obpyum Member


  • Some of our grocery stores have large scales near the check out; you could check there!
  • I'm a nurse and I know exactly what youre going through!
  • Also, if you have a trader joes, they have great frozen Mahi Mahi filets that are delicious and affordable
  • Cod is super cheap and light texture and flavor.. And not farmed in Thailand. Give it a try!
  • I find that buying GOOD quality flavored coffee really helped me. Go to a Dunkin, Peet's etc and buy the coffee from them and have them grind it fresh when you get it. The taste is so much better than older frozen coffee from the grocery store. I use half and half so I get the richness I crave. Good luck from a coffee…
  • You've missed my point and just picked 10 words that rubbed you the wrong way. I was just reinforcing that the gym is a very positive environment and everyone should feel welcome and proud to be there. But as to McD's (which I even said I was eating as I posted) we should all be avoiding processed food as much as…
  • I have always found it odd that people think I am judging an overweight person while running or at the gym. I cant run for anything, so I'm always just jealous that they have more motivation than I do to "push through the pain" (I have the worst knees). And as for the gym, I'm always happy that people are working hard in…
  • The real thing about any drug or pill is that even if it works, it only works if you keep taking it! So you are jacking up your heart and messing with your body for 30 days, maybe losing weight, then you go off the pills and gain it all back. So you would have to keep taking it.. which is HORRIBLE for your body. Set good…
  • Lifting weights also helps you burn more calories after your workout. Add some hand weights to your walk and do a couple pushups a day!