

  • wildfiremoons666
    Thank you K2boxkady. Hopefully. I have the courage do do this. For my over all health, I have to do it. So far there seems like alot of support here and help if you need it. I hope to make alot of friends here so we can help each other.
    Noexuses118/CP you can do anything you set your mind too.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Pipcd34 – I don’t post a lot or collect a lot of official ‘friends’ either. Having said that, I really only read/post here, so consider all who lurk/post my friends. I’ll admit I’m terrible at keeping up with those patient individuals who are official, but generally follow along on this thread.

    Jane Martin – great idea about Valentine’s Day cards. I might do that, seeing as I have some time right now.

    Noexcuses118 – that’s terrific work! Consistency will get you to your goal.

    Thanks for all the speedy recovery wishes – I’m doing well. The weekend had some uncomfortable times, but we’re thinking it is really from the gas they used during the laparoscopic parts of the surgery. There always seems to be a random bubble that floats around for a while. And I guess the little twinges I’m feeling are the various bits healing – I truly am not in any pain. Makes it easy to overdo… I am back at my pre-hospital weight and might even see if I can fit into any of my slacks yet. Tummy is still quite puffy.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • fitgranny56
    fitgranny56 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm dealing with a high A1C and it's so hard because I love sweets. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Go to a trainer twice a week, now I need to incorporate workouts at home. I was hoping if I got some weight off along with watching my sugar intake it would bring the A1C down.
  • Beautifuluv
    Since January is almost over I'll start with February

    February Resolutions
    *walk 8,500 steps a day
    *kick boxing twice a week
    *Knock 2 things off "To Do" list
    *Log my food everyday.
    *Reach out to a new person every week.
    *Drink 32 oz of water

    Some of these I do already. Some I'm adding. Thanks for letting me share my goal.s
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I used to be on this thread a lot but fell off the wagon (ha! numerous times!) Even though I didn't post a lot or lose a lot of lbs I slimmed down great for my daughter's wedding in November...through diet and exercise (and an amazing personal trainer). After the wedding -- and thanksgiving... I was all ready to get back in the saddle but then my mom got sick and was in the hospital for 21/2 weeks... and then we had Christmas... goodness! Such excuses, right!? Well... I'd like to say I'm back and want to be held accountable.. so here I am... reintroducing myself. Tammy from Virginia Beach... 53, married, two daughters, one married and another in her first year teaching (1st grade!)

    I used to be a French teacher, but now I substitute teach... love to quilt and read and have become so much more fond of working out since I worked out with a trainer!
    Hope to get to know you lovely ladies and encourage you too!

    More later!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am so far behind! Just wanted to let you all know I am still here and not able to catch up. Been too busy! Today, getting ready for winter storm Juno here in CT. Wish me luck! My office is already planning to be closed tomorrow.

    ps. I am only up to page 36 and I see the thread is on page 43! I am so never going to catch up!

    Stay warm!
    Rita in CT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    One thing I notice on this thread, there are a lot of "reasons" why people "fall off the wagon". lately it was thanksgiving, then Christmas, then new news, then valentines day that is coming up... you must remember, there will ALWAYS be a "reason". especially with the work potlucks, friends coming over to visit, going out to dinner, pier pressure, them telling you, "oh come on, just one small piece". it is seriously hard to say no thank you to something that you really want but if your friends or support system is around you and are there for you, they won't bother to offer it to you to begin with.

    I go to this friends house once a month and she put on facebook a pic of this drink/dessert that had cherries on top, cheesecake like thing in the middle, and what looks like a graham cracker crust on the bottom w/fireball whisky in it. she asked the group; that she's been asked to make them and wanted a count of people that would have one if she made them. I replied no, I wouldn't. one person said well if you cut this and reduced this to lower the fat that she would, another said she would, another said, if you replaced the cherries w/strawberries.... one asked me (knowing that I am into my health) is it the fat that is freaking you out which is why you won't have one? I said, no, not freaking out about it at all... it's just that i'm not crazy about cherries or cheesecake and if it was going to have something I would make damn well sure that I REALLY want it to add it to my calorie count. I ask myself, do I want to waste it on that? and my answer is no. all of these ladies are over weight, I don't say anything, I just lead by example to myself, not to anyone else but myself.

    don't beat yourself up over bad choices that you may make. add it to your calorie count, you will be amazed on what you will slowly cut out because you never realized what it was that you were putting inside of yourself.

    small example, I had one small bag of Cheetos out of the vending machine. I saw the calorie count was something like 250 calories.. I thought to myself, no big, I can burn that... when I went to the gym, I had to RUN 3 MILES to burn that off!! I was thinking, ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? was that bag of Cheetos worth it??? the answer was NO!, haven't done that since, (probably about 6 or so years ago).

    Sorry for the rant....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    P.S. PLEASE don't take my post as picking on someone or anyone for that matter. it wasn't intended to come off that way.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Rita, good to see you!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: Welcome to newbies!! I have been to the pool this morning and did my water exercise, had trouble with one of the balance exercises, I think I float too well. LOL

    Pip - I'm with you on calorie counts. I can't believe sometimes what it takes to burn off calories consumed!

    Joyce - We had no basses yesterday in our choir so a couple of the tenors sang bass. Luckily the piece we were singing was not really low.

    Mary - You made me laugh visualizing you with the chocolate. It is my big downfall too.

    Margaret - Beautiful pictures. I would love to come to the cities for the winter carnival but I hate winter driving.

    CP - Welcome to the group. You sound a lot like me although I used to do a lot of exercise. The last three years I have not done much but I am improving on that.

    All of you in the NE stay warm and safe.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • noexcuses118
    Mary fr Minn - 25 pounds in 100 days - wow! That's inspirational. Thanks for the feedback.

    Fitgranny - a diabetes scare was the impetus for me to get serious. I wish you the best of luck.

    Beautifulluv - GREAT resolutions! Really specific and do-able. I think I'm going to write monthly goals and keep them posted at my desk.

    pipcd34 - Everything you said hit the nail right on the head. I'm realizing that logging my food and exercise will teach me how to know when something is worth it and when it isn't.

    I stayed on track for lunch with a bag of veggies, a cup of beans, and a beautiful fresh plum tomato. I'm stuffed, and all for only 343 calories!
  • klpeters2000
    klpeters2000 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Laurie from New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. I saw this group and thought, YES!! a women's over 50 group! I have created my goal for the past 2 yrs to get fit and get healthy and have not succeeded so now I am focused on making it happen in 2015. I quit smoking last year which was the start that I needed but then of course put on weight through the year.

    I am loving fitness pal, my new fitbit and runkeeper! Love how technology helps to keep me on track and remind me.
  • Krieter1
    Krieter1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! Just turned 60 and new to the discussion boards. I've come to believe that dieting has not served me well - starting with the Grapefruit diet when I was 17 yrs old and only wanted to lose 20 lbs.

    Many, many, many diets later, I now have over 200 lbs (yes, I said over 200 lbs) to lose. I have the typical health problems associated with obesity - type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, etc. But I also struggle with degenerative disk desease in my lower back that has really limited my mobility. I had pretty much given up living a productive life. I could make it to my job & home, but only from shear will power.

    So I'm still asking myself what made turning 60 into a big wake up call?! It started with a painfully frank conversation with myself about how my poor health affects the people around me. I don't feel like I can continue to accept the status quo because I have so many obstacles to losing weight now. A thousand mile journey begins with one step, right?

    So here I am. I've made it 7 days, today. My eating plan for now is to just be very deliberate about what I eat, staying under the suggested calorie/nutrition limits set by Myfitness. I log everything into my food diary BEFORE I EAT IT. So far, it's working for me and I'm encouraged by the weight I've lost this week.

    Hope someone identifies with my struggle, and is encouraged to take the first step on their personal journey.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello everyone, it's been awhile since I posted but have been hovering. I get on with the intention that I would post but by the time I read through all the posts my thoughts were too jumbled too right
    anything. So I decided it might be easier to post first then catch up.

    I have been keeping my depression under control. I'm still on 1 medication and I don't see me
    getting off of this one. Saturday a friend of the family was killed in a car accident. He grew up with my oldest daughter and spent many summer evenings here playing sand volleyball and just hanging out. It stirred up a lot of emotions from when my son on law was killed 6 months ago. I don't know how my daughter is handling it. I'm sure she knows but haven't heard from her since it happened. She was just starting to come around with dealing with her husband's death. It's one thing when your parents and our friends parents or even my friends pass away but it's a whole different emotion when it our children's mates and their friends. Sorry I just needed to vent.

    I can't remember who but I read where someone is deep in depression, the fact that you were able to express it on here is a great start, but please if you can see a professional before things get too unbearable. I have clinical depression and have had it for at least 20 years. But because someone insisted I get help I am alive today and in a much better place. ( in my mind), if you want to talk pm me. I won't dismiss your emotions as unimportant. I believe in prayer and I can pray with you or for you.

    Oh, what helps to go easy on mindless eating, I put post it notes on my fridge and snack drawer that says "What you EAT in PRIVATE is what you WEAR in PUBLIC" and when I no longer notice it, I rewrite it on something different so it doesn't go invisible. I think I'll write it on my posts to keep it in my head.

    Brenda from Md
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Brenda from MD, love your quote.

    Good wishes for all of those on the NE coast who are expecting blizzard conditions.

    Damp cold and very windy here today. Spent the morning taking apart my steam cleaner to clean out debris. Felt very handy with my screw driver skills. LOL

    I keep trying to realize how I lost 20 pounds in a year and now can't shed the 9 I have gained back. I think it is because I logged each meal before I ate and then stuck to it. Need to start doing that again.

    Carol ~ GA

  • wildfiremoons666
    Good Afternoon to everyone hope you are all having a wonderful day.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Brenda - so sorry to hear of the deaths of your young people. :flowerforyou: I am currently retyping my novella which was based on the death of my sister in law when I was 25. We lived with them and it was life changing. Some of it was for the good. I certainly learnt a lot about myself and grew up a lot. It also brought me closer to people.

    Yesterday I was watching "Call the Midwife", which featured a stillbirth. It brought back so many memories of my stillborn baby girl that the tears were really coming. It was good in a way. The love I had for her is still there 37 years later. :heart: I so appreciate my beautiful DGD. It was a miracle when she was born.

    Love to all who have lost dear ones. ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

    Heather in Hampshire UK

    PS the East Coast storms are on our news. Stay safe!
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member

    "What you EAT in PRIVATE is what you WEAR in PUBLIC"

    I absolutely love this....I will post it in my cupboard...

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! ! I am finally caught up on reading since I was so busy this weekend.

    pip - I had an "aha" moment this past week, too, regarding calories, etc. A store had 5/$5 progresso soup. I read all the labels, and only purchased the French Onion soups. I can eat an entire can as a meal, with fewer calories and fat and carbs than 1/2 can of any other option. Or, I can use it in the crock pot to enhance a meal for the entire family. I had no idea that progresso soup (and I will read other labels better from now on) was so bad for me. Good thing I enjoy eating onion soup.

    Now, to back track from my reading :smile:

    Michele in NC (and all others interested in the conversation about the weighted vest) - I did not hear back from my Physical Therapist Aunt, but I did ask the opinion of my DS's personal trainer (MS degree in Sports Exercise, and StrongMan winner) . His opinion is that the vest would be much less damaging to joints, with the exception of ankles, knees, and possibly lower back. He states that if you have healthy joints, you may walk, or walk on the treadmill, or use an eliptical, but should never run in a weighted vest, because it would put so much more pressure on your lower joints. When I hear back from my Aunt, I will let you know.

    Kim in N Cali - congrats on the NSV. I have much better control if I ask at a restaurant for my to-go container with my meal, and split it immediately before I start eating. I don't think I am at the place yet where I could stop eating. I admire you for that !

    The PopTart conversation makes me laugh out loud in public !!! I keep chocolate poptarts in the house for DS to snack on between events (I also keep lunchables and/or turkey jerky and/or protein bars, because you never know what a 14 y.o. boy is going to want 1 day to the next). Well, this weekend his poptart got squished in my bag, so he refused to eat it, so I ate it instead. First time in MANY years. That + a grapefruit was my supper yesterday, and I cherished (savored) every moment of both items.

    Heather in UK - the whole music conversation makes me confused and sad. I can't believe how traumatized I could have made other people. I have one of the "strange" brains that has music inside every second of every day. If I don't have external music, I will create internal music. I am not afraid of silence, but the internal music tends to be repetitive, so I create external music to calm myself (sometimes, that means singing or humming or whistling out loud). The only time I turn off the music at my desk is when someone asks, or when they come in with a migrane. I apologize to anyone whom I traumatized with my music. I really meant no harm.

    Barbie - I also look forward to the day I am able to control the other foods, like you compared to food allergies. I would NEVER consider even trying to eat shellfish because I know the life-threatening consequenses. Yet, a few times a week, I will be weak, and eat a complex carb that is both bad for my weight and a triggerfood for my RA symptoms (white wheat, corn, and potato). Thank you for reminding me.

    This weekend was full of bowling for both DS and DH again. DS struggled toward the end of H.S. bowling, and brought his fill down to 76.28%. His team is now in a VERY close race for first place with 2 other teams. He is now down to the #5 spot, so he may not qualify for State. :\ At the Sunday Junior Gold tournament, he started strong, but left splits in the 10th frame of the first 2 games to finish with 167 and 162. Games 3 & 4 were both over 200. Game 5 crashed with a 128, then he came back with a 219 in game 6. His first 3-game series had him only 10 pins away from Qualifying, but his final 3 games he was about 50 pins out. But I am still very proud of him, because he listened to his dad the best possible, and maintained his composure even during his bad games/frames. But the big surprise for the weekend was when his cousin from Minnesota walked in and bowled a few lanes away from him. That made it more fun, and we took lots of pictures (I just still haven't figured-out how to save them to this computer so I can download them to show you all).

    DH was only able to get his "girls" to win 1 game out of 7, but they all had good fills (they were up against the #1 team). He bought them pizza, and they all had a good time, so that feels like a win for him. Today they take team pictures.

    Well, I see a few more people have posted lately, and I will have paperwork to do. Prayers for everyone expecting the blizzard ! ! ! o:)

    Terri in Milwaukee (where it is snowing, but we are only expecting a few inches).
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello, everyone -
    I'm new here. I'm 53, 5'2" tall and [gulp] 113 pounds overweight. I am in shock at the number on the scale. 230 pounds? I shake my head and think, how the hell did I get here? But I know very well how I got here. I eat all the wrong foods like crazy, and I don't move. There really is no secret to it, is there?

    I've been a member of MFP for a couple of years, but I never really used it. I could never get into the habit of thinking about what I ate all the time and having to write it down. But, now, I'm just so sick and tired of feeling ... well, sick and tired, that I am determined to do everything I can to lose the weight once and for all. And no more fads and gimmicks. Believe me, I've tried them all. From that stupid HCG diet (I still can't believe I injected myself with a pregnancy hormone every morning for six weeks) to the latest thing I tried, which was the Purium shake. They all work... for a few weeks. Then it's back to the same old unhealthy habits and binge eating.

    I have finally and completely realized that there is no magic pill and no easy way to be fit and healthy. It's going to take hard work and a long time. It's about creating new habits to replace the old ones. It's about mindful eating, instead of just sitting in front of the TV in a haze, and then all of a sudden looking down and realizing that I ate an entire carton of Edy's Butterfingers ice cream (for the third time in a week).

    I'm really scared that I won't be able to do it, but I'm going to give it everything I have.

    I started a Biggest Loser challenge at work a week ago Friday. Last week I lost 5.5 pounds, and I didn't starve myself or fast or anything crazy like I usually do. I just loaded up on tons of fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. I logged into MFP every day and made sure I had all the nutrition I'm supposed to have. I know most of it's water weight, but I'm still very proud of myself. But for me, the first week is always successful. It's continuing the momentum that I find so difficult.

    I have now logged my food for 8 days straight. That's actually a record for me. I am cautiously optimistic. I'm hoping that by reaching out to others in my situation, I will have the courage I need to get through the hard times. It's all about one day at a time, right?

    Anyway, thanks for reading this. Sorry I ran on so long. And thanks for starting this thread. I believe it's really going to help.

    Have a great day, everyone.
