

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I'm happy to report that after my binge eating sticking to my program yesterday has made the scale go in the right direction! That just shows that eating the right kind of food makes a big difference!

    Janet - I remember also when I was a kid I lived in Minneapolis and would run from house to house with my shovel and earn extra money by shoveling other peoples sidewalks. Back then I never thought of being cold, but now brrrr!

    I'm thinking of you ladies in the Northeast and am hoping all goes well for you!

    Time for me to do my exercises! Everybody have a great day.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Jane ... congratulations on the new granddaughter!

    Meg ... you need to write a book! Very funny girl you are!

    Well, I just read 86 posts and now have no idea what I wanted to say. So I'll just say welcome to the new ladies. Those getting snow ... stay warm! (It's snowing in Western New York ... but that's nothing special ... it always snows here!) Yay for those with success and keep at it for those struggling.

    Ashley Update (young woman in snowmobile accident). She is slowly but surely progressing. Out of ICU ... starting to talk, eat and move a little. Her youth and general good health have helped her ... not to mention a lot of prayers!

    Wheelchair Van Update: we must get one as soon as possible! I can't even begin to describe the debacle in trying to transfer my son in and out of a Ford Taurus! Just envision three adults struggling in the snow and ice to get one frail young man into a chair without breaking everyone's heads. Sigh. We did go van shopping yesterday. It might be doable to get a new one ... yes the state will help with the accessability features ... we're responsible for the vehicle cost. Just going to take time.

    I'm doing better wtih the food choices and calorie counting. Decluttering mission has been on cleaning out pantries and this week is the fridge/freezer. Finding lots of very, expired food in the pantry that's there mostly because we have been making healthier choices in my family. It's a good feeling to throw away things you know you never want to eat again. I would donate them, but some have some too old of expiration dates.

    This is the last week for my son to receive home instruction from the school. He's taking his midterms in the kitchen as I type. Friday is to be his first day back to school for the new semester. Keeping fingers crossed that he can take the tools he's learned these past few weeks and apply them so the migraines are kept at bay.

    Have a good day.
    Beth in WNY

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    We got our dusting........about one inch, fine by me........streets are clear and high will be upper 30's so we should be OK. Soooooo pretty on the lawn.

    Well, I got myself all caught up in the border collie book thing...........knew it wasn't James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small, although I certainly remember his books and that show very well. It was every Sunday night at 7pm on PBS required viewing for me!!! It's been so interesting to see the stars of that show pop up in other things throughout the years. I think that was the beginning of my love affair with English t.v. shows!!!!

    Totally frustrated with my nagging horrible memory, I did my google thing and, sure enough, came up with what I was talking about and a lot more about the author. The books were: Nop's Trials and Nop's Hope by Donald McCaig. He was born in Montana.......graduated college, took post grad classes in sheep farming and training border collies and then (??????) was an "ad man" in NYC, then moved to Williamsville, Va. near Cowpasture River which is at the foot of Bullpasture Mountain (an area I've actually been to and love) to raise sheep and train border collies. .........and he's written a few other books on various subjects, Gone With The Wind is one of his other interests. Nice to know he's kind of local because I misremembered and thought the books were set elsewhere.

    Mystery solved (for me, anyway). Thanks to those who tried to help.

    Got to run; no time for comments right now Made Joy Bauers protien pancake this am; becoming very fond of that for breakfast.........easy, healthy, filling, quick and 266 cals.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Jane Martin, congrats on the new grandchild. So sweet to cuddle with the little ones.

    Beth, I feel for your trying to get your son into the car. When I took my mom out recently for lunch, it was a major hurdle trying to get her wheel chain into the trunk of my Honda. I hope you will be able to get a van soon. Also, hope your other son will be able to get back into school without headaches.

    No snow at all here (will maybe some up in the Blue Ridge Mts.). Just chilly but sunny. I can take that.

    Urging my adult son to get back to the doc for medication for his ADD. He is working a new job and needs this badly in order to stay on track. Just hope his insurance will pay for some of the visit.

    DH is having a couple of teeth pulled this AM. I always had family dental insurance when I worked and he would never take advantage of it. Now, most of his teeth are infected and he needs to get them taken care of. No insurance so it will be an expensive job.

    Carol from GA
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Still snowing to beat the band here in eastern CT. Shoveled a path for dogs (3) times already and it's covered! Looks so pretty, but that's because I'm inside a warm house and not out trying to conquer the mounds!
    Did some light exercises, holding off because I will be outside eventually.
    Hope everyone has a successful day!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Heather, Thanks for all the advice on Madrid. I lived in Greece for two years and they had sort of a siesta in the afternoon too. I got used to that, and even came to enjoy it. It was a little calm in a hectic day. Hopefully I can deal with it in Spain too. I'm far more worried about finding things I can eat. I have, by necessity, become a very picky eater, plus I have a severe allergy to fish, which can hide anywhere. I will print up a card in
    English and Spanish that explains it, to show to restaurants. Hopefully I can find plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to snack on to keep me alive.

    What do tourists do with luggage when they are sightseeing and using public transportation? We won't be renting a car. We can leave it in the hotel some of the time, but we plan on spending a couple of days here and a couple of days there and so on. We will be on trains a lot, I think. I told hubby I will pack very lightly, and he laughed out loud.

    I'm sure we will have a good time. Sometimes, during the busy days and weeks and months of regular life I forget just how much I enjoy hubby's company and vacations always remind me of that. If it were left up to me, we wouldn't travel at all, (it seems like money we could spend better at home) but hubby loves it so much that he counts on a trip or two every summer. We don't often go overseas though, so those trips are really special. Our last trip to Europe was to Sweden, and that was several years ago.

    Last night at dinner (at our local ice-cream shop) the kids were talking about what food was healthy and what wasn't. The little guy always gets a banana instead of french fries, just because he loves bananas, so he was bragging that his meal was healthier, and the girls were telling him that french fries were healthy too because they are potatoes and those are vegetables. (Hah!) It was getting pretty heated until I chimed in that the real secret to healthy eating is moderation. They had not heard that word before and so that started a whole new conversation. I wish they would talk about this kind of stuff at school, but I don't think they do. Our area is very big on buffet style restaurants. No wonder we're all obese.

    Here is a joke for today:


    Recently I heard the former mayor of Reading, Pennsylvania, 
recount some funny stories about his time in office. One happened while he was running for reelection; he was in a bar and paid for a 
woman’s drink. She thanked him but wondered why a stranger had 
bought her a beer.

    “I’m running for mayor,” he told her, “and I want your vote.”

    “You got it,” she said, grabbing her glass. “Anyone’s better than the jerk who’s in there now.”


    Have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My last post was indeed the one I forgot to click POST on yesterday. It waited patiently for me all night.

    I just got finished shopping at WalMart. I bought so many cans of stuff I couldn't carry it all. They are starting to have a TON of canned food with "no salt added". Green Beans, corn, black beans, kidney beans, tomatoes. Even jalepenos! So, tonight I'm making chicken breast with salsa over brown rice. Yum. I bought chicken breast and stuck it in the fridge at the studio so I don't have to stop on the way home.

    We are going to hit 70 today! I really feel bad for you in the north with all that snow. Be extra careful shoveling.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Krieter1
    Krieter1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the welcoming & encouraging posts, some made me tear up a little. I'm just so tired of feeling bad & my body's aches & pains are a constant reminder of the predicament I have created for myself.

    Read something recently on Pinterest - "losing weight is hard, but being fat is harder". So I'm trying to chose a different "hard" for myself.

    Last week was my 1st week and I had that great "1st week weight loss" bump. The one that we've all had, so I don't let myself claim all of it ;) Yesterday was the beginning of my 2nd week, & it was such a hard day for me. Trying to fill my head with positive conversations with the "fat" me, so I don't derail myself, I'm happy to report that I made it through & looking forward to today. I've planned today's meals through bedtime, and feel more positive about things. (Especially after viewing myself in the mirror this morning. I didn't see the person I am inside looking back at me, so it really gave me impetus to press on - at least for today.) One day at a time, right?

    Will let ya'll know how it goes for me today. Wishing everyone a success story today!


  • Cobourg
    Cobourg Posts: 54 Member
    Happy New Year. New to this thread but looking forward to getting healthy. I have been going to the gym five days a week and have started to go twice a day. Eating pretty good I guess. If I didn't have an thyroid problem I would probably be much thinner. It is a daily struggle. I am eating about 1117 calories and having problem eating that much. Of course I have injured my arm working so have to wait until my arm heals so am concentrating on cardio and legg work. Have a great day. I work full time, have a dog, husband and two adult kids one away at University and one in College living at home.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    my husband (Kirby, yes, that's his real name) had a bad toothache and I felt so bad for him, he made an appointment for today. you know the kind of toothache that just about makes you cry it hurts so bad... I went to the store last light and got him some advil and advil pm.. poor guy.

    What do tourists do with luggage when they are sightseeing and using public transportation? We won't be renting a car. We can leave it in the hotel some of the time, but we plan on spending a couple of days here and a couple of days there and so on. We will be on trains a lot, I think. I told hubby I will pack very lightly, and he laughed out loud.

    when I was in Europe both times, we stayed in hostels an we had lockers. when we went, we took a lock with us so we would already have one. how long are you going to be there.
    tip- pack everything that you are going to take., then dump it all out, then only take 1/2 of it.
    - when I went the first time for 3wks, my husband told me to do that, after I packed 1/2, then he told me to dump it and take 1/2 of that...
    - make copies of your passport, travelers checks and keep them somewhere in your bag, separate from you when you are out. make copies and give to someone here in the U.S. so if you loose them, or stolen, you will have your info.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    It was dinner time on a British Airways flight from London to New York. As the flight attendant moved down the plane, she asked one of the passengers: “Would you like dinner?” “What are my choices?” asked the passenger. “Yes or No,” replied the attendant.

  • Krieter1
    Krieter1 Posts: 5 Member
    Damit.janit - Loved your word of the day, "savor" (dictionary definition: taste and enjoy it completely) That's something that is really helping me overcome some of my less healthy "bad" food favorites. Last night I was eating my baked sweet potato & the rest of the family had pancakes & sausage. Passing that darn sausage plate around was really getting to me. I was already struggling with the day, so I just took a quarter size pinch off one of the patties, and really enjoyed all the flavors - after that I was fine. It reminded me of something Bethany Frankel says "taste everything, eat nothing."

    YannieJannie - "Hunger is not an emergency!" How could five simple words, put in just the right order, make so much sense?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    I made an observation about my eating - I eat now for fuel. I can actually feel when I need to eat (usually maybe a couple of hours after a workout if I haven't eaten something already.
    - I used to "love to eat"
    - now I just "eat to live"
    totally different kind of eating if you think about it.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: the larger train stations usually have lockers, too.
    Yanniejannie: I'm sure you would enjoy the books "Chaser" and "A Dog Year: Twelve Months, Four Dogs and Me."
  • k2boxlady
    k2boxlady Posts: 33
    edited January 2015
    Good day everyone! Slow getting moving this morning. Cold and about 2 inches of snow in Chesterfield, Va this morning, hitting at 5:30 a.m. And causing a mess for traffic. 50+ accidents in about 3 hours. People around here drive in snow as if the roads are clear, or the crawl causing accidents coming up behind them. No happy medium. I guess I do get a little "road rage". Heck, I get 'aisle' rage walking thru Walmart! If I can't be in and out of Walmart by 8 a.m., I'm not going! Anyway....
    Jane-- congrats on the new granddaughter! My granddaughter is 13!
    Grandmallie and everyone else up north-- stay safe and warm! Hope the snow stops soon for y'all.
    Terri-- welcome and good luck on your journey. Lots of nice people here to help support and motivate....and make you smile!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and productive day!
    Karen in Central VA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited January 2015
    Krieter1 - that's exactly what I do. Have a tiny taste. That doesn't work for everyone, but it does for me, especially with desserts. It stops me feeling deprived and once I know what it tastes like I am fine.
    - I think one of the secrets to losing weight is to really enjoy your food. You can still have something delicious, even if it is low in calories. Deprivation usually only works in the short term. I love my herbs and spices so even cheap, slimming and ordinary food, like cauliflower, tastes heavenly!
    - Sylvia - I do think the food thing might be a problem, partly because the Spaniards love their salt. Of course there are many wonderful food shops and markets. If you want a cheap and plain meal you could try the Museo del Jamon. It is a deli chain that looks as if it only sells ham etc, but upstairs is a very basic restaurant where you can get something simple like an omelette. You could ask for no salt. We found we didn't always want and couldn't afford to eat in proper restaurants every night. The Museo del Jamon was great and unpretentious.
    If you are travelling from place to place then you will have to take taxis and lug your suitcase around, but if you are based somewhere and just going away for a night or two you could pack a rucksack and take what you need, leaving the suitcase at the hotel, or train station. I'm sure it will be great. The Spanish language is one of the easiest to learn a few phrases of if you felt like it. Lots of resources on line and a phrase book for your Kindle? I learnt enough German that way to get by quite well. Spanish is easier! :laugh:

    Welcome new ladies! ! ! ! ! Keep coming back and chatting. :flowerforyou: Before you subject yourself to any harsh regime ask yourself, can I do this for the rest of my life? This is for ever. And ever.
    By the way, those of you who have trouble saying no to friends and family who offer you things, you just have to keep plugging away and keep saying, no thankyou, I'm eating to get healthy. Don't be embarrassed. Eventually they will get the message when they realise you mean it. Some people are just a bit slow. No one would EVER buy me chocolates or candies as a present. They would be too afraid! :laugh: Someone who didn't know about my dieting once bought me a whole, huge brie. I gave nearly all of it away. :noway: Take back control of your life. It's your life. :flowerforyou:

    Both DH and I still have this minor bug. I don't feel hungry today so I must be ill! ! ! ! :laugh:
    Sending good wishes to the snow areas. And hugs to Vicki and others with losses. Glad to hear Ashley is pulling through. Congrats Jane on the grandchild! :flowerforyou:

    On the subject of our favourite pews - I always take the same place at yoga and get there ten minutes early to make sure I get it. :laugh: I also bag my friend's spot next to me. :embarassed:

    Love to all you lovely ladies.
    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK


    PS I am currently reading and enjoying "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" Kindle edition. Good to remind oneself. One thing is - they don't give their power away! :flowerforyou:
  • noexcuses118
    Wow, I LOVE reading these posts. So inspirational and keeps me motivated. But I have a technical question, because I don't have much experience with message boards. I want to reply to each post as I read it. Is there an easy way to keep track of everyone so you can respond? Or do I just have to scroll up and down between my draft post and each person's post that I want to respond to?

    Hope everyone is well and happy. I'm still on track and I've posted every day since I started. I feel very proud of myself for that. I loved the suggestion of buying the little containers at the Dollar Store and keeping 100 calorie portions of healthy snacks within reach. Friday is weigh-in day for Week 2 of the Biggest Loser challenge at my work. I came in 2nd during Week 1, and I hope to come in 1st for Week 2. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Stay warm and safe, you northerners.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wildfiremoon: I’ve been reading your post and wonder whether you have enough medical support. Your situation is complicated and you are doing the best you know how. An element I’d like to have you focus on is the possible diabetes. Please have this checked out by medical professionals. Blood sugar swings can have an enormous impact on mood & mental wellbeing. They can also have dramatic impacts on all aspects of physical health.

    Pipcd: Your strava data for the year is amazing. Congratulations on all you have done! Time to celebrate with something you will enjoy or a gift to yourself or your bike.

    Meg: Congratulations on turning your weight around after all of that stress.

    Terri_mom: Which boy is your son, the blonde or the brunette? Both look like great kids.

    Barbie: You may be the most self-disciplined person I know. I admire all you are able to accomplish. The best part is that you’re healthy, happy, and have built an excellent life with Jake and the pets.

    MeredithDoyle85 & newbies: Welcome to a wonderful and supportive group.

    Alison: I’m glad you are doing so well in the storm. Stay warm and safe.

    Diana in IN: You said and did all the right things for your son’s friend.

    Jane: Congratulations on the new granddaughter.

    Beth in WNY: Keeping your son in my prayers. I hope that he is able to attend school in the coming semester. Good luck with the van & congratulations on purging your food cupboard. You’ve been busy!

    Carol from GA: I am sorry your DH has uninsured dental problems. Both of my parents had false teeth before they completed highschool. My dad’s situation was caused by braces, which were experimental back then. The experiment didn’t go well and he got a horrible infection that required having his teeth pulled. Mom just had, in her words, crappy teeth. They brought me up to take GOOD care of mine, and I’ve always seen to it that we’ve had dental insurance. DH had a waiting period after he went on medicare because we weren’t smart enough to get the policies set up in time for his coverage to be seamless. DD hasn’t been as diligent in that area, but DS & his wife are sticklers for good insurance. It is worth its cost.

    Twhitehead in CT: Stay safe in the storm.

    Sylvia: We are not frequent or comfortable travelers. DH is a real control freak and doesn’t like new situations. Part of this is his health situation, which has always been complicated by diabetes, and now includes a stroke, MS, and arthritis issues. He hates flying, but has agreed to try it and to travel to some new places in the coming year. We need to get new passports so we can go to Canada, at the very least. We love BC and it has been a few years since we’ve gone there. I love today’s joke.

    Krieter: Welcome! We have more than one Terri, so it would be great if you’d tell us where you’re from and add it to your signature. Terri from…

    Heather: I may need to read “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.” As to position in a room or space, I had “my spot” in my old yoga class but I’ve joined a new gym and I’m in a different spot each time. All of them are freezing. They need to warm up that gym. We haven’t been “church goers” for some time, but never developed a set spot in our last congregation. We would sit with different friends each Sunday. Most of our friends left that church due to the clique that developed there, and eventually we did too. It was like junior high by the end. The pastor’s wife was one of the lead snobs.

    CP: I open a word document on my computer and respond to each post on the word document as I read along. Then I copy and paste my word document into MFP. This practice helps me keep up and prevents lost posts that get gobbled by a bad keystroke or other internet hiccup.

    I hope those of you in the path of the snowstorm have power and stay safe and warm. We have fog again this morning. I hope we get some sunshine by the end of the day.

    My weight has climbed a few pounds. I'm still under goal, but I'm wondering whether the gain is the result of workouts at the gym, or too many calories. MFP, in its wisdom, changed my goal upward for me. I've decided to move it back down just a bit and see what I think. I know that muscle is more dense and weighs more than fat. I don't know whether my weight gain is caused by converting fat to muscle or by eating more & increasing fat. Words of wisdom are welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • noexcuses118
    Katla - Great idea on the word document! Now, why didn't I think of that? Thanks for the suggestion.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Katla - My DS is the redhead on the left. The other is his cousin, who is 4 years older.
    - I also "fell out" of the church where I had belonged my entire life, for a similar reason. My son was born 1 week after the new Minister and his wife had their son. She was always comparing our kids, and making sure to let me know mine was not as great as hers (mine was a preemie, but she still kept it up for at least a year). She also complained often about my daughter (9.5 years older). Then, she decided to go back to school for the same career as mine, and the competition "ramped-up" in her mind. It wasn't worth it, so we left.

    Yesterday I was able to ride the bike for 5 minutes, and today I made it 6 minutes. This afternoon I am going to try going to the Dentist, because I have an ancient filling that is falling out, and my coughing isn't as bad today. Still deep and wet, but much less often. The Doctor here feels my forehead and listens to my left lungs every day, and reminds me to take it easy, because viral pneumonia "takes a long time to feel better". Unfortunately, I think I gave it to my Dad (he claims to get it once a year every winter, so I'm not convinced it was my fault this time, either).

    Yesterday's NSV was to say no to DH when he asked if I wanted a chocolate shake from McDonalds. I took my sweet old time savoring a grapefruit while they ate their "junk". Tonight they are having Papa John's Pizza, but I'm sure my mouth will still be numb, so I'll stick to French Onion soup when I get feeling back in my mouth.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (where it is 29 and sunny)