AmandaA077 Member


  • This is great feedback.. I like all the ideas! Thank you!!
  • Thanks for the suggestions & feedback!! I appreciate it!
  • Congrats on your weight loss! I am curious, would you mind sharing what you were doing in terms of fitness and nutrition? I see so many people have great success stories and the scale has not budged for me.. I know I have not been as consistent as i could be but it helps to hear what other people have done that has worked.…
  • Thank you!! I have actually seen her IG page.. I think i maybe followed it at one point. I will go back and check it out. Thank you for the suggestion! :)
  • When you say hard work on the treadmill, can you explain what exactly you did and how many times per week? Did you run, hiit, walk incline? I have a hard time running because of my ankle but i do incline intervals. I am also able to do 30sec-1min. sprints. You look great!!
  • You guys are awesome! Thank you! I am trying to lose 10-15 pounds of fat, lower my BMI and tone up with some muscle definition.. Just the average girl trying to get in shape for her wedding in 6 months! :) My friend who is in great shape says i need to add a protein shake to my routine.. she said after my workouts. I am…
  • Thanks everyone for you input/suggestions. My doctor did say that exercise was fine as long as i was not lifting heavy weights and was keeping proper form. He suggested lunges, squats, etc with just my body weight for now. If I wanted to do upper body he said to just keep it light and simple and keep my head up in the…