strongenoughtofly Member


  • I used to get shin splints a lot in the beginning of soccer season because I would go from not running a lot to running like crazy. Here's a couple things I do to get rid of them and prevent them 1) Stretch out your calves before you run 2) Increase your mileage slowly (10% per week is a good baseline) 3) If you do get…
  • I would love to be friends! I'm the same height and weight as you! I'm trying to lose fat and build muscle as I want to compete in a bikini competition summer 2018. I'm trying to lose 15-20lbs depending on how I look.
  • Mine has been doing it all day. It wouldn't log food, deleted things, and wouldn't sync but I deleted and re-downloaded the app and that seems to have helped. You can force sync the app which was working for a bit when it said "error reaching the server".
  • I'm going for 25 miles this month. I know it's not a lot but I'm coming back from a bad knee injury from soccer so I got to start somewhere!
  • I'm on the keto diet as a vegetarian and I'm not finding it too hard. Google or search on Pinterest for recipe ideas. There's a Reddit page for it and they're super helpful on there. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, and bell peppers are all low in net carbs so eat a lot of those to get important…
  • Blogilaties. She makes new pilates videos weekly and also creates monthly workout calendars with combinations of her videos to target different areas of your body.
  • I love Fitocracy. They have a really good community and you can do things like challenges and quests. They also have a huge database of exercises which is awesome! They give you points based on your workouts ad show you your PR's over time.
  • If you want to do at home workouts that are just bodyweight exercises, try pilates videos. They're really good if you don't have weights. If you have lighter weights, try the NTC app. Their workouts are KILLERS. You can choose different types of workouts if you want to get lean, fit, strong, whatever. You can even isolate…
  • I used the it works pretty well and allows you to adjust your macros but at the same time, it will tell you to stay within a certain ration.
  • I gave up on target weights when I was sent to a hospital to get treatment for anorexia. I feel absolutely amazing and I look so much stronger with 30lbs more on my frame. I weight about 140 now but I'm easily 5'7.5. I just go by how I feel, how I look, and how my clothes fit. I'm going more by my body fat now. So I'm at…
  • I have scoliosis too but I have found that doing yoga has done wonders for my back. I'm a soccer player and a runner so I find that doing a lot of those activities will cause my back to hurt. Try doing some light walks and yoga to start with. Yoga will help strengthen your back but also relieve some of the pain. For me, I…
  • Try slicing zucchini into little circles (like 1/4 inch or so) and spoon a tiny bit of pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. It's low carb and high protein (with some fats). It's delicious and super yummy and filling!