@NovusDies Very good article! I took 5 htp before and it did help will definitely start taking it again today. Thank you @Go_Deskercise I reduce “bad” carbs aka sugar and white flour and eat more fruits and whole grain instead but I do it more so I can eat more for the same calorie allowance because I don’t like the…
Wow you look 100% flawless! Amazing! Good job. You are beautiful.
Thank you for your input. I think what I said was way misunderstood. The original post asked if a calorie equals a calorie and compared foods. That’s what I was responding to. I would say I eat a balanced diet including chocolate and an occasional trip to mc Donald’s for some chicken nuggets. So by no means did I try to…
A calorie is a calorie I think that has been clearly established by all the comments. What’s different are the nutrients. You can eat empty calories or you can fuel your body with the things you eat. You know the saying: you are what you eat. While eating a clean and nutritious diet you fuel your body to function right,…
100 pounds lost is a huge success!! You did an amazing job keep up the good work but most of all be kind to yourself and be proud of your journey.
Thank you ☺️
Septembe to November only lost 22 pounds and have 80 more to go but it’s nice to see the progress
Which one do you guys use? I think the sleep tracker could be a fun factor too right? I try to go to the gym or pool every other day and I do walk a average of 10000 steps a day according to my phone but I'm not sure how accurate that is since I have the phone in my purse or forget to grab it all together.
I would suggest to do both. 20 minutes cardiovascular and 10 minutes strength every other day is a good start. You can always fit in some planking and suckling in stomach during the day. Every little bit adds up. Keep going you got this!
Thank you for sharing! Very encouraging. You look fabulous