which is what sabotaged me in the past. I cut myself some slack & took the time to acknowledge how many good choices I’d made during the day. Today I’m in a much better place.

    Hope all of you still shoveling snow are safe & well. Don't look at the weather in Texas today, it won't make your day any better. :) Terri (in Texas)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Dr Heather has diagnosed herself with Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome.

    Whatever it is, it hurts! I am going to try a bit of icing.

    Heather x x x x x
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    lmao - I don't know who yoda is
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sharon in sunny Alberta: I am touched by the concerns you have for your smoking sister. I had the same concerns for my parents. Dad died of a heart problem. The smoking wasn’t a direct cause but it did make things worse. Mom died of emphysema. Her smoking killed her. Nothing I said to either of them made a difference. I wish you better luck with your sister than I had with them.

    Viv: I hope your weather is good enough that you’re able to visit your DSIL.

    Alison: Your weather sounds like I’d like to vacation in it for a couple of days and then come home. I want to hear all about jury duty. I’ve been called several times and went in to serve on a trial the last time. We sat there for hours and were sent home. The defendant brought a surprise witness that his attorney didn’t even know about. They had to reset the trial for months later. The other prospective jurors were a nice bunch.Lilian in Saskatchewan: Good teeth are worth the price.

    Heather: Thanks for your advice on setting calories. I am going carefully here. I know that the new activity at the gym is building muscle and that muscle weighs more per square inch than fat BUT I’ve been eating junk. If my weight drops I’ll readjust to give myself ore calories.

    Jan: Welcome. There are several women from the UK who are part of this group.

    Mary: I took my neighbor to the gym for a Zumba class. She had a blast & I went home with knee pain. She plans to join the gym when she gets over her current cold, & I want to support her by going to Zumba with her. I have to figure out how to protect my knee. I’m considering staying at the back of the room to the far left side and wearing an ace knee brace to limit sideways pressure. When the class is bouncing sideways, I’ll march in place.

    Lillian in Saskatchewan: Healthy teeth are worth the price, whatever it is.

    Today is a gym day. I’ll have core strength class and yoga, and will likely do a little work on weight machines. Tomorrow I look forward to a hike with my cousin. Several women here meet friends for a walk, and this is the first time for me. We’ll be hiking in Portland’s Forest Park. There are numerous trails, and we’ll be taking the one at the Audubon Society site. She’d like to hike on another trail nearby with a 500 foot elevation change. I don’t think it is a good choice for my knee.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    lmao - I don't know who yoda is

    Yoda is a character from Star Wars. He is tiny, magical, and wise.
  • k2boxlady
    Good morning!

    Hope all up north have survived the "snowmageddon". They were talking about it on the Today show this morning how everything in NY city shut down and they didn't get as much as forecasted. One of the weathermen actually posted an apology! WHY?? He is only as good as the information given. I felt bad for him. Oh well.....

    Heather..love the pic! Makes me miss my grandkids.

    Jeannine..I too have JM Shred. I have it on my iPad. She is one tough b*#~h. I could not to the whole thing at first but gradually added a few minutes each day. I swore I would never buy anything of hers after she made the comment that fat people are that way because they are lazy. (I took that personally. But the truth hurts sometimes.)

    Katla..my husband and I both have Lupus which affects your joints, among other things. Our Rheumatologist told us to take Glucosamine and it has helped. He takes Move Free but I just take the plain ole generic and it has the same effect.

    Grandmallie.. How are the new granddaughter and mom doing? Hope all is well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy, "loser" day!
    Karen in Central VA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I wish I could ship some of this sunshine to those of you in the northeast to melt all that snow! We are supposed to get to 76 today. That is just amazing for January.

    I got eight new drafting jobs today, just in time for the end of the month billing. Yippee! Now the problem is getting them all done and still finish some of the bowls I've already started.. But it's a happy problem to have. I'll be able to pay all my bills next month. Some months hubby helps out because I didn't make enough.

    OK, paintings of Napoleon often show him with his hand stuck in his coat. I wondered if his fingers were stained with pickled beet juice. (lame joke) I said I could hide my hand in my pocket to hide my stained fingers. This morning the stain is almost gone, so it didn't last long.

    There is a vacant lot across the street from my studio (where a hardware store burned down) and they are out there with a backhoe preparing the lot for building. Looks like they are digging a basement. They sure make a lot of noise. I don't know what it's going to be, but I know the hardware guys sold the lot, so it could be anything. I just hope it's not another pawn shop or payday loan office. I hate those things and this block is crammed with them already.

    After I went to the Y yesterday, wearing my baggy 2X sweat pants that were threatening to fall down, I went to WalMart and bought a new pair of sweats in a size Large. Tried them on last night and was disappointed that they were still baggy, but too short. And they haven't even been washed yet. They will be capri length after I wash them. And I'm not very tall. I have no idea how a taller woman would wear them. Oh well. They were cheap and I can use them for something.

    The joke of the day was stupid, so I picked an even stupider one off the readers digest site. This is supposed to be real questions that real lawyers have asked in court:


    “How many times have you 
committed suicide?”
    “Were you alone or by yourself?”
    “Was it you or your brother who was killed?”
    “Without saying anything, tell the jury what you did next.”
    “Was that the same nose you broke as a child?”
    “Now, doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, 
he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?”


    Have a great day everyone!


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited January 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *OMG, Sylvia, I am laughing so hard that DH asked what is going on. You really should be a stand-up comic, but assuming you are sitting while you chat with us, I’m glad you are not. Now I’m picturing you going everywhere with your hand in your lapel. lol
    , don’t beat yourself up, just pick yourself up and start doing it right, NOW. I have come to remember that word when I think I have gone astray. You can do this!

    *Toni and Lillian, I agree that this is a safe place full of friends. I think I will have withdrawal while I’m on the cruise and will miss you all terribly. The nice thing is that where ever I go, I take your words and sayings with me. Thank you all, ladies for being you!!! <3<3 Toni, isn’t it the greatest feeling when someone notices your loss!!

    *Joyce, isn’t it nice to treat yourself to just a taste of something you like? Mine is Kettle Chips. Every day or so, I’ll get just two chips and savor the flavor.  I used to sit and eat them with lunch, no matter what I was having. And I wonder why I was so fat!!! Congrats on the mirror becoming a friend.

    * Viv, I hope that getting out and going to work is just what the Dr. ordered. My wish for you is to wake up and cheer up as I don’t want you to miss out on anything life has to offer. (((((Huggs)))))

    *Allison, all that snow shoveling wears me out just reading about it. My heart goes out to all of you with such daunting duties.

    *CP, keep up the good work. When the scale starts moving down it will give your “good voice” all the power it needs.

    *Heather, precious picture. I hope your pain goes as quickly as it came on. (I hope that icing you are going to try is low cal? :# ) 

    *Jeannie, Good luck on the home workouts. I find it works great for me and I can take a few minutes when not planned and just do some extra. I normally do my planned workouts but the little extra here and there seems to be helping.

    *Jan, welcome, we are happy to have you join us. It sounds like you have a good start, so just stay with it. It works! This is a great group of ladies with all sorts of interesting and informative tidbits.

    *Terri in TX, great that you realized this is not a diet with an end. And that you can see there are always good choices that you make. I find the trick is that in time I make more and more good choices because I want to get healthy and smaller. You can do this, so just hang in there.

    *Mary, are you serious that the silly putty melted into your ear canal??? Yikes! My DH snores something terrible so our solution is separate bedrooms. I do miss the cuddling but after back surgery that was uncomfortable anyway. This has been the best solution for us and now we don’t have to share a closet. :o

    *Pip, have you never seen Star Wars? Yoda was a character in it.

    I wish us all a very Happy and Healthy journey.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    This came across my newsfeed on Facebook this morning, so I thought I'd share it with you all. 8o2txe59ttgl.jpg
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, all -
    Just wanted to add to the Little Engine story. I forgot to say that when he got over the mountain he said, "I knew I could.....I knew I could....." all the way to the town! I always read this book to my students but often thought of myself as I read. Many days I need a dose of his perseverance and confidence!

    CB - glad you are feeling on track
    TXTerri - sounds like you are gaining a healthy perspective
    Alison - I'll take some of your snow,too!
    Lillian - How is it that you don't have snow so far up north?

    This morning I went to a water workout class at 6:00 and then straight to the grocery store. I avoided all temptation to choose things I don't need to eat and came home with a load of healthy produce and protein. I knew I could...I knew I could.........

    grateful - strong - faithful
    PS - I take notes as I read the posts (except yesterday when I was 100+ behind).
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Judy - while not losing weight is frustrating, my co-workers remind me that at least it was not a weight gain for that time frame. Keep trying your hardest, and take this 1 day at a time. You can do it ! ! !

    I also got the Napolean joke. Thanks for the laugh!

    The dentist didn't go very well yesterday. The ancient filling came off too easy, and there was more damage under it than it showed on X-ray. She says about 50% chance of that tooth needing a root canal. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will heal ok. My jaw always gets sore after all that work. :\

    DS has a bunch more bowling coming up, as the H.S. season comes to a close, and the League season is about 1/2 way through. The problem arises that baseball practices start next week, and the gym is only available 9-10pm. That means we each only get about 6 hours of sleep on the evenings that he has practice. The good thing for him is that he is so exhausted after such an active day, that he falls asleep right away, and sleeps hard.

    Tomorrow I have people coming to watch me work. I guess I will be the "benchmark" for standard of care at our line of clinics as far as reception is concerned. I like that idea, but I don't like the thought of people standing around watching and listening to everything I say and do. I will have to remember my tablet, so I can at least log my food, since I'm sure they don't want to watch me do anything besides work ?!?!?

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    oh, I think I only watched the first star wars and maybe part of the 2nd one and that was it. so it makes sense that I wouldn't know who that was
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    found out there is a 2 hr spin class on sunday and another instructor will be teaching one after that.. I don't know who's going to teach the last one, so if I like her music, I may stay for the 3rd hour.. excited!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sylvia - thanks for the jokes it's nice to have a laugh in the morning! Glad to hear about the drafting jobs!

    Janet - yes! The silly putty melted right into my ear canal and when I try to pull it out in the morning it was like an old piece of gum and half of it was still in there. I tried everything to get it out on my own. I had to go to the ear doctor and have it removed. I was going to start sleeping in the other room but, we are still newlyweds. Or at least my husband thinks we are! 5 years. The ear plugs I have no block out all the noise.

    TNToni - the little engine that could gave me my journey quote of I think I can, and when I accomplished my goal I will change my quote to I knew I could!

    Terri - I'm sorry to hear about your tooth pain. I have been putting off going to the dentist for 2 years now. I have a broken tooth in the far back that does not cause me any pain because it had a root canal I just don't want to go in. I'm thinking of having it pulled but not sure.

    Lillian - I have the same problem with my right knee giving me trouble occasionally. I like the Zumba so far, but, I know I have to adapt the moves so that it does not cause me any pain. I have been doing it for the last 3 days now. I just started the activate DVD today. And, for the first time during a workout I actually have had sweat dripping from my hair.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry I got cut off again. Even though I tried to cut and paste from a Word document. I just wanted to put this out there for some of you ladies that have been here an accomplished your goals. Us new people have given you insight to our struggles . But, I was wondering if some of you would mind sharing how you were successful in accomplishing your goals. And maybe some of the tools that you used.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota