tfisher678 Member


  • Over 120 workout videos...
  • Try Cathe LIS glide video. Worked for me. Those exercises helped me with that area better than anything else I tried. I've heard Barre work helps too.
  • Sounds like everyone is doing the best they can considering the circumstances! I like being part of this team! Did my workout video, challenges and walking the dog. Hoping to add more minutes tonight...we'll see. I asked my DS age 11 to finish up a sweet treat my hubby bought, letting him know I couldn't. His reply was…
  • I'm gonna be a little sad when the sugar,flour challenge is over...this has been the best I've EVER done. Of course I'll try to keep it up but those bonus points are so motivating! Really enjoying our group and to quote maicap; "we are crushing it, let's keep it up!" Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Trishfit, so sorry about your grandma, hope she makes a quick recovery. Visionmet, your salad made me hungry! My hubby likes to bring sweet treats into our home. I'm holding my own and won't give in! Done with my challenges today! All my exercises done! Was craving sweets, had banana and Clementine instead...trying to…
  • Sorry to hear about your bad day.Be proud you stayed the course despite of it, hope today is much better for you!
  • Countrcowgirl: thanks so much for your kind words and answering all my crazy questions! Visionmet; hope you have a great day hiking and that the weather is as nice in Florida as it is now in Georgia! Carroshepard2; Glad you had a great time with your family, it's nice to have you as a teammate!
  • Can't believe I lost a pound! My scale has been "stuck" on the number above for a while now! I'm pretty sure the avoiding sugar and white junk along with exercise has a little something to do with it! Hope all you guys are busy enjoying your own sucessful moments today!
  • Not really sure how points are added for arm challenge or Greek challenge or what I fill in the sheet. I have a total of 70 minutes exercise for today. One strength training session and walking my dog every morning helps. Also, does protein powder count as sugar? I have avoided adding any extra sugar and white processed…
  • That's how I understand it, reading the accountability discussion.
  • Hope everyone is doing well and making some progress! Question for countrcowgirl; Can I just keep track of everything (squats, arms, greek foods, exercise minutes)on paper and log it in towards the end of the week? By what day should it be added to count for our team? Are roadblocks treated the same way?
  • I'm thinking dips are referring to tricep dips. Either chair, or bench. Hands beside you, fingers pointing forward, gently dip down, hips off edge, bending the elbows straight back with no flaring. If done right, should be able to feel it in the back of the arms.
  • Day 6 done ( started Monday 29th)
  • Too funny! Looking forward to racing with all of you! Any Garmin users out there?
  • My vote is for Goal Crushers :)
  • Hello, I'm Tiffany. Looking forward to accomplishing our goals together along with the challenge of winning each week ;) I'm good with whatever is decided for a team name. This amazing race challenge sounds like so much fun, I hope we can all crush our goals and then some!
  • Just GAmom I'll try to find you angelious :)
  • Day 1 done yesterday; 55 squats, day 2 done 60....I'll probably regret starting at a higher number, until then, let's do this :)
  • I have a Garmin vivofit; my name on the connect app is GAmom. I just friend requested you; mom2cnc01. Looking for DisneyStitcher now too. Hopeful we can help motivate each other.
  • I did squats yesterday...was surprised at how little time it took, good for me to remember so I don't procrastinate. This will be a fun challenge!
  • Hello, I can't figure out why I can't edit /add. I downloaded google docs and sheets and still cannot open to edit. Any suggestions?
  • Please add me; sounds like a very fun challenge!
  • Hello team, I'm Tiffany, age 39 married 2 kids. I enjoy working out to videos and usually do 2-5 per week. I run a small business from home that can have busy times so it kind of depends on what the day looks like in finding exercise time. I'm hoping to at least lose 10 lbs. Looking forward to being on this journey with…
  • Rwh seems faster paced (even though Cathe says to go at your own pace) and a bit more impact. The music doesn't always line up with the workout Xtrain seems a little longer in length but has so many premixes for when your short on time or want an extra long workout. You can go heavy on both and each series has some unique…
  • I've used it about 4 times...I increased muscle mass and lost some weight. I consider it to be a very thorough program for anyone into lifting. Her form pointers are great! If your new to lifting, be aware of how your muscles feel. Sometimes it may take a couple days to notice muscle soreness so feel free to go a little…
  • I would love to join this group. I would like to be fit & Fabulous for my 40th birthday at the end of May. I have the same 20 lbs. I've been trying to lose for the last 13 years.
  • One egg scrambled with sauteed greens and a little cheese on top. Yum! I normally skip breakfast (especially when mornings are crazy) but love breakfast foods for lunch.