Protein Shake for Breakfast

Looking for suggestions on a protein shake for breakfast that will keep me full until close to lunch time (12ish). Bonus points if it doesn't have artificial sweeteners (yuck! and they make my head and tummy hurt). I tend to have little time to spare in the morning and think a shake would be the easiest option for me..

Right now I am usually getting a reduced fat turkey bacon breakfast sandwich from Starbucks and taking off one side of the bread. There is a Starbucks inside the building where i work so this is the most convenient for me at the moment. The breakfast sandwich holds me over until about 10:30am (i eat it around 8am).

My goal right now as i am getting back into a healthy eating and exercise routine is to control unnecessary carb intake when i can (hence taking off one piece of bread) and portion control/calorie counting. This helps me from overeating and gets me back on track.. but my overall goal is to lose about 15 lbs.

Any advice on breakfast would be great! :)


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Whether or not a shake will keep you full depends on how your schedule and body work. Most people find that protein, fat, and/or fiber make them feel full, but which one(s) work for you is a matter of personal preference. If you can feel full with a lot of protein but possibly not a lot of fat or fiber--depending on the shake--then it might work for you. A lot of folks, however, would not feel full all morning with only a protein shake. In that situation, I'd advise preparing a breakfast that does help you feel full the night before, and/or planning for a mid-morning snack.
  • Buff_Man
    Buff_Man Posts: 623 Member
    Well, the fat along with protein will keep you full. So you could try something like, a milk, pb and oat smoothie? Go for full fat milk, don't be scared of fats or carbs, it's the calories that count and you need fats as much as you need carbs. If you are short of time prepare scrambled eggs the day before theb reheat and have with your shake.
  • cydneebauman
    cydneebauman Posts: 122 Member
    My morning protien shake is:
    1 scoop olly chocolate
    1 scoop olly peanut butter
    8oz almond milk
    8 oz. Cold coffee

    It's delicious and my go to. Slightly higher in sugar than I would prefer, but no artificial sugar. Keeps me full till lunch
  • AmandaA077
    AmandaA077 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions & feedback!! I appreciate it!
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    If I have a protein shake as a meal replacement, I would generally add some full fat greek yoghurt, frozen fruit, peanut butter, oats. You can chuck some spinach in as well, although that can look a bit grim, it doesn't actually affect the taste! Or try a smoothie - some apple or pineapple juice, an avocado, spinach, cucumber, lime juice, coriander, ice all whizzed up.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    The protein I have has sucralose, so I won't suggest it but what I found was that I had to use 2 scoops to keep me full until lunch. When I was just doing 1, it didn't cut it. So now I do 2 scoops (220 cals, 4 carbs, 2 fat, 50 protein) with a fiber supplement and that keeps me full from around 8 am to 1130-12 when I have lunch.
  • nocgirl72
    nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member
    You can make your own breakfast sandwich for so much cheaper! Lots of turkey bacon at the store and Thomas makes a 100 cal whole grain English muffin with 8g fiber. You. An also make egg whites and make your own egg white English muffin.

    As far as the shake. Isopure seems to be popular I have the vanilla and I just put in some berries and almond milk. For chocolate I love Quest 0 net carb and I mix in some pb fit powder. I agree with putting in a little Greek yogurt to make you a little fuller.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    The first one keeps me full for a really long time:

  • karalynn_10
    karalynn_10 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a protein smoothie every morning for breakfast lately because I've just not been wanting anything else, and I find it keeps me pretty content for several hours. I drink it on my way to work.

    I actually hate most flavored protein drinks, so I buy unflavored unsweetened protein powder and mix from there.

    My current favorite filling smoothie is

    140 g frozen mangoes
    50 grams frozen banana
    1/2 cup of unsweetened Trader Joe's coconut beverage and 1/2 cup water (can also use 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk- I find coconut whips up more so I need less of it)
    12 grams of chia seeds (I soak them before blending)
    Kale or spinach
    1 heaping tbsp protein powder

    I have a sweet tooth, and I don't sweeten it all. You can use pineapple instead of the mango or half pineapple and half mango. Sometimes if I have especially sweet fruit, I'll use less banana and replace it with frozen cauliflower. I also like it with berries instead of mango.
  • Mcwi3681
    Mcwi3681 Posts: 67 Member
    edited June 2019
    I make a protein shake every morning for breakfast and it keeps me full for a good 4-5 hours. 390 calories and 49 g of protein, no sweeteners and it tastes great!

    1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1/2 cup plain unsweetened Greek yogurt
    2 scoops vanilla protein powder
    2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • AmandaA077
    AmandaA077 Posts: 12 Member
    This is great feedback.. I like all the ideas! Thank you!!
  • moxiefitman
    moxiefitman Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2019

    One every morning (Walmart ). I snack on a carrot, water, 1/4 cup of unsalted peanuts, etc until lunch. I avoid bananas and pears for snacks since they are loaded with sugar (not a horrible way to get sugar but if avoiding sugar then I avoid these fruits).

    This works like a charm. Then I have a full very healthy lunch.