People who eat the same thing most of the time, or meal prep- what do you eat?



  • DisruptedMatrix
    DisruptedMatrix Posts: 130 Member
    well, maybe not 10k, but they definitely assume I'm getting some walking in, and aren't accounting for me working from my bed.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    My meal prep for the week consists of slow cooking 4-5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts to shred. I use these for sandwiches and wraps for the week.

    My day usually goes:

    Breakfast (320) two eggs, scrambled with green onions and 2 slices of bacon (the ready serve microwave kind) with coffee.

    Lunch (330) tortilla wrap with lowfat mayo, baby spinach and shredded chicken. Coffee.

    Dinner (600-800) is usually 100-130g of lean meat, steamed frozen veggies and maybe a starch (either pasta or potatoes).

    Snacks (300-500) usually are coffee (I drink a lot of coffee lol) and popcorn chips, fruit, dark chocolate or something I've baked.

    I'm currently in maintenance but my diet was pretty much exactly this while I was losing too. Only difference is my weekends are usually higher as breakfast on weekends is 750-850 calories.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    breakfast-Bowl of honey bunches of oats, i usually use unsweetened almond milk
    lunch-Chicken breast, broccoli and brown rice. sometimes I switch out the chicken for salmon.
    dinner-some times my dinner is the same as my lunch or i'll have a veggie burger with a side of veggies

    for snacks i usually have fiber one bars or strawberries, i also drink a lot of water during the day, i keep a bottle with in reach at all times.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    I eat close to the same things every day ...

    10:30 am - 1 crackers & cheese snack
    12:30 pm - 1 banana
    2:00 pm - lunch. This is usually steamed veggies, chicken, and brown rice, but might vary a bit. This week, for example, I had soup two days.
    3:30 pm - 1 yogurt (150 grams)
    4:30 pm - 2 kiwi fruit or a mandarin orange or an apple
    6:00 pm - 100 grams of cottage cheese, cucumber slices, maybe carrot or radishes + 2-4 rye crackers with a bit of margarine
    8:00 pm - dinner. This varies but is usually steamed veggies with something.
    9:30 pm - 150-200 grams of yogurt
    11:00 pm - toast with nutella and honey

    And occasionally a few cheese crackers to end my day if I'm up past about 12:30 am.

    Grand total: about 1600 to 1800 calories. :)

    I'm on a net-1400 at the moment, and usually burn 250-450 calories worth of exercise so this is within my calorie limit.

    When I was actively losing weight, I was on a net-1250 at first and then a net-1350. In order to do that, I had to drop the toast with nutella and honey unless I put in quite a bit of exercise that day.

    Personally, I wouldn't want to net anything lower than 1250. In fact, MFP put me down to 1200, and I manually raised it to 1250 because that gave me just a bit more room to work with.
  • Duane2013
    Duane2013 Posts: 35 Member
    ............what does "working from my bed" mean?? I've found doing calisthenics from atop a mattress is difficult because it gives too much....
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    Breakfast :
    -either 3 pcs of veggie bacon, cucumber, and mayo on a roll with a cheese stick
    -or 3 eggs, veggie bacon and a couple of 'chicken' tenders

    Lunch : (don't always eat)
    -2 eggs over medium, an English muffin and 2 pancakes

    Dinner :
    -a couple of hard boiled eggs and maybe a package of oatmeal

    Snacks :
    - some kind of sweet
    - meatless pepperoni pocket
  • knmorris85
    knmorris85 Posts: 14 Member
    edited October 2016
    I eat the same thing most days..

    For breakfast, 1 whole egg mixed with 1/3 cup of egg whites scrambled and a corn tortilla. And coffee
    Post-workout I usually eat a veggie burger patty with sometimes a corn tortilla or a slice of GF bread (I'm gluten and dairy intolerant).
    For lunch I eat grilled chicken breast, about 100g of rice or quinoa, and green veggies (peas, broccoli, or sauteed kale usually).
    For dinner I eat some variation of the same, or sometimes salmon or white fish (mahi mahi or grouper, whatever I can buy fresh here). Sometimes I eat lentils for lunch of dinner also/instead.
    And then at night I have a protein shake (with PlantFusion) with PB2, cocoa powder, and almond or soy milk (depending on how many calories I have left). Or sometimes protein shake with strawberries and almond milk. If I need more carbs I have a piece of fruit.

    I eat 1200-1300 calories a day.
  • mom2colbyj
    mom2colbyj Posts: 119 Member
    I do vary mine a little depending on my mood but mine goes a little like this (M-F):

    Kodiak Minute Muffin
    Kodiak Pancake Cup
    Nature Valley Protein Oatmeal

    Soup- I make them on Sunday's and portion out, freezing some.
    any one pot dish I meal prep on Sunday's to portion out for lunches.

    Salad with grilled chicken
    Dr. Prager's Veggie patty with a side
    Grilled chicken with a side

    Noosa yogurt
    Snackimal Chocolate Chip cookies
    Greek yogurt

    I am on a restricted sodium diet and have had weight loss surgery. I'm also trying to clean eat, non-GMO, and semi-vegetarian as much as possible (I eat no meat, fish, or seafood other than chicken and very occasionally turkey). My daily calorie count averages 1200.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Also, if your deficit is over 100 calories each day you really shouldn't be saying anything to me :/ I'm very annoyed by this reception.

    Sorry you are annoyed, but since you've read the boards & MFP thoroughly, then you KNOW why below 1200 is frowned on, and you how people would most likely respond, and you chose not to share any of your extensive research & rationale in any of your posts. People post every day about eating less than the recommended amount and I think others just get a little frustrated with it. It really doesn't sound like 1000 calories to me, but what would I know about that, I've only lost 148 pounds.

    Food is not weighed right anyways.. fruit, etc.. and the ones that look weighed (???) are suspect.. Food scale is lacking and it looks like 1100 calories are more than that.

  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    OP, I'm sorry that you felt judged, I have before too, as I eat 1200 calories per day. Maybe 1300 on some days. I'm not hungry, grumpy, weak or exhausted. I'm fine :) You just keep doing you <3
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    My advice...instead of asking a bunch of random people if something is ok, then getting offended when they say it's not...try it for a few weeks. What is there to lose?

    To lose .5lbs a week (I only have 5-7 to lose, so that makes sense for me) I can eat 1630 calories. Some days, depending on my "life" I might make it to 1200. Sometimes 1100...and I'm 5'11 and almost 38 years old. I feel fine. I'm not hungry, because I eat things that fill me up. If that diet fills you up and gives you energy, do it. But if in a few weeks you start feeling like crap (hair is thin, you are super tired and your personality changes), up your calories. No one can tell you what is right for you.

    If I were you, I'd add some veggies on to your potato for dinner and use butter instead of margarine. I prefer "real ingredient food".

    Good luck finding something that works for you. That's why we are all here!
  • blwasson73
    blwasson73 Posts: 92 Member
    I regularly meal prep on sundays (breakfast and lunches) for the week, as commuting, work, and grad school suck up most of my time. Usually breakfasts are a frittata or egg/veggie muffins that are easily transportable. I Grill a variety of chicken/turkey/beef and roast a ton of diffferent veggies and eat some combo of that for lunches. It works great for my time and I enjoy not having to make individual meals during the week. Find what works for you and good luck!
  • DisruptedMatrix
    DisruptedMatrix Posts: 130 Member
    edited October 2016
    Duane2013 wrote: »
    ............what does "working from my bed" mean?? I've found doing calisthenics from atop a mattress is difficult because it gives too much....

    MY job consists of me sitting on my bed working on my laptop. So the average person gets 10k steps in before their workout. I put that I was less active, but MFP is still going to assume that I'm doing more than walking to the toilet everyday, before my workout.

    @lorrpb I can understand why people reacted the way they did, but in turn I think you can understand why I reacted the way I did, considering the "tone" of the first responder. That was not caring or teaching like people claim. So I guess there was a lot of frustration going around.

    And I measure everything.

  • ds41980
    ds41980 Posts: 133 Member
    I started by getting a small notebook and making lists. I made a list of all the foods I usually would eat for breakfast like eggs, bacon, toast, coffee etc. . I did the same for lunch and dinners. Lists for lunch looked something like turkey meat, soup, tacos etc. Dinner was the same. Once I had those lists going, for the first week I made lists of meals I would like to eat. I made a list of breakfast meals (ex. waffle with PB, and turkey bacon with juice). 2 meals I would like to eat for lunch (ex taco salad, chicken soup) and then list of meals for easy dinners (frozen chicken strips, frozen pizza etc). On Saturday or sunday shop for the ingredients that I need to make said meals and cook the lunches and portion out. As the weeks went on, I was able to see which meals worked best for me and my life style and which ones were good to keep me full etc. But I tell you the pre planning lunches is the best thing I do. It keeps me right on track.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I have a 1250 daily calorie goal. In a perfect world, I wouldn't eat my exercise calories (not many because I just walk), but sometimes I eat into them.

    My stats:
    Sept 1 2016 weight: 256
    MFP SW: 246
    CW: 229.5
    GW: 150 +/-


    I'm pretty consistent with breakfast and lunch, with much more flexibility on dinner (since I prepare and eat that with my family). Breakfast is low sodium V8, an egg (scrambled or boiled, on thin crackers (50 calories for 2 crackers) with coffee and half and half. On weekends, I forgo the V8 and make an omelette with two eggs and veggies and feta.

    Lunch is two more of those crackers with a laughing cow cheese wedge, a protein such as tuna or salmon or chicken or whatever meat is leftover from dinner and a can of vegetable soup (under 150 calories for soup). Sometimes the soup is just fresh veggies if that's what I have around, but the idea is a fat, a carb, a protein and two servings of veggies for lunch and I try to keep it under between 300-400 calories total. When I am working at home and can cook myself lunch, I have sauted spinach and mushrooms.

    Snacks are typically various fruits and veggies based on what I have around but have been apples, watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, etc. If I'm sluggish I'll add a protein like peanut butter or hummus with one of my snacks.

    Dinner is the most flexible. Sometimes we grab food at Chick Fil A (grilled chicken sandwich with superfood salad), Noodles & Company (small penne rosa with grilled chicken), Chipotle (kids meal with chicken quesadilla, pinto beans, white rice, and veggies), or Modmarket (one half cheese and mushroom pizza with side arugula salad). That's about adventurous as I have been eating out and it takes a lot of planning.

    Dinners I have cooked at home have been stir fry, baked potato soup, chicken/mushroom marsala, various grilled meats with veggies and potatoes.

    My diary is open so feel free to check it out.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I feel like I get a lot of bang for my buck when it comes to 1250 calories and unless I was ill, I wouldn't go a day without eating as many of them as I can.