

  • Krieter1
    Krieter1 Posts: 5 Member
    Enjoy reading everyone's post. Have been keeping up with my daily food diary & only exceeded my set calorie limit on 1 day, which is an accomplishment for me - I am the best at setting a plan & really bad with the follow thru. So why is that 1 day I went over the one I'm remembering? I will probably be battling the "diet" mentality for awhile. So the "Skinny Terri" needs to give the "Fat Terri" a break, right?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Stats for the day:
    Slow jog- 49.16min 9.51ap 5.8-6.3sp 5mi
    Rowing machine- 15min 3570meters 170aw
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited January 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Greetings to all you lovely ladies.

    *Rori, Great picture. I know you all enjoyed that outing. Thanks for sharing.

    *Sharon, I don’t know whether to laugh or gag, but defrosting the cat in the microwave just has my mind going in all sorts of directions. LOL

    *Heather, I’m praying that your pain will minimize and you enjoy your holiday. Don’t forget that just stretching when you have the chance can help a bit with those long sitting spells. Have a wonderful time.

    *Brenda, good for you on slowly cutting out the less desirable foods. I pretty much don’t eat from Fast Food places any more either. If I must, I get a fish or chicken sandwich without the dressing. I find I enjoy food at home more when it’s possible. I also know from past experience that the slower I lose, the easier it is to keep off, so I’m working on exercising Patience

    *Meg, yea for your knee. And OMG, I got hungry just reading your menu for Sunday. Yum

    *Michele, I’d probably try some earth tones with some blues and greens for the praying mantis. But that’s just me. I have to tell you that when I first scrolled down I saw the pic of the man at the top and it looked like he was praying, so I thought it was a joke. Use your imagination.  :#

    *Terri, I think you are doing great. This is a new lifestyle and it doesn’t happen overnight. Or at least it didn’t for me. Give yourself a little time to adjust, not only your body, but your mind to this new way of thinking.

    In keeping with some recent posts I just have to share my new sign to self:


    Greetings and welcome to any Newbies that I missed and I wish only the best of the best for all the ladies here.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon, all. I am exhausted. Didn't sleep well at all and got up before dawn to go volunteer for same day registration and for timing at the finish line of a double race.......9 & 15mi. It was all of 24 degrees and a steady wind with gusts to about 30. I'm not going to tell you how many layers I had on....just kept telling myself: It's a good cause. I had volunteered to do this one a month ago. Been home about three hours, kicked the heat up to 76 and still not warmed up yet.
    I have read everythng but it will be a very early night for me, so not much to say as I will not make much sense.

    Congrats to Sally for reaching goal!

    Best to everyone!
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I'm not going to swim at the Y this morning with hubby because I had such a miserable time last week. So I'm going along and will do the weight machines and walk around the basketball courts if they aren't crowded, or on a treadmill. Then a couple hours at the studio, then we will go to the lake.

    Yesterday afternoon I got a call from my son saying the school had just called. DGS (age 6) was being sent home with head lice. Oh joy. I picked him up at school, then he and I went to Walgreens to get the treatment (plus a candy bar for after), then took him home where he got a good scrubbing. He hates washing his hair under the best circumstances, but my son said he was really good about it once he explained that there were bugs in his hair sucking his blood. He really wanted them gone!

    I made 16 more bowls yesterday, bringing the total to more than 60. 40 more to go. And I got the "classroom" all set up for the kids class that starts on Tuesday. I put posters of pottery on the walls, and put the chairs at the tables. I really like how it turned out. Might just leave it that way after the class is over.

    Well, I forgot to click post again. It's now about 4pm. We are at the lake. It's COLD in here! It takes forever to warm up the downstairs so I'm sitting in my heavy coat with a dog on my lap. I took my son to get a few groceries before we left home. He's broke till about the third. Again. He tried to get hot dogs and ramen noodles. I insisted on real food, meat, pasta, vegetables, yogurt, cheese, etc. I don't think those kids get enough fruit, and the little guy really loves fruit. So we got apples and bananas.

    Tonight I'm making turkey burger with baked potato, and tomato slices for me and hamburger steak for hubby. He's not a lover of ground turkey. The good thing about eating out here is that we have to plan in advance and we only have what we bring with us. We don't leave any food out here. So there's no chance of nibbling later on.

    Well, my fingers are too cold to type. Have a great evening.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, oh my gosh, those yellow chairs in the picture are the EXACT same ones I just bought for my studio! That's too funny! I love those chairs so much I went back yesterday and tried to buy some more but they were all gone. The praying mantis is great! I'm afraid I'd do him in every color in the rainbow. But where do you intend to put him? Are there colors you should try to match?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    Janet, this is so great, that I had to post it again smiley-laughing001.gif
  • srclark89
    srclark89 Posts: 79 Member
    Hallelujah, finally I found my way to this page. My name is Susanrae and I have been with MFP for 20 days. I have been trying to join in conversations but have not been successful till now. I have struggled with weight issues for most of my life as my body strives to be super size. I just so don't want to go there. MFP has been awesome as it tracks what I'm eating I can see quite clearly what I have been doing wrong. Innocently eating healthy foods that threw me way over any sugar goals set by man.
    But we are all beset with challenges and that is where having people to share with is so Great. I was just reading a statement above saying not to reward yourself with food. I agree one of the problems I had was treating myself as a rubbish bin, so as not to waste food.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been thinking about my goals and since I didn't add them to my posts they where not in my mind all the time. I remember I decided to take it easy on my self and go for 4,000 steps a day. That was done most of the time but the one day I was really sick I didn't get that many.
    Rori- love the picture. Looks like you guys are having fun.
    - Janet - ghat is so funny. Don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog.
    - Meg - maybe you can rehab your knee yourself without the going through all the pain the doctor is expecting.
    Walked around the HEB grocery this morning since it's raining today. Maybe be walking around the house later to get all the steps in. One of my "excuses" is I have a form of plantar facitisis (never could spell that word).
    Newbies be sure to follow Barbie's link to the new thread for February and to bookmark it with the star so you can find it easily
    Have a great evening.
    SueBDew in TX
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    Hello to all my over 50 fellow MFP members!!! As this is the last day of January I thought I should at least post something. I am back on the site hoping for support and encouragement as I re-visit my weight loss journey. I think I have about 40 pounds to lose . I've already dropped a few so I am hopeful. Watching the carbs really helps. Went to Mexican for lunch today and not one tortilla chip crossed my lips!!! Wishing all of you continued success in February!!
  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Hello everyone! Busy Saturday for me, but made sure to get the cardio and core in first. Home now and just enjoyed a lovely supper including my favorite spaghetti bolognese and a really nice salad and some great clementines for dessert.

    Love catching up on all your posts and am truly inspired with all your successes and goals met!

    I'm a big sports fan and am looking forward to the game tomorrow. A few friends and my DS and his girlfriend will be over to watch.

    Have a lovely relaxing evening~and here's to a great February for everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    edited February 2015

    These are the hats I knitted in honor of the Seahawks trip to the Super Bowl....the part that looks black is really dark blue
  • wildfiremoons666
    Ok ladies, here's to a magnanimous February for everyone. Hope all had a great day.
    Socialwacker hope your evening is as relaxing as you need.
    Srclark89 Welcome glad you are here. You cN do this.
    fatchimom Welcome back and this group of ladies are wonderful for any type of support you need.
    bjkidfun I know all about the cravings. I have been getting them since April 13, 2013 when my mom died. I am getting better day by day and some days are worse than others. You got this.
    Krieter1 I can agree with you more about the statement you made about your skinny Terri giving the fat Terri a break, my skinny Shanyn is the same to the fat Shanyn. We got this Terri.

    Hope all has a great night. Anybody that would like to ad me as a friend, I would be honored. I tried to a few but not sure if I did it right.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sylvia - you are doing such an awesome job on the bowls. Such a great cause.

    Barbiecat - how do we get to the new thread for February? I love the hats. We will be rooting for your team to win!

    My husband took me out for date night and he took me swimsuit shopping! I finally looked good in a swimsuit! I actually found a couple tops that covered the "girls" up! Usually the suits are so skimpy.

    Still date night so gotta go!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited February 2015
    Meg - I am still laughing so hard picturing your neighbors watching you dance. Good for you being so self-assured.

    Terri - take care of Terri, and I hope you can cut her some slack. As others have said, this is a journey, so take baby steps with us!

    Barbie - the hats are amazing. I haven't learned to knit, so I never make such beautiful designs. I am envious. B)

    My kale chips are not very good, but serve the purpose when I wish I could munch on chips. I "shake" them with olive oil and soy sauce in a Ziploc baggie, then put them on a cookie sheet on the middle shelf. I stay in the kitchen, and flip them every few minutes until crispy most of the way through, and hopefully remove them before they burn.

    I also took grapes today, and one of the other boys on my son's team was very thankful, as he ate the whole bag. That makes me happy. I found Sugar Snap Peas for $2.99 / pound, so that will be my crunch & munch tomorrow.

    DS's pizza for supper is finished, DH is off to work. We are expecting 9 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow, so I need to start the day early, since the 2 bowling alleys are nowhere near each other. So, I think I will eat a grapefruit and head off to sleep soon (before 8pm on a Saturday? I am so boring !).

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! ! See you all in February.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I worked today and will again tomorrow. Want to keep up with your posts, hear your news and meet the new ladies.

    Heather - How long is your trip? I'm praying your back improves and you are pain free during your ADVENTURE!

    Lesley - Happy anniversary! Sounds like Mildred had a nice day.

    Boxlady - good joke!

    Red - sounds like you are really "stepping things up".

    Joyce - nice to know your friend will have a lovely garden to enjoy.

    Brenda and Yanniejannie - ((hugs))

    Sharon - enjoyed the frozen cat funeral story. Ha! too strange and funny! I didn't quite follow what you shared about your son and his child. Is he being challenged for custody?

    Barbie and Katla - good results on your goals

    Rori - so enjoyed your picture

    Michele - loved seeing your expressive bug friend. Where do you plan to put him? Somehow he seems like aquas, blues, and purples would suit him.

    Meg - good to hear the knee is better. I laughed at your story of naked cat tag. I guess it was quite a show!

    Time to clean up the kitchen.

    Toni in dreary, chilly, Tennessee
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Barbie - love the hats!

    Terri in Milwaukee - your posts always interest me and make me a little envious. My "baby" is 38 so I like to hear what you and your young son are doing together. It seems like yesterday my boy was in HS.

    Speaking of sons - I got to visit with mine and DDIL and DGS between workout and work. Nice interlude for me.

    Now good night - Toni
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-sleep012.gif I'll be going to bed early so I've started the new thread for February.

    Here is the link:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Nite peeps, c u in February thread, gotta be hr maybe 3 hr spin class tomorrow
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Barbiecat: I loved this "DO NOT REWARD YOURSELF WITH FOOD,
    YOU ARE NOT A DOG!" Good one!

    Loved reading all the updates tonight.
    Have a good Sunday!

    Judy from PA