phogbear Member


  • When you go get fitted ask if they have a return policy. The store I go to has a return policy. Just return the shoes in 2 to 3 weeks. I've had to use it once in 10 years. The model of shoe I was wearing had been discontinued. The new model felt good at the store, but my shins were killing me after a week and a half. Gave…
  • A new favorite is chocolate rice cakes plain or with peanut butter. Only problem is that my kids have decided they really like this too.
  • I also add one of the generic strength training cardio workouts. I went through the trouble of adding everything in once, but I change things up every 6-8 weeks. To much of a hassle. The cardio calories are close enough for me. Fiddle with the time on the strength training under cardio till you get 150 calories.
  • Check for a local roaster. There is a shop near me where the owner roasts his own beans. It is more expensive but OH SO GOOD! It is just amazing how great the coffee is. Well worth the drive. One coffee I enjoy is Eight O'Clock coffee. Its really good and cheap. I started buying it awhile back when it was ranked rather…
  • I love good bread! I don't eat it much anymore though. Here is the scientific reason for doing a cheat meal. Cheat meals, also called re-feed days/meals, will actually help you lose weight while you are cutting but keep your muscle gains. This applies if you are trying to lose fat while maintaining your muscle gain. When…
  • The word terrible was not a very good choice. Let me clarify.... If I don't eat the calories I expend lifting (or close to it), my energy level drops and I'm starving the next day. So on days I lift, I'll eat a few extra carbs and make sure I hit my calorie goal. If I do that, then on the days I don't lift I eat at or just…
  • It depends on your body and what your goal is. My goal is to build some muscle and lose fat. I track my lifting calories burned. I find I need to eat for those. I just use the generic strength training under cardio. It comes in less than my routine. If I don't eat, then I feel terrible. I was also told to change your…
  • The book that really helped me was The New Rules for Lifting. There are several and one geared towards women. I found the older one in my library. Then requested they buy the newer versions. I really liked the books because he explains everything. There is a website listed int he Supercharged one that the author is active…
  • Ahh the days of being a grad student. I use to stuff myself on the free pizza, sit by the door so I could bolt when I was full. :) It takes practice ignoring that food and making good choices. Being a grad student just makes it all the harder. Habits are not broken and remade over night. It takes time. There are some…
  • Congrats! Most research says not to do cardio and weight training at the same time. If you must, then there is one very small Swedish study (12 participants) that came to the conclusion that cardio first then weights would lead to muscle growth. I don't consider a mile cardio, to me that is warming up. The HITT could be a…
  • Found a lot of great deals on Craiglist/Facebook groups. Two tips are.....Always offer a price lower than what they ask. Most of the time people will take it for fitness equipment. If not they'll at least lower the price. Be patient. In looking and buying. The buying part depends more on where you live. Now that my health…
  • I did do that. They wanted me to try them on so they could see. It felt pretty good.
  • I wished I had to, just show I could show my kids. They were to young when I was at my heaviest, but they've seen the pictures. I just want to try them on, but I got rid of all of them. I didn't want to have anything on hand if I slid back into old habits.
  • He did gain a lot of the weight back. He talks about it in Fat Sick and Nearly Dead 2. That may or may not be the name of the second movie as I fell asleep in the first 15 minutes twice. Not really sure why I even hit play.
  • I'll do a light workout if I'm not feeling up to it. A light jog or walk the dog an extra couple of miles. I hate missing workouts, but I've made things worse by not listening to my body as others have said. Don't do what I did!
  • It takes awhile for your tastebuds to change and adapt to reduced sugar diet. Hang in there. Good habits don't replace bad habits over night, in a week or in a month. It took me several months before the sugar cravings went mostly away. Now a small piece of dark chocolate satisifies me. Taco Bell and Five Guys were always…
  • When I'm outside I will use telephone poles as my intervals on certain routes because I get tired of looking at my watch. Just switch between sprint and jog.
  • Start doing intervals. That will increase the intensity and it only takes 30 minutes IF you can make it to the end. I do two types of intervals on the treadmill. One is speed and the other is incline. I always have the incline set to 1 at start. Start with a 5 minute warm up 2 minutes with increased speed or interval (I…
  • I aim for about 2 lbs a month which works out to about 300 calories deficit for me. This will help prevent muscle loss. I will also have a cheat/refeed day once every two weeks. I find the 300 calorie deficit great because I don't get so hungry after working out. I usually lift 4 days a week and when I was 500 deficit I…
  • As others said, if you have the calories (and no diabetes) for sugar then there is nothing wrong in moderation. The one artificial sweetener with the best research is splenda. By best I mean it hasn't been linked to to cancer or other issues. Recently there was a blog linking it to organ failure, but they wouldn't provide…
  • I always check examine for information on supplements. I like this site because it list the sources they use. I enjoy reading scientific papers for fun. The only thing I take is protein powder and creatine. Since I often buy the cheap protein from walmart, I get the BCAAs and some other things I'm not really interested in.…
  • My doc sent me to a local shoe store. They take you outside and have you run, walk, and jog up and down the block (In front of everyone because its downtown!). They then fit the shoe to you. If the shoes don't work, you return them for another pair. The return window is about 3 weeks because you can't tell if a shoe is…
  • If I'm eating out (restaurant or someones house) I'll snap a pic with my hand. I try to be discrete about it. Also, I only do it with people who know me. I generally feel its a bit rude, but I'm trying to stay on track. Most people think I'm crazy, so they just roll their eyes. Then when I get home I do my best to estimate…
  • I had to tell my mom repeatedly till she got it. Then she pouted for awhile. She has since moved on to the stage... "well if you insist we serve veggies you make them!". The only veggie she knows is potato. My sister and I have taken over cooking more at her house and the meals are getting better. Still no luck with the…
  • Its probably 50 g, which is stage 1 of the Atkins diet. If that is what your doing then you can not have granola bars or fruit. If your doing the Atkins diet, then please go reread the induction phase because I'm not sure you understand it. Some ideas for snacks are cheese sticks (alone or wrapped in lunch meat), nuts…
  • I highly recommend News For Lifting Supercharged. I use bands in place of a lat machine. To work through the program twice is about 2 years doing everything twice. The author is at the message boards listed in the book and answers questions.
  • This is the method I use for Front Squats. My wrist can not go backwards like they are supposed to. This method really helped. For me the bar doesn't feel stable with crossed arms.