arh0117 Member


  • I'm just like you. I haven't lost a lot and I have been on here for about a month and a half. At one point I was doing every challenge I could find on the boards, working out an hour or more EVERY day, tracking every single thing I put in my mouth. Then, like a previous poster, I got burnt out. And then school…
  • I'm in for another 3500 this week. Hopefully I will make my goal this time!!
  • Feeling better today! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 503 (Zumba-271, Strength Training-207, Tricep Dips-25) Tues: 529 (Zumba-271, Strength training-207, Windshield Wipers-51) Wed: 495 (Nike Training Club W/O-414, Strength training-51, Push-ups-30) Thur:993 (Moving, boxes, upstairs-933, Walking Lunges-60) Fri: Rest day/Burnt 26…
  • Maybe the best thing for you is to be blunt about it. Tell them exactly how you feel. They might get upset, but if they can't understand and be supportive of you then maybe you shouldn't be around them. I know how much it sucks. My family was like this in the beginning and still today to an extent. The first day we went to…
  • I am obese, and I don't have an addiction to food, I just love to eat!! LOL I know I don't have an addiction because I have done the starvation thing, and not just for a week, I'm talking three months. But, I absolutley love the taste and flavor of foods, mostly foods that are not good, i.e. ice cream, cakes, cookies,…
  • I definitely need to stretch after the workouts this week...I have never worked out as hard as I have this week, too bad I didn't see results on the scale or tape....
  • Done! Just in the nick of time! ;)
  • I'm in!!
  • Feeling better today! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 503 (Zumba-271, Strength Training-207, Tricep Dips-25) Tues: 529 (Zumba-271, Strength training-207, Windshield Wipers-51) Wed: 495 (Nike Training Club W/O-414, Strength training-51, Push-ups-30) Thur:993 (Moving, boxes, upstairs-933, Walking Lunges-60) Fri: Rest day/Burnt 26…
  • Got 'em done, but I did them with both legs instead of single-legged. Not strong enough for that yet... :)
  • Thank you so much for this! I am not on the road a lot, but I am busy a lot and sometimes it is just easier to run through a drive-thru. I have been carrying around all the little pamphlets you cna get at each restaurant, but this will be soooooo much easier and more efficient!!
  • Okay ladies here is today's challenge: *25 Calf Raises- Do these using both legs, or one legged and do 25 on each side. This is a great way to get those nice looking legs! Let's get motivated and get it done ladies!! Woot it's Friday!! **Also, don't forget to be drinking your water--at least 16 oz. everyday!! And check in…
  • Acutally, it's only 488 MB, which is still large, but it's a great app to have if you have the room.
  • Drank my water for today and did 150 walking I helped my parents move some more. Tonight we worked solely on the upstairs so for about an hour I moved boxes/bags down stairs and I am give out...going to take a very cold shower and then melt into bed...good night everyone...until tomorrow.... :yawn:
  • Done....legs are like jello...especially after helping my parents move...tonight we worked solely on the upstairs rooms...gonna go take a COLD shower and melt into bed....
  • feeling....burnt....out....Probably gonna take a rest day tomorrow.... Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 503 (Zumba-271, Strength Training-207, Tricep Dips-25) Tues: 529 (Zumba-271, Strength training-207, Windshield Wipers-51) Wed: 495 (Nike Training Club W/O-414, Strength training-51, Push-ups-30) Thur:993 (Moving, boxes,…
  • I just found out that our annual trip to NOLA will be thee weekend of the end of this challenge and we are going kid-free this year!! Sounds like a great reward for losing 25 lbs.!!! That's means I'll get to party like a rockstar that weekend!! Wooo hoooo!!
  • Yay!! I remember when I did that day and I felt so accomplished when I was done! It is definitely a great feeling!! Good for you!!! Now get out there and run your heart out!! ;)
  • iPhone for sure!! :)
  • It's a huge file! I had to remove some old apps I never use because I only have na 8G.
  • Anyone remember... Paint chewing gum that turned your mouth colors and came in different sized paint cans (Blue was the best!!) Barney and how much we hated him!! (Prob. only applies to 80s babies) When Brittney, Christina, and Justin were on MMC and you had to subscribe to the Disney Channel. I was soooo mad when it came…
  • Ok here's today's daily challenge: *50 Lateral lunges- These seem to be a little easier than walking lunges (the Thursday Mini Challenge), but they are still a great workout for your legs. This would be 50 total, meaning 25 for each side. Here's a video to help you out! For a…
  • I'm in!!
  • Quaker Mini Rice Cakes are delicious!! They have tons of flavors, and they are filling in my opinion. The have flavors for every craving-sweet, salty, tangy, hot/spicy. We took little sandwich baggies that were pre-measured and had the calorie count written on the bag to help us remember. Enjoy!
  • ^^^THIS! Amen!! And Thank you!! I will repeat "This is NOT FACEBOOK!!"
  • FEELIN' THE BURN!!!! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 503 (Zumba-271, Strength Training-207, Tricep Dips-25) Tues: 529 (Zumba-271, Strength training-207, Windshield Wipers-51) Wed: 495 (Nike Training Club W/O-414, Strength training-51, Push-ups-30) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were…
  • Completed my challenge for today, even though it was just wall push-ups. BUT I did 150, instead of just 100, not counting the ones I did during my circuit training today!
  • Got my water down, and did my push-ups nad calorie burn for today! Btw, if you are up for a challenge, Mike Training Club app is AWESOME!! Just kicked my butt big time!