MarilynCurves Member


  • Thanks so much! You've got me pegged already! I have to analyse everything to the nth degree! Haha! I just really want this to work! I want to FINALLY reach my goal :smile:
  • Many thanks for all these sensible responses!! I would love SO MUCH to experience that decrease in appetite. I just feel a bit daunted right now. And terrified I'll only gain weight!!
  • Probably should've specified that I only started yesterday! Haha!! Before that I was doing traditional CICO, but just hungry all day :smile:
  • I chose MarilynCurves because I adore Marilyn Monroe. I have an hourglass figure (which I'm trying to whittle, obviously!), so I take inspiration from the glamour and beauty of Ms Monroe. She's my reminder to keep going. But my name is actually Diana. Hi, I'm new to this community! Thanks for letting me join in! :smiley:
  • Thanks so much for your perspective! I actually cried when I left that appointment because he really threw me for a loop with what he said! The last thing I need is to be more confused about what is right for me. Yes, I was feeling frustrated that the scale hadn't moved in a couple of months, but I was hoping for assurance…
  • Thank you so much, I love all of your advice, Sued0nim. I have been doing 4 cardio sessions, at 40-55 minutes per session, hard enough to really sweat. I'm a member at a gym so I use the machines there. My Apple Watch records my workouts, but doesn't sync them to MFP, so I haven't been adding them in because I didn't…
  • The "eat under 1500" was him. I just feel so confused because all the calculations I made with the "In Place of a Roadmap" stickie gave me numbers around 1900 calories! I don't want to take it THAT high, but I'd rather eat more and see success than feel the lethargy I've been feeling.
  • I apologise if I misread you, and I appreciate your advice. I have been bulking my dinners with vegetables, but actually I'm eating what the dietician told me to. I guess I'm just a big eater. I haven't been eating my exercise calories because I don't trust the counts I'm given, and that would go against the dietician's…
  • I'm sure I'm just reading your tone all wrong, but there's really no need to be so terse with me. I'm really happy for you that you found that calorie goal so easy, have a great day.
  • The calculations I made in the Roadmap stickie put my BMR just under 1600 calories. When I woke up each morning I could barely see straight. I was so tired I had a minor car accident. I work 2 jobs and work out 4 times a week. I'm 5"8. It's genuine hunger, trust me
  • I started out using one, but I kinda forgot to go back to it because I use MFP so much. I have yo-yoed A LOT the past few years, and I don't even record all the upward fluctuations I've made. I really ought to start using a tape measure too, I reckon!
  • I want to lose 25-30kg, so it feels like a long trip! I'm very impatient to drop the first 10kg quickly because it REALLY affects my confidence. I sing in a band on weekends and I hate getting onstage feeling like I do :-(
  • Thank you SO MUCH!! Even since posting this thread I've second guessed my decision a hundred times, I'm so screwed up!! But I want to feel alert and well again, I want to shape my body, not just waste away, you know? I really appreciate your positivity! Thank you!
  • I believe that Apple and MFP have yet to sync that part up. Hopefully they're working on it, as I'd absolutely love to see my workouts on MFP. I'm pretty sure that MFP are aware of the issue though, so that's a start.
  • Groups of alpha-male dudebros who stand around one machine, leaving bottles and phones on the machines around them (so you can't use any of them, grrrrr!!) pointing out the girls in hushed tones and laughing like they're at a prom. Conversely, groups of Mean Girl-looking 19 year olds who move in packs and take selfies…
  • So much good advice, you guys. Many thanks! I feel heartened and re-energised. Thank you all!
  • Thanks so much to you all! This is why I went ahead and posted - I knew you would give sensible advice and get me back into the right frame of mind. He threw me for a loop. I'm supposed to go back to him for 4 more sessions but I might give it a miss and stick to what I know. Thanks again!
  • It wasn't my intention to "bash" anyone. All I meant was that his advice contradicted so much that I'd seen and read in the past, that I came away feeling confused. I also think he should've addressed my concerns a little. Part of my referral for him was to seek help with reflux. He didn't mention it once.
  • Many thanks for your advice. You're right. MFP has worked for me just fine in the past. I need to get back to basics. It just feels like everything got LESS effective when I joined the gym. I'll have to pick it all back up and stick with it!
  • Honestly, I was nearly in tears. I was hoping for genuine help :-( it shouldn't feel like I know more than him!