crewbprice Member


  • You can see my response on the previous page
  • I am not saying it can't be helpful, but it is not necessary to weight loss. I have had people tell me on mfp that you will fail without it. For meat, I just read the weight on the packaging and divide by the number of pieces, and read serving sizes and measure them with cups for non-meat items. Lost 50 pounds in one…
  • You have to use a food scale to count calories well You cant gain strength well with bodyweight, you need to lift free weights
  • Thanks, I'll have to check out these studies tonight when I get home from work.
  • You know, at times I wonder if the whole finding the tdee is truly necessary. If you have been at a deficit for a long time, I see the merit in increasing calories to help with balancing hormonal levels, although I would need to do more research on that. However, if you increase your calories to the low end of the tdee…
  • Personally, I'm not buying new clothes until I'm at my goal weight, mostly due to trying to save money. However, I do stay motivated with clothing fit. I now wear a belt always, and judge the loss with the increase in belt holes.
  • Thanks for the advice, I am not currently at a plateau, but my weight loss has decreased even though I continuously adjust my calories down after every 2 lbs lost. I think based on contents above I should more be doing a diet break right now. Although I am doing a diet break, I am still trending down in weight, so perhaps…
  • I feel the same way sometimes about weight loss in general, as there is so much information with different strategies to obtain your goal. What brought me to this group was that I was consistently hungry for a week straight no matter what I ate, but was staying the same weight. I realized that it is possible that I was…
  • Go to the toolbar at the top and go to exercise progressions. It shows you how to progress in body weight exercises, and worked well for me. They also have exercise plan suggestions in another tab.
  • Interesting, when I did health calc it came up with less than Scooby if I choose moderately active, and about 200 calories more if I put lightly active... Interestingly enough I would define myself in the middle, as I am doing 2 days cardio for 30 min and 2 days strength for 50min, otherwise I'm at an office job. Recently…
  • Also, I hope you sleep everyday, that will effect your number when you add that into the calculator, it will likely go down a bit
  • @adheela, that seems like a low amount of calories, what is your maintainance calories? I would be careful about how low you go regularly for losing weight, I do the 1-lb per week loss goal. I am going to try to eat maintaince for a week and see how that goes, with keeping my workouts at 3-4x a week. So far the extra…
  • Thanks for the responses everyone, @gun4a and @jacklifts, I usually have a maintaince day once per week, but your right, it has been about 3 months since I have ate at maintaince, and that was for about 5-6 days only, may have to try that for a week or two.
  • I used to love fried matzoh for breakfast, pretty easy to make, you take matzoh crackers, add an egg for each matzoh, and you break them up into smaller pieces and coat the matzoh well in the egg (scramble the eggs in a bowl first). Then you put it on a skillet with any remaining egg that didn't get coated on medium heat,…
  • has body weight progressions from light to intense along with suggested workout routines
  • Ditto the warming up for at least 5min and stretching afterwards, that's what works best for me.
  • For me on my Android, if you change your weight in the progress section, it will not adjust your calorie goal. However, if I change my current weight in my goals section, it will update my calorie goal. For me, it decreases it about 10 calories every two pounds right now.
  • Some things I use: I've found I can make healthier chicken tenders by getting boneless, skinless chicken tenders, oven bake them, and then doing different things with them. Sometimes I use longhorn steak spices (found it at store, or taco seasoning is another option) and rub them on before cooking them, then cut them up…
  • Thanks
  • Thanks for the advice everyone, I am going to keep with the HIIT and body weight exercises for now, just needed a change of pace from regular cardio and to add some strength training. I usually try stay just under calories and not eat back exercise workout, and have had steady loss with that.
  • I saw it after about 10 lb loss, some other people see it, some don't.
  • I eat around my calorie limit, then workout for 30 min and let that be a net negative. Thus I am usually 400 calories net loss from the workout and for the day. I use the calorie limit for losing a pound per week. Thus, I should be losing a little less than 2 pounds per week with my extra workout loss giving me almost a…
  • I had a coach that used to say it takes about a month to generate a habit. Whether there's any research behind that I don't know, but I can say for me it took a month of working out 6 days per week before it became a habit. Now, I wouldn't say I enjoy working out, but I like the way it makes me feel afterward, which in the…
  • Go to your goals, and re-enter your current weight, even if it is currently correct. Don't do this in the progress section, for some reason it doesn't update the calorie goal when you update it there.
  • Whatever mfp recommends for my weight, so now it's around 2300.
    in Hunger Comment by crewbprice April 2015
  • I'll join, started mfp about 3 weeks ago
  • Yes, admittingly more calories should be at breakfast, I drink water throughout the day though. Part of problem is I get hungry about 4-5 hours after lunch, but hate to add snacks that increase calories for day., that and I enjoy a good sized dinner even if it's not the best distribution of food..
    in Hunger Comment by crewbprice April 2015
  • I always go out to eat at least once on the weekends, and I usually take one day a week off from exercise. What I do try to do is break up the food by only eating half and take the other half home, or finding something good on the menu that isn't large amount of food. One good way to do this is to go out for lunch instead…
  • You can do it!