knmorris85 Member


  • If you really want to you can use an online nutrition coach that will guide you through your macros! I just started with Kristin Pope of Barbells and Bows and so far I'm really happy :) But there are tons of others. Another program Ive heard good things about (my husband uses it) is Avatar Nutrition- and it's only $10 a…
  • If you are finding that you aren't losing weight then your macros/calories are set too high! I lost 10 lbs with it (From 128 lbs. I am now at 118 and not sure what direction I want to head in). There are a lot of different TDEE calculators- if you are only using the one try maybe another calculator. Sometimes you…
  • I used to have trouble but now I actually have to limit my protein.. I always go over :p I usually eat a whole egg with egg whites for breakfast, OR a kind of hash with diced chicken breast, turkey bacon, peas, mushrooms, and whatever other veggies i find. For lunch (my main meal of the day) I eat chicken or steak or…
  • I am dairy and gluten intolerant too. Cereal with dried cranberries. Oats. Rice. Potatoes. Sweet potatoes. Bananas. Quinoa. Gluten free pasta if you need a lot of carbs.
  • I do Crossfit but I don't track exercise calories with MFP :/ I figure out my own TDEE (there are lots of calculators to help you if you Google!) and then set my goals based on that (not eating back exercise calories or anything). I train 5 days a week and I eat a little bit fewer calories on my rest days (and a bit extra…
  • Also, some people lower their carb intake on rest days (often increasing fat intake, I think).
  • I think if you've calculated your TDEE and are setting your macros according to that, you don't need to vary the number of calories you eat. But you CAN- if you feel like you need to eat more on training days. Just figure out what you want your weekly calorie intake to be and divide the days up, making sure to hit the…
  • I did scaled. Friday night I got stuck at pull-ups (managed to finish the first round of pull-ups finally, but it took about 6 minutes) and did 115 reps. Today I redid it and got to 139 reps (completely finished 1 full round and started lunges). This is the first year I've been able to do pull-ups so I'm pretty happy with…
    in 17.2 Comment by knmorris85 March 2017
  • Focus on hitting your protein every day and the fat/carbs you can play with a bit according to how you eat/feel best, as long as you don't go over your total calorie goals. For protein, egg whites (I scramble half a cup of egg whites with 1 whole egg for breakfast), protein powder, powdered peanut butter, chicken breast,…
  • This! Me too! I don't have kids but I've lost a lot of body fat to the point that I barely have boobs and I still have a little belly. I had to stop losing because my ribs were showing too much and I don't find bras that fit! I'm 5'4 and 118lbs and still have tummy. I've had it my entire life- looking back at pictures,…
  • I eat the same thing most days.. For breakfast, 1 whole egg mixed with 1/3 cup of egg whites scrambled and a corn tortilla. And coffee Post-workout I usually eat a veggie burger patty with sometimes a corn tortilla or a slice of GF bread (I'm gluten and dairy intolerant). For lunch I eat grilled chicken breast, about 100g…
  • Weighing is super helpful but I don't think you have to feel bad on 1200 a day! a lot depends on how you eat as well as how many calories you burn in a day (if you are super super active or super tall or heavy it would be harder). I work out 5 days a week pretty intensely and eat 1200-1300 calories and I don't suffer (most…
  • Me too! I lost some weight at 1300 but lately I have been making more loose estimates instead of weighing and have gained a bit (despite being at a calorie "deficit" apparently). Today I start weighing again and staying under 1300.. I don't count/eat back my exercise calories though. Anyone feel free to add me! I have no…
  • Have you changed the way you eat at all? If not.. try that? I used to work out so much but it was once I changed how I ate (paired with exercise) that I noticed significant and FAST changes to my body. I think before I was probably subconsciously eating MORE when I worked out because I had burned all those calories :P But…