When did you get rid of the "fat" clothes?



  • phogbear
    phogbear Posts: 30 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    as soon as they got too big, I wished I had of kept one pair jeans just to try on and enjoy how much weight I lost.

    I wished I had to, just show I could show my kids. They were to young when I was at my heaviest, but they've seen the pictures. I just want to try them on, but I got rid of all of them. I didn't want to have anything on hand if I slid back into old habits.

  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    phogbear wrote: »
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    as soon as they got too big, I wished I had of kept one pair jeans just to try on and enjoy how much weight I lost.

    I wished I had to, just show I could show my kids. They were to young when I was at my heaviest, but they've seen the pictures. I just want to try them on, but I got rid of all of them. I didn't want to have anything on hand if I slid back into old habits.

    You can always go to the plus-size section of the store, take a pair of jeans in your old size to the dressing room and snap a picture.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Once I fit into smaller clothes, I got rid of the larger sizes. Every time I stop logging and get lazy, my clothes start to snug up and that is motivation for me to get back on track.

    There's no way I am paying money for larger sizes again. I WONT GO BACK!!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO BACK!!!

  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I got rid of them all along the way by either having them altered or giving them away. I still have a few things that I bought or altered too soon that are slightly too big, but my guess is that they will go in my next closet cleaning.
  • phogbear
    phogbear Posts: 30 Member
    You can always go to the plus-size section of the store, take a pair of jeans in your old size to the dressing room and snap a picture.

    I did do that. They wanted me to try them on so they could see. It felt pretty good.

  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    Well, I did it. I got rid of all the fat clothes! 7 large garbage bags full. Since hitting my goal weight last year, I've had some issues that were similar to those that led my slip last time (illness, injury, stress) and none of them put me off track. Thanks for all the comments and good luck to everyone!
  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    I would think to toss if there is more than a 2 size difference, but keep your biggest shirt and pair of jeans, as a reminder for how far you have come.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    When they were to big for me!! ;)
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I keep a size up for TOM and anytime I want looser fitting pants, but I love to shop and dress fairly trendy... I love clothes. I've lost and gained back before, but I hope I've made logging a habit. I log all my food and weight daily, and I have been for close to a year, and hope to keep that up. I think it's one of the main keys to keeping it off. When the scale starts to creep back up by four or five pounds, it's time for a few days of cracking down.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    I got rid of my larger clothes when I knew it was time for me to just maintain what I have lost! I lost over 100 pounds, went from size 3X to size 4 petite! No need to keep the larger clothes!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    If and when I ever get to have something called "fat clothes" (hopefully within a year) I'm pinning one set on the wall and donating the rest. :#
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I haven't lost in order to be able to have bigger clothes yet, but I plan on either donating what I don't want or refashioning what I do want to keep. Shirts that are too big will be made either to fit or made into something else and pants that are too big to be worn or turned into shorts will be donated. All clothes that are too worn to refashion or donate will either be scraps or tossed. I wasted so many clothes when I was younger when they didn't feel and I started feeling bad because my parents would spend so much on clothes to go in the trash in a year, so I'm trying not to be wasteful anymore.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    Not much changed on my upper body thus there's no need to throw out anything. Trousers are a serious issue. Most of them are two sizes too large now but I simply cannot find any other trousers due to current fashion.

    Gosh I was at Marks & Spencer last week and was thrilled that size 10 office pants fitted on the legs. Only downside: I'd need size 8 :o around my waist as all trousers ended up far too high and it just looked terrible. So yes, basically I'm happy to finally see trousers again with wide lower legs, but to fit my curves, trousers need to sit on the hips, which isn't fashion at the moment either. Argh!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    I get rid of stuff as soon as it doesn't fit. I haven't been in weight loss mode since 2009 and I still rotate my clothes pretty quickly, constantly giving away and purchasing new. I love to shop and get sucked into trends, I don't have anything in my closet from this time last year.

    I want to be you...
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    I donated my clothes as soon as I could get into a slimmer size. No need to have a "Backup" wardrobe in place. They needed to be gone for good.
  • audmixer
    audmixer Posts: 4 Member
    I concur, with Radmack, "When it doesn't fit, I get rid of it." As clothes were getting too big for me, I donated them to Goodwill. So it was a gradual process of getting rid of big clothes for smaller ones & it didn't seem so overwhelming.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I said I wouldn't spend money on clothes until I hit goal. So most of my pants look like clown pants. Will be doing shopping soon. May give some/most away.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    donated everything to charity that was worthwhile after 40 lb loss. Fortunately I kept my high school clothes from 40 years ago. Now I just have to wait for paisley bell bottoms to come back in style

  • wampahoofus
    wampahoofus Posts: 38 Member
    I went from a 42" waist to a 32" waist. There are lots of men's pants and jeans that are labeled 38" but are really 40 or 42" so all of my pants and shorts were marked 38. I still have about a bit less than half of them. The rest are 32 or 34 now. When I wear the big pants (with a belt) my family gives me royal hell (as they should I suppose)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    As I was trying to find nonexistent room in my closet for the new clothes I bought today, I feel it's come to decision time. Get rid of the clothes or invest in plastic bins? Back in 2006, I lost about 55 pounds and went from a size 18 to a 10. After losing, I donated all of my bigger sizes. I kept the weight off for 3 years, then a gradual weight (and size) increase turned into major gains. I had "given up". I hadn't really stuck to any changes I had made. Exercise and "dieting" had been a tool to lose weight, but didn't stick because I didn't make it stick. Every time I had to buy new clothes in a bigger size, I felt SO ashamed of failing so badly. So in 2013, after ballooning up to the most I'd ever weighed, I decided REAL changes needed to be made. I've lost 70 pounds, but, more importantly, I have a) discovered a true love of exercising and b) educated myself on food/nutrition. I've kept the weight off for a year now and feel I have a better grasp on my body and what food/exercise it needs to stay healthy, fit and happy. I have zero plans on going back to unhealthy habits and regaining. However, life can be unpredictable. What if I regain? Buying bigger clothes last time was a real demoralizer, not to mention expensive. How long did you wait to get rid of your big clothes or did you hang on to them? I'm interested in other maintainers experience.

    I started out at 5XL and really “had” to buy some replacements every 50 pounds or so.

    When I reached 3XL, I gave away all my 5XL / 4XL clothes. The 4XL were “like new” (because they essentially were).

    When I reached 2XL, I placed my 3XL in storage boxes in the basement – I plan to dispose of them soon.

    Now my closet has 2XL & XL only. I plan to dispose of the 2XL before summers end.

    I had all the usual debates with myself about cost & the “what if’s” - but this is the first time I ever stuck with a plan for more than a few months. This is the first time I didn’t say to myself or others that I “hoped” to keep the weight off. I now flat out say “I will NEVER regain the weight I worked so hard to lose.”

    I plan to keep my size 60 pants forever. Always a reminder of the path once traveled.

