lauz322 Member


  • Thanks all its been a big help. Back at it tomorrow.
  • Strength training burns fat differently to cardio. I'm not doing strength training to burn calories but to change my body hopefully. Mines always been set to light activity as I sit on my bum 8 hours a day at work lol
  • Thank you that is very helpful
  • Will give it a good shot. Although I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing :neutral:
  • Unfortunately I doubt it's going to be that easy. I can't squat 10kg at the moment. January I was doing 65kg my leg is very weak from opp. I wish I would gain in that few weeks lol
  • Thanks, I'm eating clean and eating about 120g of protein a day. I did start training at the start of the year but due to an operation I've been off for months. I will give it a few weeks and take a look where I am. Being female I'm not going to build as quickly as guys but want to get off to a good start this time.
  • I'm in, been training 8 weeks in strength. Not the strongest by a long shot but can see and feel progress
  • Shake as well as lunch not a replacement. Protein is to boost your protein intake so you still need to be eating as well. It's not a meal replacement
  • Eating less isn't always the issue. Starving your body isn't going to get anywhere. When you train hard you need to fuel your body correctly. Thanks everyone!
  • Thank you, I did think about something like this the other day. Unfortunately I've had a pounding headache today so I didn't make gym to try this out. I jog very slowly I just can't jog for long. I will defiantly give this a try to increase my cardio
  • I eat a lot more protein than recomend I eat about 120g a day and only weigh 60kg. When I train with my pt I train to failure. My legs are weak due to an opp so I can only squat 40kg on my last set I always fail. My deadlift again I fail my final set. My other training in the week is lighter training. I have no one to spot…
  • I've re entered all my information in to mfp and started my goals and aims again. This is what gives me the 1520cal maybe I'm expecting too much too quickly as I've never had an issue losing weight before and this is the heaviest I've ever been.
  • O I like the idea of muscle holding on to water.
  • I clearly know nothing about all of this. OK scrap the tdee I just used that as mfp gave me 1200 cal which wasn't enough. I've done what people said above and changed mfp to .5lb a week and that's gave me 1520cal a day. Which is more than I have been aiming for.
  • My bmi is 27 I know bmi is pretty poor but it's the only way I can track it at the moment.
  • Do you have any recomend for hiit? I can jog for only 4 mins I'm supposed to be building that up to 12 mins. It's pathetic but that's what happens when you abuse your body for so long.
  • I think I did add my excercise in but that was a few weeks ago when I was only working out twice a week. I'm new to all this. Never had a problem losing weight till I hit 30
  • Yes i believe thats the one. It said 1600cal to maintain 1400cal to lose so I eat 1400cal if I change my fitness pal to 0.5lb a week it gives me 1520cal a day which is still more than I eat yet I'm not losing anything :( I don't eat all of them back so at the end of the week it shows I'm 1000cals under my weekly target.
  • Yes I use kitchen scales.
  • The 1000cals is under the 1400cal a day over the week, the formula I used on line to calculate my cals said to maintain I need 1600cal a day. So I'm already 1200 Dow and then the extra 1000 I don't down on top. I don't use the cal diary on here for working out. I just use 120cal for my weight training I do on my own and…
  • My weight loss is set a 1lb a week. I've lost nothing in 7-8 weeks. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I believe you can only build about 1lb of muscle a month. Most of my training is dead lifts, squats, clean and press, bench. With 20 mins of light cardio usually an uphill walk. I'm trying to push my cardio but…
  • I have no idea how to open my diary but I will tell you what I eat it's very repeatative. 1200 cals is too low as I've said it gives me a very bad headache. For breakfast I have 25g protein shake, 40g oats with 40ml milk 20mm water (over night oats not cooked) lunch is precooked 1kg of chicken 500g mixed frozen veg and…
  • Yes I log everything, I cut all tea and juice out I only now drink water. This app seems to tell everyone that wants to lose weight to only eat 1200 cals. If i eat that little I get constant headaches. I've took my calories from other websites I can't remember what the method is called but it took some calculation and asks…
  • Fats are important in your diet. There are healthy fats. Look at a bodybuilders diet and see how much fat they have you will be shocked. This app seems to do a 1 size fits all, but it doesn't. It seems to put everyone on a 1200 cal diet, for me I'd be constantly ill if I ate this little. I have used other websites to work…