7lenny7 Member


  • Not sure how this month will play out. I should be continuing full on training for my 50 mile race in late July. I'm hoping to start back soon though. I'll throw out a 100 mile goal for now. Anyone else hate the new Garmin Connect home page, either on the website or on the app? I can't stand it. I wish they'd let us have…
  • @TheMrWobbly thank you for the fantastic race report, photos and video! I really enjoyed reading it. Those old guys still going at it...I hope to be one some day. That's awesome to see. Glad you and Tarun managed to find each other, very cool. 7 miles with an iffy stomach...wow! That had to be quite a distraction, and not…
  • I finished the month under my goal due to work. Just 138 out of 150 miles. Hopefully I'll get going again next week. See you in May!
  • @quilteryoyo no, I don't have a brace like that but it's been getting much better. I still feel it a little, but it's definitely on the mend. Congrats on winning your tennis match last Wednesday! Hauling and stacking wood sounds like quite a workout. I love jigsaw puzzles. If I see one out I have a hard time walking away…
  • Thanks, @quilteryoyo . It feels like tennis elbow but it happened when I was pressing on the bottom of the boat with my hand and twisted my hand around. It felt like a tendon or something rubbing hard against a bone as I twisted.
  • @ContraryMaryMary I'm glad you're seeing some improvements and hopefully you get your running mojo back soon. Oh, and SAILBOATS! That looks like a beautiful anchorage.
  • Looking great, @TheMrWobbly and @tarun_yadavA ! Congrats on the race, @TheMrWobbly Congrats on the three races, @martaindale ! Did your friend dress to the themes as well? Sounds like a fantastic weekend. A great looking family, @quilteryoyo . Glad you're having fun with tennis. Your streak is amazing! I skipped my run…
  • Nicely done, @martaindale looking forward to seeing the next outfit! 9 miles for me tonight. I didn't sleep well so I cut back on the distance and went road running instead. It also occurred to me that I told my wife that I'd cut back on running after the race so I should probably dial it back at least until we get our…
  • Way to go @daria0919 !! You did awesome!!! Love the photos.
  • Great photo, @martaindale ! Sounds like you're having a fantastic weekend. That Italian place sounds yummy
  • That's awesome, @Teresa502 ! I'd love to do some through hiking but I use a CPAP for my sleep apnea so that would make it challenging. I plan on section hiking the Superior Hiking Trail in northern MN (hope to get 100 miles knocked out in September) and may go after the Pinhoti Trail from GA to AL. That's under…
  • @AlphaHowls I am so sorry to hear what your mom and you are going through! Prayers for both of you.
  • A gift arrived from my sister today! The shirt says "and then one day I thought to myself, why don't I run for 100 miles" and the mug says "I ran 100 miles and it only took everything I had and then so. I cried a little." What a thoughtful gift to commemorate my race!
  • 5 miles tonight. It was a beautiful 45F but pretty windy so I donned a long sleeve shirt. A little bit of pain in my right knee at the start but after I was warmed up it was gone. Rest day tomorrow then I hit the trails again Saturday. Not really sure how far I'll go though.
  • @quilteryoyo they are mostly healed. I think the swelling I thought I felt was actually the dead or dying skin. I think I could have started running on Monday but I always think about @MobyCarp 's advice of always giving things one more day after you think you've healed. In this case I gave it two days. Happy birthday,…
  • Race well this weekend, @martaindale @TheMrWobbly and @daria0919 ! I look forward to hearing about the races.
  • First post run race tonight. Went out for 5, ended up with 6.5. All felt great. I could feel a bit of something on the bottoms of my feet but nothing I'd characterize as pain. It felt great to be back at it.
  • And here are the photos with descriptions under the spoiler
  • Here are videos for the start and finish to my race. In this one, I'm in a yellow shirt waving to the camera as I went by. Directly in front of me you can see a short older gentleman with a blue jacket and red hydration vest. That's Shelton the 71 year old. And here's my finish. You can see the beach in the background…
  • @quilteryoyo I imagine that the five or six folks (RD and volunteers) who were there when I finished were there until everyone finished. I stayed at the finish for the next runner who came in and cheered loudly but after that I had to sit down and drink my beer. The 71 year old went 60 miles. I found his Facebook page.…
  • Some of you may recall my hallucinations last year (none this year) and one included thinking that a rabid skunk was coming out of a tree to attack me. I found that tree this year and now feel like it wasn't such a stretch to think that in the early hours, nearly 70 miles in. Here are photos of the tree, both in daylight…
  • Recovery has gone really well. Initially the main issues were my sore back and sore feet. My back resolved in a couple of days and my feet, for the most part, took 3 days though there still was some swelling in my left foot which lasted a week. I think I'm ready to go run again at this point. Some numbers from my race…
  • Especially considering there were still SIX runners behind me. That's 25% of the finishers yet to cross. I understand they had a long weekend too and want to get home, but they have to understand that we in the back paid just as much as those in the front, and we were out there longer. I finally got through the thread last…
  • Part 2 of 2 Half Way There! Last year I reached the 50 mile mark at 14h 27m. This year I reached the 50 mile mark at...WHAT?!?!? ... 12h, 34m...nearly 2 hours ahead of last year! I was hoping for a one hour improvement. This fact gave my spirits a huge boost and I was stoked to keep pushing through the evening and night.…
  • Sorry for the long delay in posting this, but finally, here's my race report. My first post attempt exceeded the the maximum number of characters so I'm going to break this into two parts. Part 1 of 2 Bootlegger 100 Mile (they also had a 50M race, and two 10 mile races, one of which was in the dark) Dauset Trail System…
  • Half way! 50 miles in 12.5 hours. I'm over 2 hours ahead of last year's pace. Slowing down but feeling strong, and spirits are high
  • Way to go, @ContraryMaryMary ! That's awesome!
  • I met a 71 year old guy setting up next to us today. He's going for his first 100 mile finish. It's his 3rd attempt. He's my hero. His wife, 67,is running the 10 miles. She's awesome too.
  • Thanks all! We set up my base camp today, picked up my bib and swag and went to the grocery store for last minute supplies. Now I'm going through my gear, fuel and hydration one last time. We were the third group to arrive for set up so we got a great spot directly next to the the course. That's my brother in the chair. I…
  • 6 beautiful trail miles today, my last run before the race. Today I ran on the same trail system where the race is held, but not the same trails. The weather forecast for the race is near perfect...lows of 37F and high of 73F with no rain and light wind. We had to bail out of our camping and fishing trip. The first day we…