Screw this!

MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
edited December 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Some of you many remember my visit to a dietician a couple of weeks ago, where I was told to eat under 1500 calories and do 45-60 minutes of cardio 4 times a week. Well, I tried it. I thought I'd give it a go because I haven't seen the scale move in months, and frankly I need to see that happen for my sanity, right or wrong.

I lost 1.8kg (3.5lb) in the first 5 days. I was very happy with this. But I was TIRED. So tired I felt fuzzy-brained, and not alert. And SO HUNGRY all day. I have a big appetite so this was a challenge, to say the least. I have also felt that "tired but wired" feeling, when you're exhausted but your adrenaline keeps pushing you.

This week I only lost 300grams (.66lb)! All that hunger and willpower for that?! I'm done!

I want to thank MFP for the stickies at the top of the page! Having pored over the "In place of a roadmap" post over and over, I made some calculations and have arrived at a far more sustainable number. I hope to incorporate weights back into my routine, and I'm looking forward to feeling a little less like the walking dead. I have no doubt these posts frustrate many of you, who have enjoyed success doing this sensibly and steadily. It's just that I've had what I'd call a "dysfunctional" relationship with food my whole life. It's hard not to hop from idea to idea in an effort to get the results I want.

So here I go again, trying to have the patience to accept smaller losses, but to be able to maintain the WOE for much, much longer. I really want to let go of the scale-watching. Gah!!!

Thanks again!

Edited to add - I'm supposed to go back to the dietician next week, but I think I'll cancel.


  • katthouse499
    katthouse499 Posts: 50 Member
    Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same ! Congrats to u !! Not bc you spilled ur issues but for taking action and doing what works for you. You can do this !!
  • MarilynCurves
    MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
    Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same ! Congrats to u !! Not bc you spilled ur issues but for taking action and doing what works for you. You can do this !!

    Thank you SO MUCH!! Even since posting this thread I've second guessed my decision a hundred times, I'm so screwed up!! But I want to feel alert and well again, I want to shape my body, not just waste away, you know? I really appreciate your positivity! Thank you!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    How much do you need to lose? I'm lucky if i lose 1kg per month! I've only got 4kgs left though, but it's been sloooow going for the last 6 or so months.
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Read a bit more about what it takes to change your metabolism. It is not overnight. It takes several weeks for your body to get rid of excess water.... You need to eat healthy.. don't starve yourself... I would not worry much about calories as much as are you consuming the nutrients to be heart healthy, brain healthy..... You need to eat a lot within a day... not carbs, not chips, not pizza.... but you need to eat leafy greens, vegetables, fruit, and you need to eat protein.... Read about the best times in the day to eat certain be more alert... to feel strong................................and don't let anyone discourage you. It is slow going at first... and then when you stick to a wise regimen of food intake..... walking for exercise....... you will see results...... and also.... lifting weights turns fat to muscle... and muscle weighs a lot.... you can't base your success on your weight number.... but rather your inches lost....and you will be trim, firm, and look good..................but more importantly.... feel good.

  • MarilynCurves
    MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
    How much do you need to lose? I'm lucky if i lose 1kg per month! I've only got 4kgs left though, but it's been sloooow going for the last 6 or so months.

    I want to lose 25-30kg, so it feels like a long trip! I'm very impatient to drop the first 10kg quickly because it REALLY affects my confidence. I sing in a band on weekends and I hate getting onstage feeling like I do :-(
  • MarilynCurves
    MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Are you using a trending weight program to evaluate your weight level? The reason I ask is not because I don't believe in a more sustainable option as per sickies. I absolutely agree with losing while eating as much as you can.

    My concern though is based on how you reported your weight loss, in a 100℅ scale weight oriented manner. Especially for an impatient person, trending weight apps are a must!

    I started out using one, but I kinda forgot to go back to it because I use MFP so much. I have yo-yoed A LOT the past few years, and I don't even record all the upward fluctuations I've made. I really ought to start using a tape measure too, I reckon!
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    How much do you need to lose? I'm lucky if i lose 1kg per month! I've only got 4kgs left though, but it's been sloooow going for the last 6 or so months.

    I want to lose 25-30kg, so it feels like a long trip! I'm very impatient to drop the first 10kg quickly because it REALLY affects my confidence. I sing in a band on weekends and I hate getting onstage feeling like I do :-(

    The way I look at it is...

    This is not a diet, it's a way to eat...for the rest of my life. So although I would like the weight to come off fast the only thing that really matters is that I maintain that weight loss.

    Onstage speaking personally all I care about is how you sing, are you on key and do you "move" me. I don't think about how you look, pretty sure others don't either.

    You should exude confidence first then your weight will follow not the other way around I would think.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I'm glad you increased your calories- all those signs (fuzzy feeling, tired and wired, overly hungry)... means you were at way too few calories and that's a great way to damage your health and crash your metabolism.

    Slow and steady is the way to go :)
  • MarilynCurves
    MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    What's wrong with feeling hungry? Analyse that feeling, don't just respond to it. Have you just eaten? Not real hunger. Take a 20 minute walk and if you're still hungry eat something

    Weight loss isn't linear you need to track over 6-8 weeks to get your weekly weight loss

    Change your food go-tos ...pad them out with low calorie vegetables

    1500 doesn't sound like a bad goal but depends on your starting weight and height and you should eat back some / not all of your calories

    Give it 6 weeks not 2 then change up if it doesn't suit

    Losing weight isn't easy ..but you saw a registered dietician ...I'd take their advice for a decent amount of time and adjust your expectations of the scale in the short term

    The calculations I made in the Roadmap stickie put my BMR just under 1600 calories. When I woke up each morning I could barely see straight. I was so tired I had a minor car accident. I work 2 jobs and work out 4 times a week. I'm 5"8. It's genuine hunger, trust me
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited December 2016
    You're 5'8 and weigh what?

    I'm also 5'8 and I started at 215lbs so lost about your weight loss goal , 50lbs. I actually consumed a similar calorie goal to do so

    BMR is irrelevant

    Care to open your diary?
  • MarilynCurves
    MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    You're 5'8 and weigh what?

    I'm also 5'8 and I started at 215lbs so lost about your weight loss goal , 50lbs. I actually consumed a similar calorie goal to do so

    BMR is irrelevant

    Care to open your diary?

    I'm sure I'm just reading your tone all wrong, but there's really no need to be so terse with me. I'm really happy for you that you found that calorie goal so easy, have a great day.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Your diary is open

    Can't see you logging your exercise ...45 mins cardio should have earned you a decent 300 calories to eat

    A couple of days either you didn't log or your calories were too low with 1100 logged

    Your food choices, to me, seem poor ...where's all the bulking vegetables ...if you're a volume eater eat fewer calorie dense foods ...there's lots of grab and go foods in there

    Try batch cooking at the weekend has some great recipes