MonsoonStorm Member


  • tbh I would put it down to measuring quirks/bloatedness. I've never been able to measure my waist for exactly those reasons. If you had somehow lost 4 inches in a week your clothes would be falling off you, surely? I think you'd notice. As has already been mentioned, *IF* you've gone from doing no exercise to that I'd be…
  • And this is relevant how? You obviously hate this woman, we get it. She has issues which you don't know about nor understand. It's not your place to judge. But this one example really shouldn't be a reason to paint anyone with even remotely similar beliefs with the same brush. I know a fat person who is very lazy. Does…
  • It's not particularly about the word crazy, it was the tone of the post, and subsequently the amount of people who agreed with it. Made me a little sad. But hey ho, whatever.
  • Nope, I am simply saying that that was a whole post full of nothing but judgementalism and borderline anger. Labelling people as "CRAZY" with caps because they have OCD, The kids thing... you have no idea WHY the parents are doing that, I've had two children in my class in the past with strict diets. One had retinal cancer…
  • 1/06 - 2.07 2/06 - 2.17 5/06 - 1.93 6/06 - 3.13 11/06 - 4.01 12/06 - 3.01
  • I said "perhaps"... Oh my goodness this forums is full of nark this past couple of days...
  • I guess my post above covers the context part.
  • There's no need to... Shrug, say "yeah" and they will get the message. Perhaps it's a cultural thing. As a Brit the "smile" thing is incredibly common and carries no weight or meaning. Sometimes the acknowledgement that somebody notices your pain/misery is actually reassuring when you're depressed. Sometimes it is used out…
  • Kinda like "have a nice day"? I will NOT have a nice day thank you very much... You are taking a perfectly innocent saying that has been in use for a long time and making it personal. Why? All it does it make you feel angry/mad/offended/whatever.
  • They are just trying to be friendly and break the ice. Don't overanalyse things.
  • I'm amazed how many people are cheering this train of thought on... It was 6 paragraphs of pure judgmental opinion... Yes, people should exercise moderation in every aspect of life, but holy cow that's some high horse there. Calling people crazy for having opinions or beliefs that differ to yours is a bit much, don't you…
  • I thought you had misspelled "dining" I was about to launch into a diatribe on the wonders of tableware. *edit* wth did my avatar go...?
  • Westboro would probably have an opinion on it if it were. Could probably ask them.
  • prednisone is awful for gaining weight. A friend of mine has a young daughter who had to take steroids for a few weeks for a medical issue, she was such a tiny little thing and she just ballooned pretty much over night. It was quite scary to see, but once she stopped the meds she returned to normal fairly quickly. Try not…
  • This is pretty much the same with most scales depending on the surface you are placing it on. if you want consistency, then leave it alone. The other issue you had with it is the body fat analyser I was talking about. They really aren't of much value at all other than giving you and incredibly vague "trend" over time, so…
  • This is the one I have: I got it at half price in the sale though. "body analyser" version:…
  • I don't know if fitbit do an aria scale without all of the body fat rubbish, but that would be cheaper. The body fat things aren't very accurate and are a needless expense. I have the Withings wifi scale without the Body Fat % (they do have a body fat version for pretty much twice the price). Love it to bits. It syncs with…
  • indubitably, forthwith. Do you live anywhere near a major sporting university? If so you should have no worries finding replacement abs. Perhaps keep the old pool boy long enough to train up the new pool boy before firing him. One less chore.
  • yeah, I'm with the "time to up your calorie intake" crowd... I find that exercise gets rid of the cranky for me, it certainly doesn't cause it. If I'm overly tired it is definitely down to either doing too much or not eating enough - easily figured by just looking at my logs. If you are using a HRM and doing steady state…
  • Baby cows are adorable. It would be completely understandable.
  • 1/06 - 2.07 2/06 - 2.17 5/06 - 1.93 6/06 - 3.13 11/06 - 4.01 lagging horribly! crazy week... need to pick it up
  • probably should have added something more useful! Regular things like avocado etc, can you manage nuts? I think I would be in heaven if I could munch on honey roasted cashews all day ;) uhm... as an absolute desperate measure, perhaps the gainer protein shakes? at least they could be made up in smaller amounts and sipped…
  • I'm going to go out on a limb here... would it be feasible to switch meds? topamax doesn't have the greatest side-effect panel... CAVEAT! I think topamax is a terrible med, I am wholeheartedly biased. Lamictal is a similar med for various conditions (caveat #2, obviously I have no idea what condition you are treating) and…
  • Considering what they do to food, I dread to think what they'd do to wine...
  • Bubbles. Champagne, cava, prosecco, whatever. It was made it that way on purpose so that a lady can enjoy a drink and maintain a waistline. Honest. Celebrate your commitment to your diet if you need to justify it.
  • There are plenty of us here that never step foot in a gym. Find something that you enjoy and do that, that's pretty much the best way to do it. Bodyweight exercises and your Jillian Michael's DVD would probably be a good place to start if you enjoy her, there are many of her other videos on youtube (I found her 30DS bored…
  • by the way, since you hate doctors, perhaps a therapist/dietician would be the best route for you as aggelikik also suggested. Between them they will help you to find ways to deal with what's happening without doctor's intervention. However: why do you go to their office if you feel healthy? If you are in their office in…
  • This. It's great that you are actively trying to gain weight, but you are obviously having panic attacks in regards to food. Your arteries don't magically clog overnight. You need to see a doctor who will listen and pay attention, and who will also run blood tests for deficiencies. I've no idea how tall you are and as such…