

  • This jam has sorbitol as the sweetener. Thanks JPW, your link has helped greatly.
  • This has made me laugh giggle and chuckle. Love it
  • Tell me about it! I too am not sure about the "adapted" state. If you research, its all very seemingly complex achieving Keto-adaption... depending on your body, it could take weeks according to some sources. Apparently, you'll know when you feel better in yourself, like sleeping better, having more energy, your body is…
  • I used to use a tape measure too every 2 weeks, but my measurements too are erratic each time, so I can never tell. Was a size 20 when I started. I've got an old pair (size 16) of combat trousers (unforgiving) and I try them on now and again. (they're tight but can actually get them on now) But, you know, when I think…
  • Thanks Yarwell for that site, a very interesting read. I just don't feel hungry in mornings. Usually, have 2 or 3 coffees (with coconut milk) & water throughout the day, then would eat round 4pm, then again around 10pm & in bed around 1am. But having read the meal timing studies on that site, I'm gonna see what I can eat…
  • Hi Chris, yes, am using a kitchen scale and measuring spoons, but I do note your point re using cup/spoon measurements as they're not as accurate as weight. Thanks. Hi DJ, thanks, will do this, up the cals & hope for the best. Love this 'diet' as don't feel hungry at all so 1200 is easy. Its the only diet I've stuck to…
  • I guess that's where the daily calorie deficit comes in then, so long as I'm under I'll lose. But that's just the thing. I've been under for a month now... and no body fat loss despite constant ketosis.
  • You know, I mentioned low-carb diet and ketogenic diet to my GP and he has no knowledge of it. I asked him to send me for blood tests so that we can now monitor my journey and he sent me for a blood glucose test. I mean, I need to be a GP to try figure out all what tests I should be having, because my actual GP has no…
  • Thanks JPW. I've not noticed a change in smell at all (have been waiting for that too) and asking friends if they can smell something odd about me lol and they haven't. When will I not pee so much? Its awful, like every half hour or so. Huge bladder-fulls. Hardly finished a cup of coffee & got to go. Up every 2hrs at…
  • Hi, I too am trying HFLC keto. I've used tampermonkey to customise my percentages on my computer. If you google configure myfitnesspal.
  • I've opened my diary, thanks Yarwell. My height is 1.66cm btw.
  • I've opened my diary. Height is 1.66cm. Thanks Sugaraddict.