Weight training no weight loss or inches

lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been training for about 8 weeks. 1 heavy weight session a week with a trainer and 3 lighter full body sessions. I've cut my food back to 1400 cals only eating clean foods but I'm not losing any weight. I've lost 1 inch on my waist and that's it. My progress pictures shows no difference at all. Please help


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    How accurate is your diary? Are you weighing all solids, measuring all liquids? Logging every thing you put in your mouth? Are you eating back exercise calories and if so are you logging those accurately? Do you have your calories set accurately? Where did the 1400 come from?

    If you've lose an inch that is something - don't discount your progress.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Open your diary
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited March 2015
    Do you weigh solid foods and measure liquids? If not you may be eating much more than 1400 cals (10-50% more).

    could be some water weight to to training, maybe a tiny bit of muscle (newbie gains)
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes I log everything, I cut all tea and juice out I only now drink water. This app seems to tell everyone that wants to lose weight to only eat 1200 cals. If i eat that little I get constant headaches. I've took my calories from other websites I can't remember what the method is called but it took some calculation and asks for a lot more information than here. I do eat back my calories mostly but I'm still down about 1000cals a week. It's a lot less than what I was eating, I'm training more than I ever have but my progress is next to nothing. I'm not big I'm only 60kg but I defiantly need to shift some weight.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited March 2015
    It would be really helpful if you open your diary. How do you measure everything you log? What is your weight loss goal per week set at to get 1200 cals? With only 8lbs to go, you should be set at .5lbs per week.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    most important question - do you use a food scale to weigh your foods?
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    1000 cals a week isn't very much. Assuming complete accuracy, that's only slightly more than a pound a month and I fluctuate that much day to day.
    Also, the accuracy of MFP in terms of exercise calories is very poor. I only eat back about half of my exercise calories.
    An inch in 6 weeks isn't anything to sneeze at, especially for someone 60kg, but if you want to shift the pounds I would suggest a bit of cardio added to your strength. How much depends on how much you want to shift (half a pound a week is generally suggested for people who don't have much to lose, so that would be a deficit of 1750cal a week).
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have no idea how to open my diary but I will tell you what I eat it's very repeatative. 1200 cals is too low as I've said it gives me a very bad headache. For breakfast I have 25g protein shake, 40g oats with 40ml milk 20mm water (over night oats not cooked) lunch is precooked 1kg of chicken 500g mixed frozen veg and 400g of brown rice makes up 5 meals. I have one meal each day for lunch. Before I train I have a slice of wholemeal bread with a hard boiled egg, no butter. When I return from training it's another 25g of protein, a chicken breast 150g or fish with brocilli and sweet potato mash 150g-200g or salad.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    My weight loss is set a 1lb a week. I've lost nothing in 7-8 weeks. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I believe you can only build about 1lb of muscle a month. Most of my training is dead lifts, squats, clean and press, bench. With 20 mins of light cardio usually an uphill walk. I'm trying to push my cardio but unfortunately it's a slow progress as I smoked for 15 years and although I've quit the damage is pretty much done
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    The 1000cals is under the 1400cal a day over the week, the formula I used on line to calculate my cals said to maintain I need 1600cal a day. So I'm already 1200 Dow and then the extra 1000 I don't down on top. I don't use the cal diary on here for working out. I just use 120cal for my weight training I do on my own and 350cal from my training with my pt. It's possibly more than that. I did ask my trainer and he said its so hard to tell. He's a powerlifter who competes at world's so he knows his stuff. My pt session I'm about passing out by the end but I know you don't burn as much lifting as cardio
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    again, do you use a food scale yes, or no??

    and just because your trainer is a "powerlifter" does not mean that he is an expert in nutrition...
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes I use kitchen scales.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited March 2015
    lauz322 wrote: »
    The 1000cals is under the 1400cal a day over the week, the formula I used on line to calculate my cals said to maintain I need 1600cal a day. So I'm already 1200 Dow and then the extra 1000 I don't down on top. I don't use the cal diary on here for working out. I just use 120cal for my weight training I do on my own and 350cal from my training with my pt. It's possibly more than that. I did ask my trainer and he said its so hard to tell. He's a powerlifter who competes at world's so he knows his stuff. My pt session I'm about passing out by the end but I know you don't burn as much lifting as cardio

    Wait, if you used an online calculator (going with the TDEE method, right? You added in your exercise for that calculation?) that told you to eat 1600 to maintain, you should NOT be eating back your exercise calories. Based on a previous post, it seems this is what you are doing?

    Also, with fewer than 10 pounds to lose, you should set your goal at .5lb/wk, not one pound.

    Enter .5lb into MFP and see what goal it gives you. If that looks good to you, then use that, add your exercise calories in, and eat 50-75% of them back.

    Or, use the TDEE method, include your exercise into the calculation, and do not eat your cals back.

    Choose one method and follow it correctly. See how it goes for 6-8 weeks. I know you said you still have a 1000 cal deficit during a week, but I question this when you appear, based on your posts, to be confused on the numbers. If I'm misreading this, I apologize.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes i believe thats the one. It said 1600cal to maintain 1400cal to lose so I eat 1400cal if I change my fitness pal to 0.5lb a week it gives me 1520cal a day which is still more than I eat yet I'm not losing anything :(
    I don't eat all of them back so at the end of the week it shows I'm 1000cals under my weekly target.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    I think I did add my excercise in but that was a few weeks ago when I was only working out twice a week. I'm new to all this. Never had a problem losing weight till I hit 30
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    wait - are you doing MFP method and TDEE method combined or something???
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm confused. If you use TDEE, you should not eat any calories back. Calculate your TDEE for lightly active and use what it tells you, without eating calories back.

    For what it's worth, if you didn't exercise at all before, it's normal for muscles to hold onto water for a few weeks, so it could explain why you're not losing.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    Do you have any recomend for hiit? I can jog for only 4 mins I'm supposed to be building that up to 12 mins. It's pathetic but that's what happens when you abuse your body for so long.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    My bmi is 27 I know bmi is pretty poor but it's the only way I can track it at the moment.
  • lauz322
    lauz322 Posts: 26 Member
    I clearly know nothing about all of this. OK scrap the tdee I just used that as mfp gave me 1200 cal which wasn't enough. I've done what people said above and changed mfp to .5lb a week and that's gave me 1520cal a day. Which is more than I have been aiming for.