Weight training no weight loss or inches



  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    O I like the idea of muscle holding on to water.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited March 2015
    lauz322 wrote: »
    Yes i believe thats the one. It said 1600cal to maintain 1400cal to lose so I eat 1400cal if I change my fitness pal to 0.5lb a week it gives me 1520cal a day which is still more than I eat yet I'm not losing anything :(
    I don't eat all of them back so at the end of the week it shows I'm 1000cals under my weekly target.

    Personally, I think you should redo your numbers, using one method or the other, be really certain you're tracking food correctly by weighing solids, take measurements to see if you're losing inches, and do this for 6-8 weeks and see how it goes. But, that's just what I would do. You only have 8 pound to lose. It may take a while.

    I lift heavy three times a week. For whatever reason, I have found I will not lose weight/change body shape unless I also have some cardio. I think my deficit is so small that, even though I weigh my food and try to track it as accurately as I can, I need the cardio to ensure I'm truly in a deficit. I don't know, but I just keep going and make changes, have patience, and see how it goes.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've re entered all my information in to mfp and started my goals and aims again. This is what gives me the 1520cal maybe I'm expecting too much too quickly as I've never had an issue losing weight before and this is the heaviest I've ever been.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    lauz322 wrote: »
    Yes i believe thats the one. It said 1600cal to maintain 1400cal to lose so I eat 1400cal if I change my fitness pal to 0.5lb a week it gives me 1520cal a day which is still more than I eat yet I'm not losing anything :(
    I don't eat all of them back so at the end of the week it shows I'm 1000cals under my weekly target.

    You do NOT eat back exercise calories with the TDEE method...with that method you include an estimate of your exercise in your activity level...so your 1600 calories should be the calories you would consume to maintain with all of your activity, including exercise.

    If your maintenance is truly 1600 calories and you were consuming 1400 calories, that is only a 200 calorie deficit...right around 1/2 Lb per week..actually a little less...it's really slow weight loss and isn't going to show up readily on the scale for a number of weeks due to natural weight fluctuations.

    If you get your calorie goals from MFP you are supposed to eat back calories because exercise isn't accounted for in your activity level.

    You just need to pick a method and stick with it.
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    While lifting do you go until failure? I know this sounds odd, but what I've learned is that the last few reps should really make you struggle. If you feel like you could do more reps at the end of your sets you are not testing the muscle well enough. I recommend at first trying to add more reps with the same weight. If that is too easy add more weight. Don't be afraid that you will bulk up like a man. It is virtually impossible to add significant muscle without significant time and work. Also, this is key, get enough protein. How much is enough? You should eat 1 gram of protein for each lean pound you weigh. If your trainer hasn't used a caliper on you yet they should so you know how lean you are. This determines what part of you is muscle and organ, and what part of you is fat to keep this simple. Great sources are eggs, meat, tofu if you can stand it, beans, and even Greek yogurt. Most women don't get enough protein and it make a huge difference when trying to add muscle to your frame.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    I eat a lot more protein than recomend I eat about 120g a day and only weigh 60kg. When I train with my pt I train to failure. My legs are weak due to an opp so I can only squat 40kg on my last set I always fail. My deadlift again I fail my final set. My other training in the week is lighter training. I have no one to spot me in the week and with my leg if I give way I'm going to be out of action. My reps are higher so I train to failure. We haven't used the calipers yet, I still have handfuls of fat. So I know it's pretty high. After I feel a little more toned I will defiantly use them. My arms are doing really well and my butt lol I've built them up its just mainly my stomach that holds the fat.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I know this isn't what you're asking about - but you mentioned wanting to build up your running/jogging time.

    One tip: don't worry about speed. If endurance is your goal, go slower and you may be able to go longer.

    Second thing to try: 3-4 days a week, alternate: 3 minutes walking/1 minute jogging: repeat til you've done the total cardio you intended. Week 2, decrease the walks and increase the runs by 30 seconds. So 2.5/1.5. 3rd week, try one long run (4-5 minutes) followed by 2.5/1.5 intervals. Always start by warming up for at least 5-10 minutes brisk walking.

    There are other things you can do to work on speed. Such as short sprints at a faster pace, hills, etc.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you, I did think about something like this the other day. Unfortunately I've had a pounding headache today so I didn't make gym to try this out. I jog very slowly I just can't jog for long. I will defiantly give this a try to increase my cardio
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Another tip is that part of the ability/inability is mental. (Personal experience, have figured this one out.) You mentioned above asthma, and I don't know if you meant it literally. Of course if you deal with asthma you may not want to push your limits too much. But if not, when you think you can't go on: challenge yourself for another 5-10 seconds.

    When I first started training last fall, I did the short run/longer walk routine. Thinking about running for just 60, 90, 120 seconds at a time really helped. Both to build up endurance, but also to overcome the mental aspect. Seems much easier to handle in shorter chunks. And running outside is different than on the treadmill. As I've gotten in some 'outside time' that's allowed me to increase my treadmill speed as well.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lauz322 wrote: »
    I clearly know nothing about all of this. OK scrap the tdee I just used that as mfp gave me 1200 cal which wasn't enough. I've done what people said above and changed mfp to .5lb a week and that's gave me 1520cal a day. Which is more than I have been aiming for.

    so basically you have been eating at about a .5 pound per week loss for the past few weeks so that coupled with water retention is why the loss is not showing up ..

    just be patient and keep eating to that number and training hard.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    Eating less isn't always the issue. Starving your body isn't going to get anywhere. When you train hard you need to fuel your body correctly.

    Thanks everyone!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    lauz322 wrote: »
    I've re entered all my information in to mfp and started my goals and aims again. This is what gives me the 1520cal maybe I'm expecting too much too quickly as I've never had an issue losing weight before and this is the heaviest I've ever been.

    You can split the difference as well - mine is set to .7 lb/week.