dukecrazy77 Member


  • Im not an expert nor claim to be and i dont believe everything i read but i have been working out 10 yrs or so and im not trying to get huge but i stay around 150 but i am trying to get heavier a bit and i know with muscle comes fat and what i eat and how much determines muscle and fat ratio and etc...sure i can call his…
  • http://www.acaloriecounter.com/diet/calorie-maintenance-calculator-daily-calorie-requirements/ This will give you all the answers to your questions and or concerns. If you're trying to gain weight then replace ur calories. Good luck in your journey
  • Some ppl stick to a 8 weeks routine and some 12 weeks...i have known ppl that never do the same workout twice in a 8 week period but sometimes just switching up what you do first and making it your second or third exercise can help get you pass that hump or just increasing weighy by five pound or more reps with a less rest…
  • There isnt anything wrong with putting you first. You will always have ppl trying to pull you down. The ones that support you are the ones that will help you succeed, the ones that try and knock you down are your motivation to push harder and achieve your goals. Good luck!
  • Milk, strawberry yogurt, one banana, 1 scoop of choc protein powder, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, tablespoon of honey, half cup orange juice
  • The only way you will ever gain weight is by eating, eat 500 calories over what this app suggest that you eat. Get in your proteins and good carbs amd yeah sometimes junk food will be your best friend. I was a very hard gainer so trying to eat healthy wasnt working so i had to add a few junk food snacks in there to help…
  • Brother, if your body looks like that and u need advice or input then i need to take an 8 hour class....damn son, whatever you are doing seems to be working...keep up the hard work
  • Well i am looking at doing my first contest in about a year and all though im not looking to keep my weight at 170 or so, its just a goal of mine. Gaining weight has always been hard for me, even being 37, it hasnt slowed down much at all. I use to eat anything and everything as instructed when i was younger and when i…
  • I also know, the more i gain the more I'll need to eat and eventually the stronger i get the harder it will take to gain muscle, any tips to get pass this wall?