

  • Hey thanks for the replies means alot i am very healthy I don't smoke or drink and the reason I put this out there was because I thought u needed to have the shakes to help with building your muscles and also to help loose weight. So really to what you are all saying is then you don't need theses just a healthy diet thanks…
  • Hey miss good luck and let me know how u got on with the marathon
  • Thank you shellai enjoy too
  • I am a Entertainer lol I'm a dj :) thanks for the link
    in Carbs Comment by DJMark14 February 2015
  • No problem Hornsby no harm intended and great to have a laugh thanks for replying have a good evening
    in Carbs Comment by DJMark14 February 2015
  • Ok best to eat vegetables and things like fish and meat thanks for all the comments to you all
    in Carbs Comment by DJMark14 February 2015
  • Sorry I ment someone told me to go on a low carb diet and wanted to know what kinda foods to eat and thank you Kyle for sticking up for me lol being a newbie to all this sorry if my itelgience is not that good about dieting this is a first for me
    in Carbs Comment by DJMark14 February 2015
  • Hey thanks for the replies pdr85 I'm not sure what fr is and Michelle thanks for the advise is nice to know I'm not alone at this Emsa sound like you been working hard at it and thanks for the comment thank you to you all
  • This is true but I'm finding hard after iv been to the gym