paisiovich Member


  • Well getting up this morning with it being family day here in Canada it seems I've got a tighter knit group of family on fitness pal then anywhere else when it comes to getting help. I can't thank you enoug well getting up this morning with it being family day here in Canada it seems I've got a tighter knit group of family…
  • They've had me on prednisone for the last year and a half because they believe my heart is swollen.... I suspect they will take me off this week... That being said .... From what I've read this far is to embrace lifestyle diet. They are telling after a pet scan and ultra sound that they are 99% positive I have cardiac…
  • Here's the scoop. A year and a half ago I got shorter breath on a side road decided to go to emerge for the first time in my life and they told me I was in heart block stage III they kept me overnight and I basically self healed without medication. The university hospital that specializes in cardiac had me send to them the…
  • not a mom, just a dad....add if you like.
  • k, when i hear carb this and protein's concerns me....nutrition is about being well balanced and what your feeling is clearly not. Are you utilizing the the phone app for fitness pal because you can scan everything you consume or choose from ahost of choices once you type it in. Are you working out as well? I…
  • I use POLAR, HRM strap and M400...changed my life. There all good you just have to decide on budget and what information you want to extract from your workouts....and where your going down the road so you don't have to rebuy.
  • I'd recommend one of two things....if this is your very very first rodeo i suggest joining a gym that's within your budget but offers a personal trainer to set you up with a fitness program and speaks to you about the exercises, muscle groups and nutritiion. Alternatively I'd sugges the much cheaper version by relaxing in…
  • Get a heart rate monitor. Polar m400 with an h7 chest strap ... Completely syncs with mfp.
  • I utilize the polar m400 watch which blue tooths to a chest strap h7. From that you can monitor your workouts and it automatically syncs with mfp once you connect them the first time. It will add the cal you burn and add the extra cal you can consume. It's the best system for monitoring everything. I'm just back after a…
  • Get the polar m400 and heart rate monitor. I know exactly what I'm consuming and burning
  • 1. Acknowledged being sick and tired of being sick and tired. 2. Joined boot camp. 3. Increased cardio 4. Workout twice a day 5. Purchased a nutriIBullet to increase the volume of fruits and vegetables, protein, and other variables required for a well balanced diet. I make about 3-6 daily, feel a lot better, and have cut…
  • I use m400 for everything and wear it 24/7. I shower with it mostly but have swam twice with no problem. It has usb and Bluetooth sync. As I utilize it during the day I set as an activity without gps to preserve the battery and quite frankly need to know where I've been and either does anyone else... Lol. And it works…
  • If you want to get alkalized.... Drink wheatgrass. One shot a day will bitter done
  • Focus on the fact your showing up doing whatever everyday.... Your already way ahead of the curve. Rejoice in what you've achieved, pay less attention to the scale. Keep changing it up and watch your body sculpt itself before your eyes. Your problem is a good problem to have.
  • Polar M400. I workout, cycle, boot camps, also wear it while I work or just casual dog walking and it works fantastic for all. Has a great software and can sync with my phone app which populates my online profile. It also is really working well with fitness pal. I've recently been having heart issues and had to have a…