I would like to join as well!
Goals for 1/7/16: 1. Not beat myself up for lacking what I need to be patient today. 2. drink at least 8 glasses of water today 3. get a 45min walk in on my treadmill 4. do full stretching after my workout and not cut corners 5. try not to drown my frustrations in junk food 6. no more then 3 cups of coffee today no matter…
1.done 2.kind of 3.almost completely 4.did my very best 5.Yes! and then some. went farther then day before 6. Nope, completely forgot to do these :neutral: 7. All but the bun on my burger 8. Drank one and forgot to do the other : :(
You did a great job on these!
I hope you feel better!
You can do it! Try incorporating lean proteins. It will help with hunger cravings :smile:
[/quote]No point in worrying about the past! The only day you have to work in is today, and if today doesn't go as planned, remember that you get a do over in the morning![/quote] What a great reminder! Thank you
This is beautiful! I love all the details of the flowers!
Great job! Increasing fruit intake can help with the sugar detox. :)
Great goals!
JFT 1/4/16: Managed to reach all my goals yesterday *phew* lost some much needed water weight in the process. JFT 1/5/16 Drink minimum 8 glasses of water Increase protein intake Avoid bad sugars Speak more patiently and gently with my 3 boys Workout at least 45min on my inclined treadmill Accomplish 3 20 second planks…
I'm starting over today too!
I too have a lot of weight to lose too. Over 75 lbs. Lets help motivate each other!
Those are great goals! You can do it! The thing that has worked for me in the past is make sure you get rid of all sugary temptations in your house. Then stock your house with healthy snacks. Increasing good proteins helps keep you full and eating lots of fruits helps with the sugar cravings. Hope this helps :smile:
Thank you joan6630!! Yes I got into the habit again during the holidays. I feel sluggish again and need to get my body healthier. This group looks perfect for me! If I look too far ahead I get so discouraged
Thank you ruby70!!
Great goals! You can do it!
I'd like to join this. I think the idea of one day at a time is a great idea. I am restarting my weight loss and healthier eating today. Any extra support to get going again would be so helpful. My goal for today is to walk on my treadmill, not eat any sugary foods, and to do some juicing. Wish me luck!